Architects: Li Xiaodong Atelier
Main structure:Wood
Type:Private clubs/recreation centres


The water house is a private house, located at the foot of snow mountain Yulong in Lijiang. Sitting on a wide open sloping site, which has a panoramic view towards Lijiang, an ancient trading settlement whose old town is famous for its historic network of waterways and bridges. The site lies at the foot of Yulong mountain, its peaks forming a dramatic backdrop to Li’s architecture. The house synthesises traditional forms and techniques to make a contemporary building that resonates with place and history. and the surrounding landscape.

水上屋是一間私人房屋,位於麗江雪山玉龍山腳下。 坐在一個寬闊的坡地上,可以眺望麗江,這是一個古老的貿易定居點,其老城區以其歷史悠久的水路和橋樑網絡而聞名。 該遺址位於玉龍山腳下,其山頂構成了李宗憲建築的引人注目的背景。 該房屋綜合了傳統形式和技術,使之成為與地點和歷史共鳴的當代建築。 和周圍的風景。

Conceived as an interlocking series of contemplative, inward-looking courtyards, the house has an open yet closed courtyard space. Closed in the sense, it is “secured” and “separated” physically from the ‘outside world” by design elements such as stonewall, reflective pool and leveling; yet it is open visually towards the outside environment.

這座房子由一系列相互關聯的沉思,內向的庭院組成,具有開放而又封閉的庭院空間。 從某種意義上講,它是封閉的,通過設計元素(例如石牆,反光池和水準儀)與“外部世界”進行“固定”和“分離”。 但它在外觀上對外部環境是開放的。

The low profile architectural language by using local material and simple “non-experimental” tectonic skill is meant to blend the “artificial” into the nature and local culture. Here, focus is given to space and atmosphere. Emphasis is on local-texture and non-decorative detailing, the idea is to make the house a background, from which, nature could be appreciated to its extreme. The cluster of simple timber and glass pavilions with tile-clad pitched roofs evokes traditional forms but is still evidently of its time. Lightweight, slatted walls delicately veil the light, and bamboo plants form a luxuriant green heart in the building’s central courtyard.

低調的建築語言通過使用本地材料和簡單的“非實驗”構造技巧來將“人工”融入自然和當地文化。 在這裡,重點放在空間和氣氛上。 重點是局部紋理和非裝飾性細節,其想法是使房屋成為背景,從中可以欣賞自然到極致。 簡單的木材和玻璃涼亭以及舖有瓷磚的斜屋頂組成的建築群喚起了傳統形式,但顯然仍然是那個時代。 輕巧的板條牆巧妙地遮蓋了光線,竹子植物在建築物的中央庭院中形成了茂密的綠色心臟。

The cooling, calming presence of water threads through the house and low eaves frame and enclose indoor/outdoor spaces. The interior space is a minimum design, the intention of which is to leave indoor space clear and simple as much as possible, so that nature could be appreciated more from within. Li considers details are important contributors to the final results of the architecture, in this case, instead of decorative details, seamless clean details are designed to provide elegance to the overall effect of architecture.

涼爽,平靜的水流穿過房屋和低簷框架,並封閉室內/室外空間。 內部空間是最小的設計,其目的是使室內空間盡可能地簡潔明了,以便可以從內部更好地欣賞大自然。 Li認為細節是架構最終結果的重要貢獻者,在這種情況下,無縫裝飾的細節取代了裝飾細節,旨在為建築的整體效果提供優雅感。

Besides the steel structure, which was contracted to a professional team, the rest of the construction was done by local villagers, this is not simply to reduce the cost, but a clear message of regional engagement with architecture practice in the local context.



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