Cloud-print floors and glow-in-the-dark walkways are some of the fun features art director John Pentassuglia has included in Defhouse, a home in Milan designed for young social media influencers.

Designed to be the “ideal set for producing content”, Defhouse is currently shared by seven influencers – all between the ages of 16 and 19 – who are keen to grow their followings on social media apps like Instagram and Tik Tok.

Defhouse was conceived by media company Web Stars Channel (WSC), which claims the property is the first of its kind to appear in Italy.

藝術總監約翰·彭塔蘇格利亞(John Pentassuglia)將其帶入雲層印花地板和昏暗的人行道中,這是一些有趣的功能,它位於米蘭的家中,專門為年輕的社交媒體影響者設計。

Defhouse被設計為“製作內容的理想平台”,目前由16位至19歲之間的7位網紅分享,他們熱衷於在Instagram和Tik Tok等社交媒體應用上吸引更多關注者。

Defhouse是由媒體公司Web Stars Channel(WSC)構思的,該公司聲稱該物業是意大利首個此類物業。

Several communal influencer homes, which are more commonly referred to as collab houses, have already sprung up in Los Angeles in the US, with one of the most well-known examples being The Hype House.

These palatial homes are typically presided over by a management agency, which rent out the rooms to promising social media stars. In exchange for creating popular online content, the agency can help occupants secure lucrative sponsorship deals with brands.


這些富麗堂皇的房屋通常由管理機構負責,該機構將房間出租給有前途的社交媒體明星。 以創造流行的在線內容為交換,該機構可以幫助居住者確保與品牌的豐厚贊助協議。

WSC’s founder Luca Casadei argues that Defhouse is unique in that it asks influencers to focus on producing work with depth and substance.

Those staying in the house will be asked to attend courses on issues such as sustainability and will be encouraged to learn about professions that lie beyond the realm of social media.

WSC的創始人Luca Casadei認為Defhouse的獨特之處在於,它要求有影響力的人專注於深度和實質性地製作作品。


“The young people of this generation have a low attention threshold,” Casadei explained.

“They don’t know much outside of social media and want to become famous: perfect ingredients to achieve a success that will evaporate in a flash without leaving any mark.”



Defhouse’s 500-square-metres interior was designed by art director John Pentassuglia, who had additional help from local architect Emanuele Tresoldi.

Pentassuglia wanted the rooms of the house to stylistically fall somewhere between “luxury and pop”. He ended up becoming particularly fond of the geometric patterns and vivid colours associated with the Memphis Group – the design collective founded in the 1980s by Ettore Sottsass.

Defhouse的500平方米室內空間由藝術總監John Pentassuglia設計,他得到了當地建築師Emanuele Tresoldi的額外幫助。

彭塔蘇里亞(Pentassuglia)希望房子的房間在風格上介於“奢華與流行”之間。 最終,他特別喜歡與孟菲斯集團(Emphore Sottsass)於1980年代成立的設計團隊孟菲斯集團相關的幾何圖案和鮮豔的色彩。

Patterns and colours are ubiquitous in the living area, where walls have been painted to feature a mixture of stripes, zigzags, triangles and dashes. Amorphous balls of white netting have been suspended from the ceiling to resemble clouds.

One corner of the room is dominated by a blue-and-pink sectional sofa with zebra-print inserts. There are also a couple of quirky soft furnishings from Italian brand Seletti’s joint collection with Toiletpaper magazine, including a yellow polka-dot rug that’s centred by an image of grimacing teeth.

圖案和顏色在生活區域中無處不在,在該區域中,牆壁被粉刷成條紋,鋸齒形,三角形和虛線的混合物。 白色網狀無定形球從天花板上懸掛下來,像雲一樣。

房間的一個角落是藍色和粉紅色的帶斑馬紋嵌入物的組合沙發。 意大利品牌Seletti與Toiletpaper雜誌的聯名系列還有一些古怪的軟質家具,包括黃色的圓點地毯,其中心是做鬼臉的牙齒。

Expansive glazed doors running along the front of the living area can be slid back to grant access to an outdoor terrace complete with a jacuzzi.

Clouds appear again on the laminated floor of the kitchen. Its white storage cabinets also boast playful doodles of cooking utensils and ingredients.


雲再次出現在廚房的層壓地板上。 白色的儲物櫃還帶有有趣的炊具和配料塗鴉。

A series of lengthy corridors lead to Defhouse’s sleeping quarters – some of the corridors feature an all-over chequerboard print, while others have walls inscribed with glow-in-the-dark writing.

Each of the bedrooms – as well as their adjoining bathrooms – has been completed in a different “Insta-friendly” hue and decorated with neon artworks that are shaped like emojis.


每個臥室以及與其相連的浴室都以不同的“ Insta友好型”色調完成,並裝飾有形狀像表情符號的霓虹燈藝術品。

Apps such as Instagram and Tik Tok are continuing to gain power and influence beyond the world of social media celebrities.

A bite-sized Tik Tok dance challenge called The Renegade – created by American teen Jalaiah Harmon – was even shortlisted in this year’s edition of the Beazley Designs of the Year awards, after the dance was replicated by 29.7 million of the app’s users.

Photography is by Simone Furiosi.

Instagram和Tik Tok之類的應用程序繼續在社交媒體名人世界以外的地方獲得影響力。

由美國青少年Jalaiah Harmon創作的一口小規模的Tik Tok舞蹈挑戰賽The Renegade甚至在今年的Beazley年度設計大獎中入圍,此舞蹈被2970萬該應用程序的用戶複製。

攝影是西蒙娜·弗里歐西(Simone Furiosi)。



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