Architectural photographer Edmund Sumner’s latest film uses drones to capture Sameep Padora & Associates’ recently completed Hindu temple complex in Andhra Pradesh, India.

Filmed over the course of two days at the Temple of the Steps, the video is a collaboration between Sumner, the building’s architects and Kasper Bjørke, who composed the soundtrack.

“I wanted to create a piece of work informed by intuition rather than logic,” Sumner told Dezeen.

“The soundtrack was crucial,” he continued. “It was very much a collaboration with Kasper Bjørke who immediately understood the piece and what I was trying to convey. He explained that [his music] was written for a friend who had passed away, so the scene and meditative nature of the imagery matched well.”

建築攝影師埃德蒙·薩姆納(Edmund Sumner)的最新電影使用無人機捕捉了Sameep Padora&Associates最近在印度安得拉邦完成的印度教廟宇建築群。

該視頻在台階寺(Temple of Steps)上進行了為期兩天的拍攝,該視頻是建築物的薩姆納(Sumner)與建築原聲帶的卡斯珀·比約克(KasperBjørke)的合作。


他說:“配樂至關重要。” “與卡巴斯爾·比約克(KasperBjørke)的合作非常重要,他立即理解了這首樂曲以及我想傳達的內容。他解釋說,[他的音樂]是為去世的一位朋友而寫的,因此圖像的景象和冥想性質相匹配 好。”

Edmund Sumner films black-granite Hindu temple in India

The film combines camera footage with drone footage to show the Hindu temple complex, which was built near the village of Nandyal, from all angles.

Partially surrounded by a moat that was created by diverting waste water from a nearby quarry, the temple is formed of three stepped structures made from stacked slabs of black limestone.

The complex’s two shrines are topped with towers, while an elongated building contains the priest’s quarters and a kitchen for preparing offerings.




Sumner, who is known for his stills photography, created the film as part of a series of recent videos in which he is experimenting and learning about the moving image.

“I’m new to film but very excited about the possibilities, after 20 years of shooting stills it’s quite liberating being a ‘rookie’ again,” said Sumner.

“The film is a celebration of the community and a testimony to the simpler, joyful things in life,” he continued. “Shot just before the pandemic struck, it’s a happy scene and a shoot I’ll never forget.”



他繼續說:“這部電影是對社區的慶祝,是對生活中簡單,快樂的事情的見證。” “在大流行來臨之前拍攝,這是一個令人難忘的場面,我永遠不會忘記拍攝。”



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