Architects: Ana Lozano Atelier
Area: 11386 m²
Year: 2020
Photographs: Diego Opazo
Manufacturers: Efapel, Kommerling, Saloni, Troll, Vescom, ASSABLOY, Archicad, Ideal Standard
Lead Architect:Ana Lozano Portillo
Design Team:Sean Robert, María Conesa, Karol Wrona, Victor Sánchez, Andrés García, David Malagón, Ester García, Ana Pérez
Client:Bristol Hill
Engineering:Arys Diseño y Construcción

建築師:Ana Lozano Atelier
攝影:Diego Opazo
首席建築師:Ana Lozano Portillo

The first time we visited the site, the spiritual retreat house of a religious community emerged from it. We climbed onto the roof of a four-story building with no protection other than a four-inch overhang on the perimeter and we were struck by the sight. From that eerie elevated, unprotected position, we seemed to dominate the entire valley. Sierra Nevada, the Alhambra, the Cartuja, the red roofs of the building that dotted the urban area, the extensive plain…

我們第一次訪問該站點時,一個宗教社區的精神修養所就從那裡出現了。 我們爬到一棟四層樓房的屋頂上,除了四周有四英寸的懸垂之外,沒有任何保護,我們被這個景象震驚了。 從那個怪異的高架,不受保護的位置,我們似乎統治了整個山谷。 內華達山脈,阿罕布拉,卡圖加,點綴市區的建築物的紅色屋頂,廣闊的平原…

That vision lead the project from the first sketches. How could we capture that immensity when raising such a large and resounding building, capable of housing the 419 rooms of the program? How to place an immense piece, so robust that it was able to resist any quake, and yet making it light, elegant, ephemeral …

該願景從最初的草圖開始引領該項目。 當我們建造一棟能容納該計劃的419個房間的巨大而響亮的建築時,我們如何捕捉這種巨大的氣勢? 如何放置巨大而堅固的物件,使其能夠抵抗任何地震,同時又使其輕巧,優雅,短暫。

The views over the Granada city and valley were astonishing but also really challenged by a very aggressive sun bathing. In order to avoid the impact of a 92m long and 6 storeys height, we shaped the project into a sort of three arms star, curving its footprint to smooth the perspectives. The most exposed façade was designed using a cracked pattern allowing us to turn the windows off the flat line, and protecting them with long perforated scales. Their function were to protect the windows from an overly aggressive afternoon sun without giving up the fascinating views. It is presented as a tribute to Mozarabic architecture, so typical from Granada, so rich in its play of light and shadow. The challenge was not to fall into a crude imitation, but to transcend the geometric catalog of Mudejar motifs without losing the force of the light filtered through the small holes. Thus, a set of triangular perforations is intuited that, due to the need to adapt to the technical and structural requirements of the material, is finally defined by a small parametric algorithm of plastic genesis.


The result is a thousand buildings in one. It changes with the entire path of the sun, when the shadows create new patterns on the white cloths. It shines like mother-of-pearl in the solar zenith and turns golden in the sunset. And between one and the other, thousands of shapes like when you shake the crystals of a kaleidoscope.

結果是一千座建築物。 當陰影在白布上產生新圖案時,它會隨著太陽的整個路徑而變化。 它在太陽的天頂上像珍珠母一樣發光,在夕陽下變成金色。 在彼此之間,有成千上萬種形狀,例如當您搖動萬花筒的晶體時。

Young people will surely be attracted to the pool… .That strange turquoise shape that invites you to swim from a soft ramp bathed by water. Like a beach. The pristine white of the exterior contrasts with the warmth of the interiors. The rooms are dressed in blond wood and the social spaces are inspired by the bright colors of the typical Granada ceramics.

肯定會吸引年輕人到游泳池…。那奇怪的綠松石形狀,邀請您從一個浸水的軟坡道上游泳。 像沙灘。 外部的原始白色與內部的溫暖形成對比。 房間裝飾著金色的木頭,而社交空間則受到典型的格拉納達陶瓷鮮豔色彩的啟發。


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