London studio Peter Barber Architects has created a terrace of social housing for Greenwich council on a tight site in south London that was previously occupied by garages.

Designed for residents over 60, the row of housing was built on a long site, which Peter Barber Architects founder Peter Barber said was previously thought to be undevelopable.

“We’ve found it really interesting working on this complex little site,” he told Dezeen. “It’s great to be able to build much needed social housing and make a new street too. All on a site that was previously thought to be undevelopable.”

倫敦工作室彼得·巴伯建築師事務所(Peter Barber Architects)在倫敦南部一個狹窄的場地上為格林威治議會創建了一個社會住房露台,該場地以前被車庫佔用。

一排房屋是為一個60歲以上的居民設計的,建在一個很長的場地上,Peter Barber Architects的創始人Peter Barber曾說過,以前認為這是無法開發的。

他告訴Dezeen:“在這個複雜的小型網站上工作真的很有趣。” “能夠建造急需的社會住房並新建一條街道真是太好了。所有這些都在以前被認為無法開發的地點上進行。”

The two-storey, brick housing block contains 11 apartments arranged along a new mews street. To make the most of the tight site, Peter Barber Architects arranged the homes in a “double stacked” formation, which is known historically as a Cottage or Tyneside flat.

On the ground floor, the block contains five two-bedroom homes that each have a rear outdoor space as well as a day room for the residents. The first floor contains six one-bedroom flats that are each accessible from individual stairways that lead to private terraces.

這座兩層高的磚砌房屋沿一條新的喵喵街佈置了11套公寓。 為了充分利用狹窄的場地,彼得·巴伯(Peter Barber)建築師將房屋佈置成“雙層”結構,這在歷史上被稱為平房或泰恩賽德公寓。

在底層,該街區包含五個兩居室房屋,每個房屋都有一個後部戶外空間以及一個供居民使用的日間室。 一樓包含六個單臥室公寓,每個公寓均可從通向私人露台的單獨樓梯進入。


“The scheme has no wasted space in the form of common area circulation, no common corridors or shared stairs. Instead, the project’s circulation is the mews itself,” explained Barber.

“Each home has a street-front door either in the form of a gate leading to a first-floor roof terrace or an arched ground floor entrance,” he continued. “Every home has a good-sized roof terrace or a sunny back garden.”


他繼續說:“每個房屋都有一扇通向一樓屋頂露台的門或拱形的地下入口的門。” “每個家庭都有一個寬敞的屋頂露台或一個陽光明媚的後花園。”

Barber believes that arranging the homes along a pedestrianised street, rather than in a block with a single entrance, will encourage interaction between the residents and others in the community.

“The stats for loneliness and isolation amongst older people make for depressing reading,” he said. “A significant proportion of older people live alone. Many have retired and therefore no longer have the social connections that come through work. Kids have left home, partners have perhaps died.”

“We believe that street-based housing can help with this,” he continued. “Our mews seems likely to make people quite visible to one another.”

“We hope it will become a place in which residents will be recognised by one another as they go to and from their homes, and we think it is more likely that people will feel like exchanging a friendly word in a street than they would in a common area corridor, lift or stairwell of a more conventional apartment building.”


他說:“統計數據表明,老年人的孤獨感和孤獨感使他們沮喪。” “很大一部分老年人獨自生活。許多人退休了,因此不再擁有通過工作獲得的社會聯繫。孩子們離開家,伴侶可能已經死亡。”

他繼續說:“我們相信街頭房屋可以幫助解決這一問題。” “我們的馬ws似乎很可能使人們彼此之間變得很明顯。”

“我們希望它將成為一個居民在進出家門時彼此認可的地方,而且我們認為人們更有可能在街上比在街上交流友好的語言。 普通區域的公共區域走廊,電梯或樓梯間。”

Alongside the housing, the addition of the common room will also encourage interaction between the residents, although it is currently closed due to the coronavirus pandemic.

“The common room is currently locked because of the pandemic,” explained Barber. “Its use will be a matter for residents – morning coffee get-togethers? Tea parties? Birthday celebrations? Party nights?”

“Wouldn’t it be great if it became available to other local residents so that people living around could get to know the new people on the block – let’s see,” he added.

Peter Barber Architects has previously completed a large number of housing projects in London with varied arrangements and floor plans, these include a terraced tenement block of housing in Peckham, a reinterpretation of Victorian back-to-back housing in Stratford and a housing scheme fronted with brick arches in east London.

Photography is by Morley von Sternberg.


巴伯解釋說:“由於大流行,公共休息室目前被鎖定。” “它的用途將是居民的事–早上喝咖啡聚會?茶會?生日慶典?聚會之夜?”


彼得·巴伯建築師事務所(Peter Barber Architects)之前已經完成了倫敦的大量住房項目,這些項目的安排和平面圖各不相同,其中包括佩克漢姆(Peckham)的梯田物業單位,斯特拉特福德(Stratford)維多利亞時代背靠背住房的重新詮釋以及以住房為基礎的住房計劃。 倫敦東部的磚拱。




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