Architects: Sunjin Vietnam Joinventure Company
Area: 2500 m²
Year: 2020
Photographs: Nguyen Duong
Manufacturers: AutoDesk, Bomanite, Jotun, Adobe, Alucobond, Aluking, EPDM, Galaxy doors, Revit
Architect In Charge:Tran Nguyen Quang, Dinh Van Thanh, Trinh Trung Hieu
Concept Design Team:Tran Nguyen Quang, Dinh Văn Thanh, Vu Thanh Hang
Detail Drawing Team:Trinh Trung Hieu, Hoang Van Duc, Nguyen Tien Hung
Clients:Cau Giay district Project Management Board
Structure Design:Luong Xuan Vinh, Ta Dien Hao, Nguyen Ngoc Nam
Mechanical And Electrical Design:Nguyen Thi Hong Ha, Mai Van Du, Nguyen Van Phong, Nguyen Manh Hung, Nguyen Van Thinh
Contractors:Thang Long Hanoi Construction Investment And Trade Joint Stock Company & 749 Construction Joint Stock Company

負責建築師:Tran Nguyen Quang,Dinh Van Thanh,Trinh Trung Hieu
詳圖小組:Trinh Trung Hieu,Hoang Van Duc,阮天雄
結構設計:Luong Xuan Vinh,Ta Dien Hao,Nguyen Ngoc Nam

Currently, the land areas in the city core planned to build schools such as in Hanoi – the crowded capital city of Vietnam, have limited, high density and coefficient of land use and height. In many cases, the shape of the land is distorted and has many disadvantages. So, the synchronous organization, optimizing this space to ensuring the functional areas of learning and physical activities for small age children is always a challenge of school design.

目前,該城市核心計劃在河內(越南擁擠的首都)建造學校的土地面積有限,密度高,土地使用係數和高度。 在許多情況下,土地的形狀會變形並具有許多缺點。 因此,同步組織優化空間以確保小孩子的學習和體育活動的功能範圍始終是學校設計的挑戰。

In the case of The Sunflower Kindergarten in Cau Giay District (Hanoi, Vietnam), the land has been distorted – trapezoidal terrain, very narrow area with 3 sides being shielded by tall buildings. In order to have enough area for students’ learning and physicals playing spaces, the design has arranged a long central building block with classroom and administrative functions, facing to the south to ensure of optimizing natural lighting, micro climate organization, as well as safety. All the main classroom is organized in a square space, helping to minimize the distance from the main classroom space to the auxiliary spaces such as toilets, storage for blankets, patios … closed, and at the same time helping teachers – supporter can easily cover and better handle support when the trouble situations occur.

以考加區(越南河內)的向日葵幼兒園為例,這片土地被扭曲了–梯形地形,非常狹窄的區域,三面被高樓大廈遮蔽。 為了有足夠的空間供學生學習和進行體育運動,該設計安排了一個長的中央建築,具有教室和行政功能,朝南,以確保優化自然採光,微觀氣候組織以及安全性。 所有主教室都組織在一個正方形的空間中,有助於最大程度地減少從主教室空間到輔助空間的距離,例如洗手間,毛毯存放處,天井…封閉的,同時幫助教師-支持者可以輕鬆地 發生故障時,要遮蓋並更好地處理支持。

This solution also maximizes to easily change the interior, any times, depending on using different purpose, especially the arrange the furniture flexible and suitable with different types of lessons and indoor activities. This solution also makes it easy to rearrange furniture in to four corners of the wall quickly and conveniently, saving the classroom center space for lunch break or social networking activities at different times of the day. Classroom space design also placed a 2 sides open space balcony between each 02 classrooms. The wide-glass windows facing to the balcony support to receive the best natural light – ventilation (reduce the artificial energy) and ensure good eyesight for children. The open space balcony also support to coordinate and enhance the children communication ability between classes.

該解決方案還可以最大程度地根據使用目的的不同,隨時隨地輕鬆地更改內部空間,尤其是佈置靈活的家具,並適合不同類型的課程和室內活動。 該解決方案還使您可以輕鬆快捷地將家具重新佈置到牆壁的四個角,從而節省了教室中心空間,以便在一天中的不同時間享用午餐或社交活動。 教室空間設計還在每個02個教室之間放置了2個側面開放式陽台。 面對陽台的寬玻璃窗可接收最佳自然光線–通風(減少人造能量),並確保兒童的視力良好。 開放式陽台還支持協調和增強班級之間的兒童交流能力。

Faced with the requirement of increasing and synchronously organizing the space for playing – physicals activities for children, the architectural concept has organized the structure of “Movement Tower” with a spiral circular structure, narrower at the top with the roof cover on the top and natural greenery in the core space. In terms of architectural aesthetics, the “Movement Tower” block helps the overall school architecture be dynamic and attractive. It is also connected fluently to the main classroom block by the long steel bridge structure.

面對增加和同步組織遊戲空間(兒童體育活動)的要求,該建築概念將“運動塔”的結構組織為螺旋圓形結構,頂部較窄,頂部為頂棚,自然而然。 核心空間中的綠色植物。 在建築美學方面,“運動塔”街區幫助整個學校的建築充滿活力和吸引力。 它也通過長鋼橋結構流暢地連接到主教室。

The corridors have a total length of up to 50m with a suitable slope (satisfying the requirement of moving freely without focusing on observation & safety), with a safety handrail, With a variety of eye-catching colors identified following each floor as an exchange space support to cover all the children physical activities lively and attractive. The “Movement Tower” design solution also support to increase approximately 3 times the area physical space for the school, but also creates an attractive exchange space – physical interaction activities because of the continuity and spontaneous vertical transformations with full of inspiration and fun.

走廊的總長度最大為50m,有一個合適的坡度(滿足了在不關注觀察和安全的情況下自由移動的要求),帶有安全扶手,在每層樓之後都設有各種醒目的顏色作為交換空間 支持覆蓋所有兒童的體育活動,生動有趣。 “運動塔”設計解決方案還支持將學校的物理空間增加大約3倍,而且還創建了一個有吸引力的交換空間-物理交互活動,因為其連續性和自發的垂直變換充滿了靈感和樂趣。

Along with quality material finishing solutions (such as rubber carpet laying for ridges and floors to ensure children’s safety, bright colorful decorations, trees and lighting – ventilation equipment), “Movement Tower” is an effective design solution to respond the children’s explore, interaction and physicals learning requirement in the kindergarten building./.

除了優質的材料塗飾解決方案(例如用於確保兒童安全的用於脊和地板的橡膠地毯鋪設,色彩鮮豔的裝飾品,樹木和照明設備-通風設備)外,“運動塔”也是一種有效的設計解決方案,可以應對兒童的探索,互動和互動。 幼兒園大樓的體育學習要求。


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