Architects: Shenzhen Huahui Design
Area: 3434 m²
Year: 2020
Zhi Xia, Chao Zhang
Lead Architect:Cheng Xiao
Architects:Shibo Yin, Rui Shi, Dongluo Cai, Xiaoming Zhang, Ruojing Dong (internship)
Structure Design:Mu Xu, Tingting Zhao, Changfa Li
Owner:Changsha Xiangjiang New Area Administration Committee
Construction Drawing Design:GT Architecture
Curtain Wall Design:Keyuan curtain wall
Interior Design:Gonghe design
Exhibition Design:Silulan
Landscape Design:Chuangyi Shance


In Yangliu Park near the AI technology city of Xiangjiang New District is the Xiangjiang Artificial Intelligence Technology Valley. As the parlor serving the city, the valley offers indoor and outdoor exhibitions, meetings, exchanges, receptions, and multiple services. Here we can learn and explore future frontier technology. In a picturesque park, this is also a nice place for leisure activities.

在湘江新區AI科技城附近的楊柳公園是湘江人工智能技術谷。 作為為城市服務的客廳,山谷提供室內和室外展覽,會議,交流,接待和多種服務。 在這裡,我們可以學習和探索未來的前沿技術。 在風景如畫的公園裡,這也是休閒活動的好地方。

The multiple dimensions of the construction contain two different topics. One is to develop buildings into parts of the park and further evolve into multi-layer spaces. The other is to activate buildings through space and volume of all sizes to accommodate diversified activities. The function is oriented by “vacant” spaces in the future, which can be divided into small, medium, and large dimensions.

結構的多個維度包含兩個不同的主題。 一種是將建築物開發為公園的一部分,然後進一步發展為多層空間。 另一種是通過各種規模的空間和體積來激活建築物,以適應多樣化的活動。 該功能以將來的“空白”空間為導向,可以分為小,中和大尺寸。

Technology Valley is an elliptical and semi-open circular corridor, which develops a full form for structures scattered like communities. The steel circular corridor uses 8mm thickness steel and divides into six units around the oval, thus a “folded wall” with different spaces is presented. The section connected with the outdoor exhibition is around the square in the corner. With crowds of people and low-density folds, the stronger penetration highlights the connection inside and outside the boundary. Besides, the section for social activities is intensively folded to emphasize introverted enclosure. Various features of places produce “dominant” and “implicit” relationships.

技術谷是一個橢圓形和半開放的圓形走廊,為像社區一樣分散的結構提供了完整的形式。 鋼製圓形走廊使用8mm厚的鋼,並在橢圓形周圍分成六個單元,因此呈現了具有不同空間的“折疊牆”。 與室外展覽相連的部分在拐角處的廣場周圍。 在人群密集和低密度褶皺的情況下,更強的穿透力突出了邊界內外的聯繫。 此外,社會活動部分被集中折疊以強調性格內向的人格。 場所的各種特徵產生“顯性”和“隱性”關係。

The exterior ground between the building and the circular corridor consists of four quadrants that symbolize separate features, including water courtyard, light courtyard, bamboo courtyard, and exhibition courtyard. The waterscape between the lobby and the park service hall creates enjoyable scenery. On the side of the multi-function hall and park service hall is a special courtyard for social activities, which enriches indoor functions. An enclosed square on the other side of the exhibition hall is ready for outdoor exhibitions in the years to come. The quadrant embraced by the exhibition hall and corridor makes a change with a leisure space of the green scene.

建築物和圓形走廊之間的外部地面由四個像限組成,這些象限象徵著獨立的特徵,包括水上庭院,輕型庭院,竹製庭院和展覽庭院。 大堂和公園服務大廳之間的水景營造出令人愉悅的風景。 在多功能廳和公園服務廳的側面是一個特殊的社交活動庭院,豐富了室內功能。 展館另一側的封閉廣場已準備好在未來的幾年中進行戶外展覽。 展館和走廊所包圍的象限隨著綠色場景的休閒空間而變化。

Towards the southwest is a cover with green plants and louvers to block strong light. Water on the opposite constantly absorbs heat and lowers the temperature in the process of evaporation. Affected by the southeast monsoon, cold air would go into the building. In scorching summer Changsha is tightly encircled, but these passive landscapes and buildings find a way out.

往西南方向是覆蓋著綠色植物和百葉窗的遮蓋物,以阻擋強光。 相反,水在蒸發過程中不斷吸收熱量並降低溫度。 受東南季風影響,冷空氣會進入建築物。 在炎熱的夏天,長沙被包圍,但是這些被動的景觀和建築找到了出路。

Several cubes are 31.5m, 22.5m, 16.5m, 13.5m, and 6m in length, respectively, which are placed in the circular corridor. They are composed of a 1.5m wide anodized aluminum plate and a flat glass of standard industrial finished products, which not only forms the finished square motif but also reduces the scrap rate. In view of existing functional requirements and sites, the lobby, exhibition hall, multi-function ¬hall, reception hall, and devices are scattered around parts. Apart from an independent entrance, all parts can be integrated via the lobby.

數個分別長31.5m,22.5m,16.5m,13.5m和6m的立方體放置在圓形走廊中。 它們由1.5m寬的陽極氧化鋁板和標準工業成品的平板玻璃組成,不僅形成了成品方形圖案,而且降低了廢品率。 考慮到現有的功能要求和場所,大廳,展示廳,多功能廳,接待廳和設備分散在零件周圍。 除了獨立的入口外,所有部分都可以通過大堂整合。

AI exhibition hall is located at 31.5m*31.5m*12m cube. Considering the digital display of AI technology, the space is equipped with artificial lighting. To display static exhibits, the first floor is partly open to the courtyard through French windows and utilizes outdoor scenery to introduce the natural lighting. Along the exhibition path, audiences can feel various spatial atmospheres and experiences guided by curation.

AI展廳位於31.5m * 31.5m * 12m立方體處。 考慮到AI技術的數字顯示,該空間配備了人工照明。 為了展示靜態展覽,二樓通過落地窗向庭院部分開放,並利用室外風景引入自然採光。 沿著展覽的路徑,觀眾可以感受到策展指導下的各種空間氛圍和體驗。

The park service hall consists of multi-function halls for reception and negotiation. With 175 seats, such activities as product launch, roadshow, academic report, and others can be held. Besides, a quadrate glass pavilion is placed in the water courtyard. If needed, it can be served as major scientific and technological achievements. On weekdays, it is an idyllic place to have a rest and chat.

公園服務大廳由多功能廳組成,用於接待和洽談。 擁有175個席位,可以舉辦產品發布,路演,學術報告等活動。 此外,在水上庭院中放置了一個方形玻璃亭子。 如果需要的話,可以作為重大科技成果。 在工作日,這是一個田園詩般的地方,可以休息一下和聊天。

Open and non-functional space among parts not only acts as an entrance but also optimizes the routes. The water bar, exhibition corridor, and show field are combined to render a flexible layout. A 7.5-meter-wide corridor south can be used as an exhibition hall with changing themes, which sticks out from the circular corridor and crosses the riverway in the park. A unique spatial element is developed from the mixture of the corridor and bridge, thus presenting a double visual relationship–seeing and to be seen.

零件之間的開放性和非功能性空間不僅充當入口,而且還優化了路線。 水欄,展覽走廊和表演場相結合,以提供靈活的佈局。 南面7.5米的走廊可用作主題不斷變化的展覽館,該主題從圓形走廊伸出並穿過公園的河道。 走廊和橋樑的混合體形成了獨特的空間元素,因此呈現出雙重視覺關係-可以看到和可以看到。

Ahead of scientific research and innovation that is full of uncertainties and possibilities, our design is not a building but an unrestrained spatial framework of multiple dimensions. Except for existing demands, the architecture is projected to cope with unknown expectations. Distinct from a completely standard and industrial construction system, we thirst for an exquisite design that carries greater humanistic significance and more persistent space quality.

在充滿不確定性和可能性的科學研究和創新之前,我們的設計不是一座建築物,而是一個不受約束的多維空間框架。 除現有需求外,該體系結構預計可以應對未知的期望。 與完全標準的工業建築系統不同,我們渴望一種精緻的設計,這種設計具有更大的人文意義和更持久的空間質量。


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