Mexico’s Esrawe Studio has designed offices for a law firm in Mexico City with walls of books as a centrepiece.

Esrawe Studio – which was named Dezeen Awards 2020 interior design studio of the year – completed the headquarters for a law firm. The studio has nicknamed the company Corporate C as it wished to remain confidential.

墨西哥的Esrawe Studio為墨西哥城的一家律師事務所設計了辦公室,其中以書牆為中心。

Esrawe Studio(被評為年度Dezeen獎2020室內設計工作室)完成了一家律師事務所的總部。 由於希望保持機密性,該工作室給公司C取了綽號。

The office is composed of two wings that form a V-shaped floor plan and span two floors, which are connected by a wide wooden staircase. Pale oak wood walls around the stair form bookshelves to display the firm’s extensive book collection.

辦公室由形成V形平面圖的兩個側翼組成,跨過兩層,通過寬闊的木製樓梯相連。 樓梯周圍的淡橡木牆構成書架,以展示該公司廣泛的書籍收藏。

“The firm posses with pride one of the most relevant law book collection in the country,” Esrawe Studio explained.

“One of their main requests was to display them for the use of the team and visitors, which created for us the perfect excuse to use the library not only as a container but mostly to represent metaphorically the spirit and tradition of the firm.”

“公司自豪地擁有該國最相關的法律書籍之一,” Esrawe Studio解釋說。


Wooden ladders are placed on wheels and runners along the shelves to make the books accessible, while benches with grey cushions beside the stairway provide a spot for employees to read. The books add a pop of colour to an otherwise simple materal palette composed of the pale wood and soft grey furnishings.

In addition to making the most of the books, Esrawe Studio was tasked to create plenty of informal areas for Corporate C employees – of which there are over 300 – to engage in events, announcements, lectures and conferences.

It responded by arranging specialist teams into groups of cubicles and desks it describes as “clusters or neighbourhoods” with the space in between is intended for informal gatherings.

This includes an area on the ground floor that is topped by a circular opening to the floor above. There are also benches with stools that wrap around the stairway on this level.

木梯放在架子上的輪子和滑道上,以使書籍易於取用,而樓梯旁帶有灰色墊子的長凳為員工提供了閱讀的場所。 這些書籍為原本由淺色木材和柔和灰色家具構成的簡單材料調色板增添了色彩。

除了充分利用書籍外,Esrawe Studio的任務還包括為企業C員工創建大量非正式區域,其中300多個員工可以參加活動,公告,演講和會議。


這包括一樓的區域,該區域的上方是圓形的開口。 在此級別上,還有帶凳子的長凳環繞樓梯。

“Between the clusters we have integrated different configurations of lounge areas for informal meetings, gathering points and breaks that promote interaction, community and a sense of belonging,” said Esrawe Studio.

Corporate C’s 5000-square-metre headquarters is located inside a building in the capital city designed by Mexican architect Teodoro Gonzalez de León. “It has one of the best views in the city to the most important park, Chapultepec, and its volcanic skyline, in particular from the council hall,” said Esrawe Studio.

Esrawe Studio表示:“在集群之間,我們為非正式會議集成了休息區的不同配置,收集積分和休息時間,以促進互動,社區和歸屬感。”

Corporate C的5000平方米總部位於墨西哥首都建築師Teodoro Gonzalez deLeón設計的首都建築物內。 Esrawe Studio表示:“它擁有全市最重要的公園查普爾特佩克(Chapultepec)及其火山天際線的最佳景觀,尤其是在市政廳。”

To maintain views and natural light, offered by glazed walls, the studio encased private workspaces on the outer edge in glass boxes.

A number of these also wrap around an outdoor terrace, which is at the intersection of the two wings on the lower level. Designed by Taller Entorno, it features a coffee shop and a lounge area integrated with a garden.


其中一些還環繞著室外露台,露台位於較低樓層的兩個側翼的交匯處。 由Taller Entorno設計,設有咖啡廳和帶花園的休息區。

Esrawe Studio was founded by industrial designer Hector Esrawe in Mexico City in 2003.

The studio, which also recently its own workspace inside a former dance hall in the city, was named studio of the year at Dezeen Awards 2020 last month. The studio’s design for Tori Tori Sante Fe restaurant was also awarded the restaurant interior of the year.

Photography is by César Béjar.

Esrawe Studio由工業設計師Hector Esrawe於2003年在墨西哥城創立。

該工作室最近也在這座城市的前舞廳內擁有自己的工作空間,在上個月的2020年Dezeen大獎中被評為年度工作室。 工作室為Tori Tori Sante Fe餐廳設計的設計也被授予年度餐廳內部獎。




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