Architects: MIKAMI Architects
Area: 2151 m²
Year: 2020
Photographer: Courtesy of 三上建筑事务所, Koji Horiuchi
Lead Architects:Kazuhiko Mashiko
Engineering And Landscape:MIKAMI Architects.
Consultants:Kajima Corporation . Kyushu Branch
Collaborators:ONomiya Consulting Engineer
Clients:Yukuhashi Innovation Co., Ltd.

建築師:MIKAMI Architects
顧問:島島公司 九州支店

When building public architecture, especially in a rural region, we believe that the utmost importance is to create a building that is only possible there. By drawing upon the historical context of an area, we want to create meaning of the architecture to situate in the area.

我們認為,在建設公共建築時,尤其是在農村地區,我們認為最重要的是建造一座只有在那兒才有的建築。 通過利用某個地區的歷史背景,我們希望創建要位於該地區的建築的含義。

A Town Called Yukuhashi. Yukuhashi City, in Fukuoka Prefecture, is located about 25 kilometers South-Southeast of Kitakyūshū City. It is a central city of the Keichiku Region with a population of roughly 70,000 people and, in recent years, has become a commuter town for those working in Kitakyūshū City. The name “Yukuhashi” comes from a merger between two former villages by the municipal system: the [行- read as “yu”] from the former Gyōji Village (旧 行事町) and the [橋] from the former Ōhashi Village (旧大橋町) make [Yukuhashi・行橋]. The planned site of the project was positioned along the right bank of the Nagao River on the boundary between the former Gyōji and Ōhashi villages while repairing and preserving the townscape of the two former village areas.

一個叫做行橋的小鎮。 福岡縣的Yukuhashi市位於北九州市東南25公里處。 它是Keichiku地區的中心城市,人口約70,000,近年來,它已成為北九州市工作人口的通勤城市。 “ Yukuhashi”這個名稱是由兩個以前的村莊在市政系統中合併而成的:前行事町(GyōjiVillage)的[行-讀為“ yu”]和前Ōhashi村(舊的)的[橋] 大橋町)做[Yukuhashi ・行橋]。 該項目的規劃地點位於長G河右岸,在前Gyōji村和Ōhashi村之間的邊界上,同時修復和保留了兩個前村區的城市景觀。

Come the Meiji Era, the Yukuhashi branch of the Old Hyakusanju Bank (now known as the Yukuhashi Red Brick Gallery) was erected in front of the planned site. Supervised by Tatsuno Kingo, the Red Brick Gallery symbolized the economic power that Gyōji and Ōhashi held at the time and still remains a building of great significance today.

明治時代到來了,舊的三三州銀行的行橋支行(現稱為行橋紅磚畫廊)豎立在計劃的場地前。 在辰野金吾(Tatsuno Kingo)的監督下,紅磚畫廊象徵著Gyōji和Ōhashi當時所擁有的經濟力量,今天仍然具有重要意義。

Architecture That Embodies Difference. This project served to spark improvements to user-friendliness for local residents and create a bustling city center. The expectation was not only of a library that could attract many visitors but a multi-purpose complex that could facilitate civic activities as well as child-care support.

體現差異的體系結構。 該項目有助於提高當地居民的用戶友好性,並創建了一個繁華的市中心。 人們不僅期望圖書館能夠吸引許多遊客,而且還期望有一個多功能的綜合大樓,可以促進公民活動以及兒童保育支持。

We sought to build something here that could simultaneously embody the differing properties of symbolism and locality, and prosperity and serenity, using the rich history of the two regions that came together to become Yukuhashi.


Twisting Space. The upper and lower levels were purposefully twisted to face the Former Gyōji and Ōhashi Villages, respectively. Then, the building was zoned so that the lower level could be crowded and hectic and the upper level could be increasingly quieter to accommodate various functional demands. The lower level faces the Red Brick Gallery and pays homage to its history while also handling local activities and giving the town a novel opulence. Meanwhile, with scenic views of the Nagasa River and surrounding mountains, the layout of the upper level makes for a tranquil space that is ideal for reading seats and study areas.

扭曲空間。 上下故意將它們扭曲成分別面對前Gyōji村和Ōhashi村。 然後,對建築物進行分區,以使下層變得擁擠而忙碌,而上層則變得越來越安靜,以適應各種功能需求。 下層面向紅磚美術館,向其歷史致敬,同時還處理當地活動並給小鎮增添了新奇的富裕氣息。 同時,可以欣賞到長崎河和周圍群山的美景,高層的佈局提供了一個安靜的空間,非常適合閱讀座位和學習區域。

Tremendous effort was devoted to organizing the logistics of bringing these twisting levels to fruition. The steel construction of the upper level lightens the cubic volume and makes the large overhanging possible and the steel-framed reinforced concrete construction of the lower level effectively propagates the stress from the steel frame of the upper level. Not only did we make the openness of the space compatible with the misaligned design, we were also able to make the building economical and earthquake-proof.

付出了巨大的努力來組織後勤工作,以實現這些曲折的層次。 上層的鋼結構減輕了立方體積,使懸垂成為可能,下層的鋼框架鋼筋混凝土結構有效地傳播了上層鋼框架的應力。 我們不僅使空間的開放性與錯位的設計兼容,而且還使該建築經濟,抗震。

Architecture That Spins History. In the city center stands a twisting building. Its entire appearance may be atypical, but depending on which angle it is viewed from, it seamlessly blends in with the surrounding residential area.

旋轉歷史的架構。 在市中心聳立著一幢扭曲的建築。 它的整體外觀可能是非典型的,但是根據從哪個角度觀看,它可以與周圍的住宅區無縫融合。

The twisting frame uses the locality and its past as a starting point and then incorporates numerous functional demands. Even if the purposes it serves change over time, the structure will surely last. Finally, within the historical context of this place, we hope that this building will continue to spins history.

扭曲框架以局部性及其過去為起點,然後結合了許多功能需求。 即使它服務的目的隨著時間而改變,該結構也肯定會持續下去。 最後,我們希望在這個地方的歷史背景下,這座建築將繼續旋轉歷史。


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