Architects: vGHcompany
Year: 2016
Photographs: Cyrille Weiner
Manufacturers: AutoDesk, Cinema 4D, McNeel
Design Team:Thomas van Gaver, Julien Hubert
Engineering:TPF ingénierie, INGECOR, NOVACERT
Landscape:urban context
Collaborators:Guilllaume Dorne, Audrey Thomas

攝影:Cyrille Weiner
製造商:AutoDesk,Cinema 4D,McNeel
設計團隊:Thomas van Gaver,Julien Hubert
合作者:Guilllaume Dorne,Audrey Thomas

Winner of the competition launched by the REGION SUD for the creation of a catering space for the Claret high school in Toulon, this innovative program was to be a pilot project in the manufacture and continuous service of catering offered to high school students. It is composed of a 350m² preparation office (hot and cold preparations, storage, delivery…) and a multi-purpose refectory space for 100 covers. The latter is divided between a snack bar open at all hours of the day and a brasserie open exclusively for lunch.

REGION SUD為在土倫的Claret高中創建餐飲空間而發起的競賽的獲勝者,該創新計劃將成為向高中生提供餐飲的製造和持續服務的試點項目。 它由一個350平方米的準備室(冷熱準備,存儲,運輸…)和一個多用途食堂空間(可容納100個蓋子)組成。 後者分為全天開放的小吃店和專供午餐的小酒館。

The plot dedicated to this project is located at the southern limit of the existing school. Composed of several heterogeneous buildings erected at different times, including all the classrooms and administration offices, the project takes advantage of this architectural diversity to create a transition between the neighboring residential buildings and the imposing silhouette of the existing establishment.

該項目專用的地塊位於現有學校的南端。 該項目由在不同時間豎立的幾棟異構建築組成,包括所有教室和行政辦公室,該項目利用了這種建築多樣性,在相鄰的住宅建築和現有建築的氣勢之間創造了過渡。

The topography of the site allowed us to define a rectangular project volume of 12 x 34m in R+1 oriented NORTH/SOUTH. Its connection to the street via the ground floor allows delivery and access to the preparation areas. Upstairs, the catering space extends onto the forecourt and blends in with the exterior layout of the courtyard, a meeting place for the students. The architectural plan is simple: to offer a continuous space on the ground floor offering students free use of catering between inside and outside while connecting the existing playgrounds to the new building.

該站點的地形使我們可以在面向R + 1的NORTH / SOUTH中定義12 x 34m的矩形項目體積。 它通過一樓與街道的連接允許運送和進入準備區域。 樓上的餐飲空間延伸到前院,並與院子的外部佈局融為一體,後者是學生的聚會場所。 建築計劃很簡單:在地面層提供連續的空間,讓學生可以在內部和外部之間免費使用餐飲,同時將現有的遊樂場連接到新的建築物。

As the two preparation areas for the brasserie and snack bar do not have the same time frame for use, they are positioned in the center of the plateau to facilitate communication with the ground floor. Open on both sides, this kitchen module organizes two spaces dramatized by large conical volumes with high ceilings. Dressed in wood cladding, their role is both architectural and technical (acoustics, light, ventilation). On the roof, these emergences made up of metal shell cassettes plagiarize the surrounding tiled roofs and mark a landmark in the urban landscape.

由於小酒館和小吃店的兩個準備區的使用時間不同,因此將它們放置在高原的中央,以方便與一樓的交流。 兩側開放,該廚房模塊可組織兩個空間,這些空間以高圓錐形的高高天花板構成。 穿上木壁板,它們的作用既是建築方面的,也是技術上的(聲學,照明,通風)。 在屋頂上,這些由金屬外殼盒組成的突起物竊了周圍的瓷磚屋頂,並標誌著城市景觀中的地標性建築。

Particular care was given to the close relationship between fixed furniture and architecture. Beyond their role as envelopes, the two north and south façades serve primarily to enhance the flexibility of the premises. To the south, the facade offers a large framing of the pine forest. Composed of a succession of glazed openings, it offers a continuous table over its entire length, allowing different configurations of use for high school students.

特別注意固定家具和建築之間的緊密關係。 除了用作信封外,南北兩個立面主要用於增強建築物的靈活性。 在南部,立面提供了松樹林的大框架。 它由一系列的玻璃開口組成,在其整個長度上提供了連續的桌子,允許高中生使用不同的配置。

To the north, a curtain wall made of accordion glass panels offers the possibility of opening the façade completely onto the forecourt and the steps. The landscaping of this forecourt is orchestrated by concrete bleachers providing additional seating for the high school students. The large mineral ramp leading to the building, planted along its length, articulates the link on the ground between old and new.

在北方,由手風琴玻璃面板製成的幕牆使將立面完全打開到前庭和台階上成為可能。 前院的景觀是由混凝土漂白劑精心策劃的,為高中生提供了額外的座位。 通往建築物的大型礦物坡道沿其長度方向種植,清楚闡明了新舊之間的地面聯繫。


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