A French country inspired residence designed by Murphy and Co. and masterfully built by John Kraemer and Sons in 2013 in Eden Prairie, Minnesota has sold for $5.3 million after dropping to $5.75 million in June 2020. The property hit the market in 2019 for $6.5 million.

由法國墨菲(Murphy&Co.)設計並於2013年在明尼蘇達州伊甸草原(Eden Prairie)約翰·克雷默父子(John Kraemer and Sons)精心建造的法國鄉村風格住宅,在2020年6月跌至575萬美元後,以530萬美元的價格售出。該物業於2019年以650萬美元的價格進入市場。

Extending 12,558 square feet, the residence sits on a 4.97 acre estate complete with ski hill and tow rope! “With idyllic views of the Minnesota River valley, this new home commands elevated views seldom seen in the Minneapolis suburbs.

住宅面積為12558平方英尺,佔地4.97英畝,配有滑雪場和牽引繩! “憑藉明尼蘇達河谷的田園風光,這座新住宅享有較高的視野,在明尼阿波利斯郊區很少見到。

The site is long and steep (including its own ski hill and tow rope), with much effort being placed on proper siting. To maximize the views, we designed a curving floor plan and large expanses of glass facing the valley, with a more subtle entry facade.


A rooftop terrace with fireplace accessed via ships ladder is a favourite destination for viewing the breathtaking sunsets.” – Murphy & Co Distinctive Residential Architecture. The home is located in the relatively small suburb of Eden Prairie, about 40 minutes from Minneapolis. Architects Murphy & Co worked with builders John Kraemer & Sons, landscape architects Topo LLC and interior decorator Manor House Interiors to create a truly world class estate.

通過船梯進入帶有壁爐的屋頂露台是欣賞壯麗日落的最佳去處。” – Murphy&Co獨特的住宅建築。該房屋位於Eden Prairie相對較小的郊區,距明尼阿波利斯(Minneapolis)約40分鐘路程。建築師Murphy&Co與建築商John Kraemer&Sons,景觀建築師Topo LLC和室內裝飾設計師Manor House Interiors共同創造了一個真正的世界級房地產。

Sometime after construction of the main house, Murphy & Co, John Kraemer & Sons and Topo LLC revisited the site to construct a charming river hut built into a hill on the property.

在建造完主屋後的某個時候,墨菲公司(Murphy&Co),約翰·克雷默父子(John Kraemer&Sons)和Topo LLC重新訪問了該地點,以建造一座迷人的河棚,將其建在該物業的山上。

“Nestled into a hill amongst a forested estate along the Minnesota River valley lies this secluded hut. Our repeat client, an avid outdoorsmen and adventurist, asked that we design a space for him to enjoy some of his hobbies. The structure would also serve as a space to park his UTV and snowmobiles.

這座僻靜的小屋坐落在明尼蘇達河谷沿岸森林樹林中的小山中。 我們的回頭客是一位狂熱的戶外活動家和冒險家,他要求我們設計一個讓他享受一些愛好的空間。 該結構還可以用作停放他的UTV和雪地摩託的空間。

The twin, open-swing carriage door entry is tucked discreetly into the hill below the owner’s home above. The hut is met by a gravel approach ascending from the river, which is located next to the owner’s private ski hill with tow rope.

敞開的雙開式馬車門入口小心地藏在主人家上方的山下。 小屋是從河上升起的礫石路碰到的,河靠近所有者的帶拖索的私人滑雪場。

The workroom has interior walls of refined knotty timber boards giving the hut a rustic yet sophisticated feel. A wall-to-wall waxed wood workbench was designed to hold tools and power equipment.”

該工作室的內部牆壁採用精緻的打結木板製成,給小屋帶來質樸而精緻的感覺。 牆到牆的上蠟木工作台被設計用來固定工具和動力設備。”


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