Architects: JKMM Architects
Area: 4700 m²
Year: 2020
Photographs: Tuomas Uusheimo, Pauliina Salonen
Client:Municipality of Kirkkonummi

建築師:JKMM Architects
攝影:Tuomas Uusheimo,Pauliina Salonen

JKMM ARKKITEHDIT 20201001, Kirkkonummen kirjasto

Kirkkonummi is a municipality of 40,000 inhabitants near Helsinki built around its Medieval stone church. Facing the church, JKMM has transformed the old city library. Together with the nearby open market, the church and library create the civic centre of Kirkkonummi. JKMM have therefore emphasised the relationship of the library with the neighbouring church by designing a 50-metre long sheltered terrace overlooking the church yard. The copper shingle cladding of the new library, called Fyyri, also relates back to its maritime heritage setting.

柯克科努米(Kirkkonummi)是赫爾辛基附近中世紀石教堂附近建造的4萬名居民的自治市。 面對教堂,JKMM改變了舊城區的圖書館。 教堂和圖書館與附近的開放市場一起,創建了柯克科努米的市民中心。 因此,JKMM通過設計一個50米長的帶頂棚的露台,俯瞰教堂的院子,強調了圖書館與附近教堂的關係。 新圖書館稱為Fyyri的銅瓦覆面也與它的海洋遺產環境息息相關。

Fyyri is an adaptive reuse project built using the existing concrete structure of the original 1980s library. JKMM has remodelled the 80s building, doubling its volume, and introducing a large variety of accommodation for community uses such as rooms for toddler group activities, youth clubs as well as exhibition areas and spaces for events and performances. The ground level café has a generous 198 m2 reading lounge dedicated to newspapers and periodicals.

Fyyri是一個自適應重用項目,它使用原始1980年代圖書館的現有混凝土結構建造。 JKMM對80年代的建築進行了翻新,使其體積增加了一倍,並為社區提供了各種各樣的住宿空間,例如幼兒團體活動室,青年俱樂部以及展覽和活動和表演場所。 地面咖啡廳設有198平方米的寬敞閱讀休息室,專用於報紙和期刊。

The reading rooms at Fyyri respect the Finnish Modernist tradition of libraries that ennoble the idea of books and learning through their highly crafted design and carefully detailed interiors. At Fyyri, the interiors include bespoke lighting with brass fittings that create warmth and also a sense of dignity that is in keeping with this building typology. Brass is also used by JKMM in the library’s new entrances and hand railings in a way that is inviting and intuitively leads visitors through the public areas. Today brass is, of course, all the more appreciated as a material for its inherently anti-bacterial properties but when designing the building JKMM wanted a finish that would contrast with the concrete surfaces that dominate the architecture.

Fyyri的閱覽室尊重芬蘭現代主義圖書館的傳統,通過其精湛的設計和精心細緻的內部裝飾,使書籍和學習的思想高尚。 在Fyyri,內部裝飾包括採用黃銅配件的定制照明,這些配件營造出溫暖,並具有與這種建築類型一致的尊嚴感。 JKMM還將黃銅用於圖書館的新入口和扶手中,以一種吸引人的方式並直觀地引導遊客進入公共區域。 當然,如今,黃銅因其固有的抗菌特性而越來越受到人們的青睞,但是在設計建築時,JKMM希望採用一種能夠與主導建築的混凝土表面形成對比的飾面。

The main reading hall’s design is made up of rhythmic fair faced concrete posts and beams. Indirect natural light filters through this column-like framework creating patterns that are similar to daylight rippling through a forest of trees. Overall, the building is inspired by its surrounding coastal landscape particularly in the tonality of its interiors.

主閱覽室的設計由有節奏的光面混凝土柱和橫梁組成。 通過這種類似柱子的框架的間接自然光濾鏡可以產生類似於日光在樹林中蕩漾的圖案。 總體而言,該建築的靈感來自其周圍的沿海景觀,尤其是其內部的色調。

For example, JKMM’s interior design team has played on local nature in their choice of subdued colours and of materials like wool and felt upholstering, and have worked with Finnish artist Petri Vainio to create an in-situ art piece in the ceiling of the main entrance lobby that represents a bed of reeds. As in other JKMM, projects the interiors team have emphasised the role of fitted furniture in continuing the architectonic qualities of the building form. Slatted timber walls and ceilings also feature in a way that blurs the division between the hand of architect and that of the interior designer.

例如,JKMM的室內設計團隊在選擇柔和的色彩以及羊毛和氈墊裝飾材料等材料的過程中發揮了當地自然的作用,並與芬蘭藝術家Petri Vainio合作在主入口的天花板上創作了現場藝術品 大廳代表蘆葦床。 與其他JKMM項目一樣,室內設計團隊強調了成套家具在延續建築形式的建築品質中的作用。 板條狀的木牆和天花板的設計也模糊了建築師與室內設計師之間的分工。

Fyyri represents a new generation of Finnish libraries which JKMM were active in shaping when they designed the studio’s first project, the competition winning Turku City Library, that opened in 2007. JKMM have since completed two major
extensions to landmark libraries in Finland that were designed by Alvar Aalto.

由Alvar Aalto設計的芬蘭地標圖書館的擴展。

Teemu Kurkela founding partner at JKMM says, “Libraries are no longer solely about books, but about sharing knowledge and experiences through multiple channels. This phenomenon has changed the library typology; making contemporary libraries into places for finding inspiration, learning new things through reading and other activities and also getting together. They are not unlike community halls. This is why Finns today refer to libraries as public living rooms.”

JKMM的創始合夥人Teemu Kurkela說:“圖書館不再僅僅是書籍,而是通過多種渠道共享知識和經驗。 這種現象改變了圖書館的類型。 使當代圖書館成為尋找靈感,通過閱讀和其他活動學習新事物以及聚會的場所。 它們與社區大廳沒什麼不同。 這就是為什麼芬蘭人今天將圖書館稱為公共起居室。”

JKMM see this community function and non commercial quality of Fyyri as integral to creating a civic foundation that is about solidarity and well-being for Kirkkonummi as it grows to accommodate more inhabitants including a new wave of Helsinki commuters. The fact that the interior design of Fyyri was considered an important part of the commission by the City of Kirkkonummi shows that the municipality understood that their residents will experience this remodelled library as a concrete expression of Finnish values.

JKMM將Fyyri的社區功能和非商業性質視為創建公民基金會的重要組成部分,該基金會為Kirkkonummi提供團結和福祉,因為它可以容納更多居民,包括新的赫爾辛基通勤者。 Kirkkonummi市認為Fyyri的室內設計是委員會的重要組成部分,這表明該市政府了解其居民將體驗這座改建後的圖書館,這是芬蘭價值觀的具體體現。

JKMM’s Interior Architect Tiina Rytkonen says, “Fyyri’s interior was designed to be welcoming and also intimate in a way that enables everyone to find their rightful home in the building. By reusing the 80s structure, the interior also has the sort of unanticipated spaces that come with working with older structures. There are cozy spaces and hideaways too perfect for children’s stories.” The 4.700 m2 library opened to the public in October 2020.

JKMM的室內設計師Tiina Rytkonen說:“ Fyyri的室內設計既溫馨又親密,使每個人都能在建築物中找到自己的合法住所。 通過重新使用80年代的結構,內部還具有與舊結構一起使用時出現的各種意想不到的空間。 這裡有舒適的空間和庇護所,對孩子們的故事來說太完美了。” 這個佔地4.700平方米的圖書館於2020年10月向公眾開放。

JKMM ARKKITEHDIT 20201028, Kirkkonummen kirjasto


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