Architects: hb+a Architects
Area: 1750 ft²
Year: 2019
Photographs: Branded Content Media, Doug Birnbaum
Manufacturers: AutoDesk, Arcadia Custom, Metallic Building Co
Clients:Box Lab
Engineering:SDE Engineering for Foundation Slab Only
Landscape:Box Lab
Consultants:Box Lab
Collaborators:Box Lab
Country:United States

建築師:hb + a Architects
照片:品牌內容媒體,Doug Birnbaum
製造商:AutoDesk,Arcadia Custom,Metallic Building Co
合作者:Box Lab

The project is a prefabricated, off-grid single-family residence produced by the R&D arm of hb+a Architects called Box Lab. The intent was to explore construction efficiencies and produce a project resilient to climate emergencies. Hafsa Burt, AIA as the architect and founder of Box Lab set ambitious goals upfront to achieve a truly off-grid project that relies only on renewable energy for all its functions. The project is a zero energy, zero carbon home with R-50 insulation to further conserve energy.

該項目是由hb + a Architects的研發部門Box Box生產的預製的離網單戶住宅。 目的是探索建築效率並製定一個應對氣候緊急情況的項目。 友邦保險(AIA)哈夫薩·伯特(Hafsa Burt)是Box Lab的創始人兼建築師,他設定了雄心勃勃的目標,以實現一個真正的離網項目,該項目的全部功能僅依賴可再生能源。 該項目是具有R-50隔熱層的零能耗,零碳住宅,可進一步節約能源。

Ahead of electrification mandates in California, the project proves to be a successful, working example of electrification not dependent on fossil fuels. The interior explores minimalist architectural form to inspire through light and color, its relationship to the land, and sweeping views. The design focus is on space and resource preservation that grasps a visitor as soon as they enter the home. The project serves as a retreat for industry peers and climate activists. The site’s ecosystem is also preserved and most all of the 9 acres remain pervious and welcome to wildlife. The topography was used to the fullest for drainage, views, and orientation. An existing creek on the site has also been left untouched. The project has a patent-pending for its unique custom features and has been customized to the site’s unique characteristics for optimum sustainability.

在加利福尼亞實行電氣化指令之前,該項目被證明是成功的,不依賴化石燃料的電氣化工作實例。 內部探索極簡主義的建築形式,以激發光線和色彩,與土地的關係以及一覽無餘的景觀。 設計的重點是空間和資源保存,只要訪客進入家中,就可以抓住訪客。 該項目是業界同行和氣候活動家的務虛會。 該地點的生態系統也得到了保護,並且9英畝的大部分土地都保持通透,並歡迎野生動植物的到來。 地形充分利用了排水,視野和方向。 該網站上現有的一條小河也未受影響。 該項目因其獨特的自定義功能而正在申請專利,並且已根據站點的獨特特性進行了定制,以實現最佳的可持續性。

An important goal of the project was to make use of prefabricated efficiencies to significantly reduce construction time and waste. The project beat all its goals. Prefabricated elements have been greatly customized for beauty, efficiency, and sustainability. hb+a Architects’ motto is “Zero (energy/carbon) is everything” and for the past 20 years, explorations into environmental sustainability, Indoor Air quality, and the health of the planet and its people have been the firm’s prime focus.

該項目的重要目標是利用預製的效率來顯著減少施工時間和浪費。 該項目實現了所有目標。 預製件已針對美觀,效率和可持續性進行了大規模定制。 hb + a Architects的座右銘是“零(能源/碳)就是一切”,在過去20年中,對環境可持續發展,室內空氣質量以及地球及其人類健康的探索一直是公司的主要重點。


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