Architecture firm OMA is building a seven-mile-long, underwater sculpture park, which it says will bolster the shoreline of Miami Beach against the effects of climate change and include installations that can only be viewed while snorkeling.

Initiated by Argentinian curator Ximena Caminos, The ReefLine is intended to respond to, and raise awareness of, the way climate change is causing rising sea levels and coral reef damage in the coastal city.

OMA partner Shohei Shigematsu, who heads the firm’s New York office, is leading the masterplan project, working with a team that includes marine biologists, researchers, architects and coastal engineers.


ReefLine由阿根廷館長Ximena Caminos發起,旨在應對氣候變化引起沿海城市海平面上升和珊瑚礁破壞的方式並提高人們的認識。

OMA合夥人Shohei Shigematsu(該公司紐約辦事處的負責人)正在領導總體規劃項目,該團隊與包括海洋生物學家,研究人員,建築師和海岸工程師在內的團隊合作。

“The ReefLine is a unique project that brings attention to and mitigates the dangers of climate change in Miami Beach, while simultaneously enriching the city’s vivid art scene,” Shigematsu explained.

“We look forward to collaborating with a diverse group of experts and professionals on our first underwater cultural masterplan and sculpture.”

The ReefLine masterplan will be composed of geometric concrete modules, stacked approximately 20 feet (six metres) under water and approximately 900 feet (247 metres) off shore. They will run seven miles from South Beach at the southern end of the city all the way to the north to enhance the coastal resilience of the Miami Beach shoreline.

重松解釋說:“ ReefLine是一個獨特的項目,旨在引起人們的注意並減輕邁阿密海灘氣候變化的危險,同時豐富城市的生動藝術景觀。”


ReefLine總體規劃將由幾何混凝土模塊組成,在水下堆疊約20英尺(六米),在海上堆疊約900英尺(247米)。 他們將從城市南端的南海灘一直延伸到北部七英里,以增強邁阿密海灘海岸線的沿海彈性。

As climate change warms the ocean and causes damage to coral, this structure is also intended to act as an artificial reef where endangered marine life can live.

To achieve this, structures will be constructed with State of Florida-approved materials for artificial reef deployment. According to the team this includes concrete and limestone as they are chemically similar to natural reef substrate.

“The ReefLine will provide structure for corals and sponges to naturally colonize, adding biodiversity to an area that is currently an underwater desert of sand,” Caminos told Dezeen. “In the future, we are looking into the feasibility of transplanting nursery grown corals to the structure from University of Miami’s Rescue-a-Reef programme.”

Artworks installed in between the concrete framework will also be made of similar materials and intended as an extension of the reef. Contributing artists will have access to a 3D printer that is able to replicate artificial reef modules from cement to include in their designs.

Featured projects are being curated by Caminos, who is also the founder of BlueLab Preservation Society, and a curatorial advisory board. The project is being completed with Coral Morphologic, City of Miami Beach and the University of Miami.



卡米諾斯對Dezeen說:“ ReefLine將為珊瑚和海綿提供自然棲息的結構,為目前是水下沙質沙漠的地區增加生物多樣性。” “將來,我們正在研究將苗圃種植的珊瑚移植到邁阿密大學的救援珊瑚礁計劃的結構中的可行性。”



“This series of artist-designed and scientist-informed artificial reefs will demonstrate to the world how tourism, artistic expression, and the creation of critical habitat can be aligned,” Caminos explained.

“The ReefLine is a singular investment in civic infrastructure, public art and environmental protection that will pay dividends over the coming decades and attract ecologically-minded tourists and art lovers to Miami Beach.”

OMA is also among the contributing artists and will be one of the first to complete its structure in the sea. Its design will be composed of spiral stairs rotated around a circular opening overhead.


“ ReefLine是對公民基礎設施,公共藝術和環境保護的一項特殊投資,將在未來數十年中分紅,並吸引具有生態意識的遊客和藝術愛好者前往邁阿密海灘。”

OMA也是其中的特約藝術家之一,並且將是第一個在海洋中完成其結構的人。 其設計將由圍繞圓形開口上方旋轉的螺旋樓梯組成。

Argentinian conceptual artist Leandro Erlich, meanwhile, will create a sculpture of a traffic jam. The project will be an underwater version of his Order of Importance installation, which featured 66 sand-covered sculptures of cars and trucks on Miami Beach to raise awareness of the climate-change crisis.

Construction on The ReefLine is set to begin next year and will be completed in seven stages. The first mile is slated to finish in 2021.

The ReefLine is among a number of projects venturing under the sea. Earlier this year Swiss designer Yves Behar unveiled his design for French ocean conservationist Fabien Cousteau’s underwater pressurised research station that will be “the ocean’s equivalent to the International Space Station”.

Other completed underwater architecture projects include a restaurant in Norway by Snøhetta, a Maldives villa with a bedroom under the sea and the Coral Greenhouse by Jason deCaires Taylor on the seabed off the coast of Australia.

Renderings are courtesy of OMA unless stated otherwise.

同時,阿根廷概念畫家Leandro Erlich將創作一幅堵車雕塑。該項目將是他的“重要訂購”裝置的水下版本,該裝置在邁阿密海灘上展出了66件被沙子覆蓋的汽車和卡車雕塑,以提高人們對氣候變化危機的認識。


ReefLine是眾多在海底冒險的項目之一。今年早些時候,瑞士設計師伊夫·比哈爾(Yves Behar)為法國海洋保護主義者法比恩·庫斯托(Fabien Cousteau)的水下加壓研究站揭幕了他的設計,該站將“相當於國際空間站的海洋”。

其他已完成的水下建築項目包括Snøhetta在挪威的一家餐廳,一間在海底有臥室的馬爾代夫別墅和Jason deCaires Taylor的Coral Greenhouse在澳大利亞沿海海底。




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