These photographs by architect Alessandra Cianchetta capture the construction of the tilted and patterned walls of the extension OMA has designed for a Jewish temple in Los Angeles, California.

The project, called Audrey Irmas Pavilion, will mark OMA’s first cultural building in California when it completes early next year.

建築師Alessandra Cianchetta拍攝的這些照片捕捉了OMA為加利福尼亞洛杉磯的一座猶太神廟設計的延伸牆的傾斜和圖案牆的構造。

該項目名為Audrey Irmas Pavilion,將於明年年初竣工,標誌著OMA在加利福尼亞的第一座文化建築。

First unveiled in 2018, it will provide a series of multi-functional gathering spaces alongside the Wilshire Boulevard Temple, which is home to one of the largest Jewish congregations in the city.

As shown in Cianchetta’s photos, the design is composed of tilted walls that will be eventually completely covered in hexagonal shapes. These tiles are punctured by rectangular openings that are rotated in different directions.

它於2018年首次亮相,將在Wilshire Boulevard Temple旁邊提供一系列多功能的聚集空間,Wilshire Boulevard Temple是該市最大的猶太教堂之一。

正如Cianchetta的照片所示,該設計由傾斜的牆壁組成,這些牆壁最終將完全被六角形覆蓋。 這些瓷磚被沿不同方向旋轉的矩形開口刺穿。

OMA developed the decorative exterior to reference the interior murals of the existing building, which was completed in 1929 and provides an example of Byzantine Revival architecture style, with key features including its dome-shaped roof.

The slanted facades of Audrey Irmas Pavilion will be punctured by an arched doorway facing the street and an opening to terrace on the western wall.

There will also be a third smaller glazed opening below this that forms an entrance from a courtyard slotted between the old and new buildings.

Inside, Audrey Irmas Pavilion will have the main event space, a smaller multi-purpose room and a sunken garden. According to the firm, these will be “stacked one atop another to establish vantage points and framed views in and out”.


奧黛麗·艾瑪斯(Audrey Irmas)涼亭的傾斜外牆將被面向街道的拱形門口和西牆上露台的開口所刺穿。


在內部,Audrey Irmas Pavilion將擁有主要活動空間,更小的多功能室和下沉式花園。 據該公司稱,這些將“堆疊在另一個之上,以建立有利的位置,並以內外取景”。

OMA partner Shohei Shigematsu and his New York-based team won a competition in 2015 to design the extension – named after lead donor Audrey Irmas – for the Erika J Glazer Family Campus.

Occupying an entire block, the campus is composed of the temple, an early-learning centre, elementary school and a religious school.

Audrey Irmas Pavilion is among a number of projects that OMA New York has underway across the US. Others include the design of galleries in Gio Ponti’s Denver Art Museum and an extension of the historic Tiffany & Co store on Fifth Avenue in New York City.

Photography is by Alessandra Cianchetta.

OMA的合夥人Shohei Shigematsu和他的紐約團隊在2015年贏得了一項競賽,為Erika J Glazer家庭校園設計該延伸部分(以主要捐贈者Audrey Irmas的名字命名)。


奧黛麗·艾瑪斯(Oudrey Irmas)亭子是紐約OMA在美國各地開展的眾多項目之一。 其他包括吉奧·龐蒂(Gio Ponti)的丹佛美術館(Denver Art Museum)中的畫廊設計,以及紐約市第五大道(Fifth Avenue)上歷史悠久的蒂芙尼(Tiffany&Co)商店的擴展。

攝影是亞歷山德拉·錢安(Alessandra Cianchetta)。



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