Casa Tapihue by Matías Zegers Arquitectos is a house in a vineyard built from white stone around a courtyard with a firepit in Casablanca, Chile.

The residence is named for the valley of Tapihue between two mountains in Chile’s wine-growing region.

MatíasZegers Arquitectos設計的Casa Tapihue是一棟位於葡萄園中的房子,該葡萄園由白色石頭圍繞在智利卡薩布蘭卡帶有壁爐的庭院周圍。


Matias Zegers Arquitectos designed the family home to give the resident plentiful ways of enjoying the natural landscape while being protected from the area’s fierce breezes.

“There will be no trees or vegetation to mediate one’s scale against vastness around the building for a while, so we wanted the house to support life not only indoors but outdoors too,” said the studio.

Matias Zegers Arquitectos設計了家庭住宅,為居民提供了豐富的自然景觀享受方式,同時免受該地區的微風吹襲。


Four volumes are arranged around a square central courtyard paved in concentric rings. A dish-shaped metal fire pit sits at the centre.

“The whole program is laid out around this patio that will provide a serene atmosphere through a hand-reach landscape full of aromas and protected from the permanent winds of Casablanca,” they added.

圍繞以同心圓環鋪砌的方形中央庭院佈置了四卷。 一個碟形金屬火坑位於中心。


Matias Zegers Arquitectos raised the house almost a metre above ground level on a concrete plinth to elevate the views above the rows of planted vines.

A grand library occupies one side of the house. Full-height glazing overlooks the courtyard internally and the valley outside.

Matias Zegers Arquitectos在混凝土基座上將房屋抬高至離地面近一米的位置,以使一排排種植的葡萄樹高出視野。

大圖書館佔據了房子的一側。 全高玻璃窗可俯瞰內部庭院和外部山谷。

Open bookcases made of wood allow for views straight through from the fire pit to the mountains.

The roofs slope up on the volumes flanking the library, which has an overhanging steel roof that creates shelter and creates an unusual roofline for the house.



“Seen from a distance the geometrical shapes resemble a strange object in the landscape emerging from the vineyard field,” said Matias Zegers Arquitectos.

Trees and plants cluster in organic-style flower beds around the exterior of the courtyard. Sliding doors can be opened to external terraces and allow smells from the vegetation to waft through the house.

Matias Zegers Arquitectos說:“從遠處看,幾何形狀就像是從葡萄園田地中冒出來的風景中的一個奇怪物體。”

樹木和植物聚集在庭院外部的有機風格花壇中。 推拉門可通向外部露台,並允許植物中的氣味散發出來。

A minimal metal water butt sits on one side, where rainwater from the roof collects and pours from a pipe into a barrel below.

Inside, the walls of chalky-white geometric stone have been left bare and contrast with poured concrete floors and warm wooden doorways and built-in furniture including shelves and low benches.



Matías Zegers Arquitectos was founded by Matias Zegers in 2010. Previous projects include horse stables near Santiago with wooden beams and a central skylight.

Photography is by Cristobal Palma.

MatíasZegers Arquitectos由Matias Zegers於2010年創立。以前的項目包括聖地亞哥附近帶有木樑和中央天窗的馬stable。

攝影是克里斯托瓦爾·帕爾瑪(Cristobal Palma)拍攝的。



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