Architects: FUSTER + Architects
Area: 2915 m²
Year: 2020
Photographs: Jaime Navarro
Manufacturers: AutoDesk, Ecológica Carmelo
Lead Architect:Nataniel Fúster
Design Team:Heather Crichfield, Luis R. Albaladejo, José Pagán
Clients:Carlos Flores
Engineering:José Green
Consultants:Rafael Parés, Taller 34, Inc & Redcon Construction
Country:Puerto Rico

建築師:FUSTER + Architects
攝影:Jaime Navarro
設計團隊:Heather Crichfield,Luis R. Albaladejo,JoséPagán
客戶:卡洛斯·弗洛雷斯(Carlos Flores)
顧問:RafaelParés,Taller 34,Inc和Redcon Construction

The design of this single-family residence in a suburb on the southeastern coast of Puerto Rico is mainly based on the following ideas: • The house is introverted away from the suburban street front and extroverted towards the view of the ocean on the eastern side. Thus, the structure layers from a blank wall that defines the facade to an open space defined by a roof supported on slender steel columns on the back. The house is sunken half level to further accomplish this goal and follow the existing contours.

在波多黎各東南沿海的郊區,這個單戶住宅的設計主要基於以下思想:•房屋內向遠離郊區街道,內向外向東側。 因此,結構從定義立面的空白牆到由屋頂支撐的開放空間分層,屋頂支撐在背面的細長鋼柱上。 房屋沉沒在半層,以進一步實現該目標並遵循現有輪廓。

The house uses passive means of ventilation and illumination. To achieve this, the frontal view is, in part, characterized by ‘hot air chimneys’ that double as skylights. These elements are opened opposite to the prevailing wind direction to create a suctioning effect that continuously circulates air, while illuminating of the interior spaces. • The house is located near the point where hurricane Maria made landfall in Puerto Rico. In order to create protection from such devastating atmospheric events, hurricane resistant canvas-like material that easily retracts like curtains were installed in front of windows and in part of the terrace. In some way when they are closed, they resemble the work of the artist Christo in the manner that they completely enclose and define spaces and forms. This material also allows for light to subtly enter into the interiors. Usually, hurricane shutters are an unwelcome accessory in many structures. This solution incorporates this element as an integral part of the main architectural expression.

房屋採用被動通風和照明方式。為了實現這一點,正面視圖的一部分是“熱空氣煙囪”,其特徵是可以兼作天窗。這些元件與盛行的風向相反地打開,以產生吸氣效果,使照明空氣不斷循環,同時照亮內部空間。 •房子位於颶風瑪麗亞登陸波多黎各的地點附近。為了保護免受此類破壞性大氣事件的影響,在窗戶前部和部分露台上安裝了像窗簾一樣容易縮回的耐颶風帆布狀材料。在某種程度上,當它們關閉時,它們類似於藝術家克里斯託的作品,完全封閉並定義了空間和形式。這種材料還允許光線巧妙地進入室內。通常,颶風百葉窗在許多結構中都是不受歡迎的配件。該解決方案將此元素作為主要體系結構表達的組成部分。

The house is constructed in an insulated concrete system (GCT), with a high R value, that makes it extremely efficient in terms of cooling. In the tropical environment of Puerto Rico, most concrete structures are not insulated and therefore allow the extreme heat to pass through. The plaster on the house is a structural mortar that contains the continuous insulation on the interior of the wall. The floor of the house, finished in polished exposed concrete, is the only structural element without insulation since is not needed in this climate. • The house’s compact layout feels spacious in part because it opens up to a terrace that celebrates outdoor living and links the house to the exterior. The small infinity pool in the terrace connects the long views to the horizon and the ocean to the interior of the house. It also doubles as a cistern.

該房屋採用高R值的絕緣混凝土系統(GCT)建造,因此在冷卻方面極為高效。 在波多黎各的熱帶環境中,大多數混凝土結構都沒有隔熱,因此允許極熱通過。 房屋上的灰泥是一種結構砂漿,在牆的內部包含連續的隔熱層。 房屋地板由拋光的裸露混凝土製成,是唯一沒有隔熱層的結構元素,因為在這種氣候下不需要。 •房子緊湊的佈局使人感覺寬敞,部分原因是它通向一個露台,慶祝戶外生活並將房子與外部相連。 露台上的小型無邊泳池將遠景與地平線相連,將海洋與房屋內部相連。 它也可以用作水箱。


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