Olson Kundig Architects principal Alan Maskin has renovated and extended a beach cabin from 1938 in Washington State, turning it into his wood-lined retreat.

Agate Pass Cabin overlooks the Agate Passage, a tidal waterway on the Olympic Peninsula. Maskin added a first-floor extension and proper foundations to the old cabin.

Olson Kundig Architects的負責人Alan Maskin從1938年開始在華盛頓州翻新並擴建了一個海灘小屋,將其變成了他的林蔭小屋。

瑪瑙通道客艙俯瞰著瑪瑙通道,這是奧林匹克半島上的潮水道。 Maskin在舊機艙中增加了一層擴展和適當的基礎。

Original wide planks of Douglas fir – a species that was bountiful in the region 100 years ago – still line the walls and ceilings.

Where some panels were taken down to make room for alterations, the wood was refashioned into cabinets or storage or used to line new ceilings.



Contrasting wood such as Gulam plywood was chosen for additions to the cabin, to clearly mark what is original 1930s and what is new.

Maskin bought the cabin as a dream renovation project, although it took him years to find the time to work on it after he was made an owner of Olson Kundig Architects.

“My work life and love life were separated by Elliott Bay and a three-hour commute,” said Maskin.

“I was looking for a small, extremely inexpensive fixer-upper. In my dreams, I wanted it to be a small cabin with a view of the water – hopefully with some character – and located somewhere in the middle of my two primary destinations.”


Maskin買了這間小屋,將其作為夢想的翻新項目,儘管在他成為Olson Kundig Architects的所有者之後,他花了很多年才找到時間進行維修。

Maskin說:“我的工作生活和愛情生活被Elliott Bay和三個小時的通勤分隔開了。”

“我一直在尋找一個很小的,非常便宜的定影液。在我的夢想中,我希望它是一個可以看到水景的小木屋-希望有一些特色-並位於我兩個主要目的地的中間。 ”

When he heard the cabin had come up for sale he went to view it and realised that he could see Agate Pass if he climbed up on the roof.

“I hired a residential building inspector to check it out and make sure that buying such a rundown house wasn’t insane,” added Maskin.

“While he was underneath looking at the foundations of the house, I noticed 12 bald eagles flying directly over the house. Let’s just say that after that, the inspector’s report didn’t seem as necessary.”




After years sleeping on a mattress in the cabin’s unheated attic while he was busy with Olson Kundig Architects, Maskin finally found the time to redesign the cabin.

New foundations were added, with seismic upgrades as the Pacific Northwest sits on a fault line called the Cascadia subduction zone.

在他與奧爾森·昆迪格建築師(Olson Kundig Architects)忙碌時,他在機艙未加熱的閣樓上的床墊上睡了多年之後,馬肯(Maskin)終於找到了重新設計機艙的時間。


The low ceiling between the living room and the attic was removed, opening the space up to create a five-metre-high vaulted roof beneath the gables. A wood-burning sits on a raised metal hearth.

A screened-in porch was turned into a dining room and office space with views over the gardens.

客廳和閣樓之間的低矮天花板被拆除,打開了空間,在山牆下方創建了一個五米高的拱形屋頂。 燒木頭的人坐在凸起的金屬壁爐上。


Maskin also designed the bed and armoire. Above the office space is a first-floor outdoor terrace.

Other artworks on display in Agate Pass Cabin include works by Seattle artists such as Sutton/Beres/Culler, Leiv Fagereng, Karen Rudd, Rebecca Raven, Chris Crites, David Eisenhour, Mary Larson and Klara Glosova.

Seattle-based Olson Kundig Architects was founded in 1967 by Jim Olson. More cabins from the practice include a writer’s cabin with drawbridge-style shutters and a narrow yet tall cabin for a family.

Photography is by Aaron Lietz.

Maskin還設計了床和衣櫥。 辦公室上方是一樓的室外露台。


西雅圖的Olson Kundig Architects建築師由吉姆·奧爾森(Jim Olson)於1967年創立。 實踐中更多的小屋包括帶吊橋式百葉窗的作家小屋,以及適合家庭的狹窄而又高的小屋。

攝影是亞倫·利茲(Aaron Lietz)。



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