Translucent glass tubes meet with curvy roofs “imagined from cloud circles” in this art museum US firm Steven Holl designed for Museum of Fine Arts Houston.

Steven Holl Architects’ Nancy and Rich Kinder Building – which forms part of a major campus redesign – is split into segments topped with curved roofs. This creates gaps for natural light to enter into the galleries inside the 164,000-square-foot (15,200-square-metre) building.

在這家為休斯敦美術博物館設計的美國藝術公司史蒂芬·霍爾(Steven Holl)設計的博物館中,半透明的玻璃管與彎曲的屋頂“從雲圈中想像”相遇。

史蒂芬·霍爾建築師事務所(Steven Holl Architects)的南希和里奇·金德大廈(Nancy and Rich Kinder Building)是校園重大設計的一部分,被分成幾部分,上面有彎曲的屋頂。 這會為自然光進入164,000平方英尺(15,200平方米)的建築物內的畫廊創造間隙。

“The Texas sky opens 180-degrees overhead above a luminous canopy covering the new building,” said Steven Holl Architects.

“Concave curves, imagined from cloud circles, push down on the roof geometry, allowing natural light to slip in with precise measure and quality, perfect for top-lit galleries.”



Tube-like laminated glass covers the exterior to contrast existing buildings on Museum of Fine Arts Houston campus – including an adjacent transparent glass and steel building by Mies van der Rohe, and an opaque stone building by Rafael Moneo.

On the west side of Nancy and Rich Kinder Building transparent glass tubes wrap around an arcade area.

管形夾層玻璃覆蓋外部,與休斯敦美術博物館校園內的現有建築物形成對比,包括密斯·凡·德·羅(Mies van der Rohe)相鄰的透明玻璃和鋼結構建築,以及拉斐爾·莫內奧(Rafael Moneo)的不透明石材建築。


The transparent cladding, formed of laminated glass tubes with semicircular sections, is suspended from steel supports cantilevered off the concrete walls. Tubes are bolstered together by aluminium clips and rest on a steel shelf at their base.

A small cavity between the glass and the concrete acts as a “cold jacket” for the building so that it doesn’t overheat.

由具有半圓形截面的夾層玻璃管形成的透明覆層從懸挑在混凝土牆上的鋼支架上懸掛下來。 管子用鋁夾固定在一起,並放在其底部的鋼架子上。


The tubes follow the building’s unusual curvy roofline at the top and have different relationships between with ground. For example, some stop above concrete benches while others are open at the bottom so visitors can look all the way up.

According to the firm, the facade features a total of 1,103 pieces of glass in over 450 different sizes.

這些管子沿著建築物頂部不尋常的彎曲屋頂線,與地面之間的關係不同。 例如,有些停在混凝土長椅上方,而另一些則在底部敞開,因此遊客可以一直向上看。


Steven Holl said it developed the facade by experimenting in its workshop with 1:1 scale acrylic rods that were cut in half and laminated to acrylic sheets, which it found to create an interesting light play.

Seven gardens are cut into the building’s footprint to denote different entry points with the largest located at the Texas city’s Bissonnet and Main Street intersection. This also forms principal access to the Museum of Fine Arts’ Susan and Fayez S Sarofim Campus.

Inside, the curved underside of the roof acts as a reflector of the natural light into galleries organised over two levels. They have views into various gardens around the building with trellises providing shade from strong sunlight.

“When standing in the new entrance lobby of the Kinder Building, one can see gardens and lush Houston vegetation in four directions and feel the inviting energy of a new sense of openness to the community,” said Steven Holl Architects.

史蒂文·霍爾(Steven Holl)表示,通過在其車間內對1:1比例的丙烯酸棒進行了試驗,將其切成兩半並層壓到丙烯酸板上,從而開發出了一種有趣的輕型遊戲。

七個花園被切入建築物的佔地面積,以表示不同的入口點,其中最大的入口位於德克薩斯州城市的Bissonnet和Main Street交匯處。 這也是進入美術博物館蘇珊(Susan)和Fayez S Sarofim校園的主要通道。

在內部,屋頂彎曲的下側充當自然光的反射器,這些自然光進入組織成兩層的畫廊。 他們可以看到建築物周圍的各種花園,而格子則可以遮擋強烈的陽光。


The Nancy and Rich Kinder Building is one of two structures that Steven Holl Architects has developed as part of a new masterplan of the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston (MFAH)’s 14-acre (5.7-hectare) site. The project also involved the replacement of the 35-year-old Glassell School of Art, which was completed in 2018.

The firm beat finalists Morphosis and Snøhetta in an international competition in 2012 for the campus redesign. The firm’s scheme, first unveiled in 2015, aimed to add new buildings to offer a “complementary contrast” to structures by Mies van der Rohe and Rafael Moneo.

南希和里奇·金德大廈是史蒂文·霍爾建築師事務所開發的兩種結構之一,這是休斯頓美術博物館(MFAH)14英畝(5.7公頃)用地的新總體規劃的一部分。 該項目還涉及更換擁有35年曆史的Glassell藝術學院,該學院於2018年完工。

該公司在2012年進行的國際校園重新設計比賽中擊敗了決賽入圍者Morphosis和Snøhetta。 該公司的計劃於2015年首次公佈,旨在增加新建築物,以與Mies van der Rohe和Rafael Moneo的建築物形成“互補的對比”。

Architect Steven Holl founded his eponymous firm in 1976. Today it has offices in New York and Beijing and is headed up by Holl with partners Chris McVoy, Roberto Bannura and Noah Yaffe.

Its recent projects include the Winter Visual Arts Building in the arboretum of Franklin & Marshall College in Lancaster, Pennsylvania and a concrete New York library with “sculpted cuts”. The latter was slapped with a lawsuit for inaccessibility issues shortly after its completion last year.

Photography is by Peter Molick unless stated otherwise.

建築師史蒂文·霍爾(Steven Holl)於1976年成立了他的同名公司。如今,它在紐約和北京設有辦事處,由霍爾(Holl)與其合夥人克里斯·麥克沃伊(Chris McVoy),羅伯托·班努拉(Roberto Bannura)和諾亞·耶菲(Noah Yaffe)共同領導。

它最近的項目包括賓夕法尼亞州蘭開斯特的富蘭克林與馬歇爾學院植物園的冬季視覺藝術大樓,以及帶有“雕刻刻痕”的紐約混凝土圖書館。 去年完成後不久,後者因無法訪問問題遭到訴訟打耳光。

除非另有說明,否則攝影是彼得·莫里克(Peter Molick)創作的。



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