The first images of the renovation of the Ludwig Mies van der Rohe-designed Neue Nationalgalerie in Berlin by David Chipperfield Architects have been revealed.

Neue Nationalgalerie released the images shortly after the scaffolding surrounding the building was removed following an extensive, five-year renovation of the museum by David Chipperfield Architects.

大衛·奇珀菲爾德建築師事務所(David Chipperfield Architects)在柏林展示了路德維希·密斯·凡·德·羅(Ludwig Mies van der Rohe)設計的Neue Nationalgalerie的翻新工程的第一批圖像。

在David Chipperfield Architects對博物館進行了為期五年的大規模翻修之後,Neue Nationalgalerie發布了建築物周圍的腳手架後不久發布的圖像。

The images show the restored glass-walled main hall of the museum, along with some of the refurbished exhibition halls below it.

Completed in 1968 the museum for modern art was one of Mies van der Rohe’s last major projects and his only building built in Germany following his emigration to the US.


現代藝術博物館建成於1968年,是密斯·凡·德·羅(Mies van der Rohe)的最後一項重大計劃,也是他移居美國後唯一在德國建造的建築物。

The building had not undergone any major works since its completion and was renovated to modernise its services and renovate its fabric while maintaining its original appearance.

“The refurbishment does not represent a new interpretation, but rather a respectful repair of this landmark of the International Style,” explained the studio.



As part of the renovation, David Chipperfield Architects deconstructed almost the entire shell of the building and stripped back the interiors to the structure.

The exterior was restored with glazing replaced and the distinctive steel structure recoated and re-welded. The damaged, supporting reinforced-concrete structure was also repaired.

作為整修的一部分,大衛·奇珀菲爾德建築師事務所(David Chipperfield Architects)對建築物的幾乎整個外殼進行了解構,並將內部結構還原為結構。

外部進行了修復,更換了玻璃,重新塗覆並重新焊接了獨特的鋼結構。 還修復了受損的支撐鋼筋混凝土結構。

In total 35,000 individual components were removed from the building, with the majority restored and returned into their original positions.

This includes the natural stone floor slabs and metal ceiling grills in the main hall.



Along with the restoration, the renovation has also updated the air-conditioning, lighting and security systems in the museum as well as adding a lift to improve the accessible access. The cloakroom, café and museum shop have also been improved.

The renovation is set to be complete by April 2021, with the museum due to open in August with an exhibition of works by American sculptor Alexander Calder.

除修復外,翻新工程還更新了博物館的空調,照明和安全系統,並增加了電梯以改善無障礙通道。 衣帽間,咖啡廳和博物館商店也得到了改善。

翻新工程將於2021年4月完成,博物館將於8月開放,並展出美國雕塑家亞歷山大·卡爾德(Alexander Calder)的作品。

Once the renovation is complete another major museum, designed by Swiss architecture studio Herzog & de Meuron, is planned to be built alongside the Neue Nationalgalerie and connected to it by a tunnel. The studio released renders of the Museum of the 20th Century in 2018.

Photography is by Thomas Bruns, courtesy of BBR.

裝修完成後,另一個大型博物館由瑞士建築工作室Herzog&de Meuron設計,計劃與新國家美術館一起建造,並通過隧道與之相連。 該工作室於2018年發布了20世紀博物館的渲染圖。

攝影是托馬斯·布倫斯(Thomas Bruns),由BBR提供。



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