Architects: aoe
Area: 5200 m²
Year: 2020
Photographs: Vincent Wu
Manufacturers: Tupli, aruk, southern Beijing
Lead Architect:Larry Wen
Design Team:Gen Li, Shixin Gao, Jiarui Li, Suqing Yan,Liuqing Liu, Ye Wang, Dan Zhu, Jing Du
Client:Shandong Shuifa Jianrong construction and Development Co., Ltd
Engineering:Shandong David International Architectural Design Co., Ltd
Lighting Design:Beijing Puri Lighting Design Co.,LTD.

攝影:Vincent Wu

The project is located in the Changqing Economic Development Zone, 20 kilometers away from the city centre of Jinan. The area has not yet been developed on a large scale. The surrounding environment is a messy mix of high-voltage line towers dotting weed-strewn farmland. In order to give visitors the best viewing experience, the designer has isolated the area from the surrounding environment and has created a relatively enclosed space.

該項目位於長慶經濟開發區,距濟南市中心20公里。 該地區尚未大規模開發。 周圍的環境雜亂無章,雜亂無章的農田遍布著高壓線塔。 為了給遊客帶來最佳的觀看體驗,設計師將區域與周圍的環境隔離開來,並創建了一個相對封閉的空間。

The architectural design is inspired by Wang Wei’s verse in “Mountain Dwelling in Autumn”, “Rain passes in the pristine mountain, refreshing autumn evening. Moon shines among the pine, clear spring flows on stones”. Through a four “stones” arrangement, like a stream of clear spring water flowing from the cracks in the rocks. The main structure is assembled out of white perforated panels, glowing with pure and elegant cultural motifs. The northern boundary is designed like a mountain waterfall, combined with green microtopography, giving the whole building an air of refinement filled with cultural significance.

建築設計的靈感來自王偉的詩作《秋天的山居》,“雨水在原始的山間掠過,刷新了秋天的夜晚。 月亮在松樹間照耀,清澈的泉水在石頭上流淌。 通過四個“石頭”排列,就像一股清澈的泉水從岩石的裂縫中流出。 主體結構由白色穿孔板組裝而成,散發出純淨而優雅的文化圖案。 北邊界的設計像山瀑布一樣,結合了綠色的微觀地形,使整座建築充滿了精緻的氛圍,並具有文化意義。

The building’s main functions are hosting residential sales expos, property expos, and offices. The main entrance is located on the west side. In order to eliminate the visual impact of the messy surrounding environment, geometrical hills are designed to surround the square, which slowly rises as people enter the site, gradually blocking out the view. Mountains, water, and marble are fused together in this undeveloped wilderness.

該建築物的主要功能是託管住宅銷售博覽會,房地產博覽會和辦公室。 正門位於西側。 為了消除周圍凌亂的環境的視覺影響,設計了幾何形狀的山丘圍繞廣場,廣場隨著人們進入場地而緩慢上升,逐漸遮擋了視線。 在這片未開發的荒野中,山脈,水和大理石融為一體。

A second layer is set outside the main structure – perforated plating, so that the building is enveloped within the perforated plating, forming a relatively enclosed space. The curtain wall sections are slanted, nestled, and interlaced inside, and the gap between the sections naturally forms the entrance of the building. Everything happens inside the space covered by the perforated plate curtain wall, connected to the outside world only through the irregular gaps. The interior of the building is obscured by the white perforated plating, and as night falls, light shines through the perforated plates to make the whole building glow, like a piece of shiny marble standing in the wilderness.

在主體結構的外部設置第二層-穿孔板,以便建築物被包圍在穿孔板內,形成相對封閉的空間。 幕牆部分在內部傾斜,嵌套和交錯,並且部分之間的間隙自然形成了建築物的入口。 一切都發生在被穿孔的板式幕牆覆蓋的空間內,該空間僅通過不規則的間隙與外界相連。 建築的內部被白色的穿孔板所遮蓋,當夜幕降臨時,光線透過穿孔板照亮,使整個建築煥發光芒,就像一塊閃亮的大理石站在荒野上一樣。

The density of the perforation of the plate gradually changes from top to bottom according to the function of the building interior. The main function of the first and second floors of the building is as display areas, so the density of perforation is higher for more transparency. The main function of the third and fourth floors of the building is for office space, which requires a relatively private environment, so the number of perforation is lower, and it is relatively more enclosed while ensuring sufficient lighting. The gradual changes in the perforated plates allow the permeability of the building facade to gradually change from top to bottom, giving a sense of depth to the overall surface of the building. The perforated plate itself has a shading effect, like a layer of ecological skin, making the building more environmentally friendly. At the same time, the gray space formed between the glass curtain wall and the perforated plate enriches people’s spatial experience inside the building.


In terms of landscape design, in order to reflect the reputation of Jinan as the City of Springs, a large area of cascading water was set up along the main avenue display area, with the water falling from 4-meter-high stone steps. The main entrance to the property exhibition hall is set on the second floor, concealed behind the cascading water, and can be reached through a bridge. On the connecting bridge, there is cascading water on the outside, and a tranquil pool on the inside centered around a welcoming pine. One side is in motion and the other side is tranquil, reflecting the mood of the bright moon shining between the pine tree and clear spring water on the stones. Upon entering the building, visitors are drawn from the wilderness into a paradise.

在景觀設計方面,為了體現濟南作為溫泉之城的美譽,在主要大街展示區沿線設置了大面積的級聯水,水從4米高的石階上落下。 財產展覽館的正門位於二樓,隱藏在層疊的水後面,可通過橋樑到達。 在連接橋上,外面是層疊的水,而內部則是一個以歡迎松樹為中心的寧靜游泳池。 一側是運動的,另一側是安靜的,反映出松樹和石頭上清澈的泉水之間閃耀的明月的氣氛。 進入建築物後,遊客從曠野被吸引到天堂。

The interior of the building is also a continuation of the exterior, with the perforated plating element of the entrance area extending directly from the exterior to the interior. A large, four-story atrium serves as a sandbox area and becomes the focal point of the entire space. Natural light comes in from the skylight and is surrounded by perforated plates, forming a space imbued with a sense of ritual. Viewing windows are set up on the enclosed perforated plates, allowing the people upstairs to look over the sandbox, while also setting up a contrast that makes the space livelier.

建築物的內部也是外部的延續,入口區域的穿孔板元素直接從外部延伸到內部。 大型的四層中庭用作沙箱區,成為整個空間的焦點。 自然光從天窗射入,並被穿孔板包圍,形成充滿儀式感的空間。 在封閉的穿孔板上設置了觀察窗,使樓上的人們可以看到沙盒,同時還可以設置對比度以使空間更生動。

The integrated design of architecture, view, and interior enable the entire project to be consistent with the design concept. While isolated from the surrounding environment, it also becomes the focal point of the entire area, satisfying the display requirements as an exhibition centre and sales office, bringing new opportunities for the development of this region.

架構,視圖和內部的集成設計使整個項目與設計概念保持一致。 在與周圍環境隔離的同時,它也成為整個區域的焦點,滿足了作為展覽中心和銷售辦公室的展示要求,為該地區的發展帶來了新的機遇。


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