Architects: Vous Architecture & Design
Area: 50 m²
Year: 2019
Photographs: Collectif Vous
Clients:La Belle Folie

照片:Collectif Vous
客戶:La Belle Folie

SuperPausée is a macro-tent, result of the superposition of two Canadian tents whose wooden structure have been replaced by steel tubes. It is an offbeat ode to camping, playing with its codes through its geometry, its apparent lightness, its minimal footprint, and its textile materiality. We spend a stay there in levitation, between starry sky and barely touched earth. Camped in a clearing accessible on foot, the SuperPausée is assembled by force of arms, without lifting motors, like a traditional tent. Each of the pieces is handy, all of them are assembled on the ground to create the structure, which then rises by simply bringing the feet together like a folding camping stool.

SuperPausée是一個宏大帳篷,是兩個加拿大帳篷的疊合的結果,兩個加拿大帳篷的木質結構已被鋼管取代。 這是野營的另類頌歌,通過其幾何形狀,其外觀輕巧,最小的佔地面積和紡織的材質來使用其代碼。 我們在繁星點點的天空與幾乎未觸及的土地之間的懸浮中度過。 SuperPausée露營在步行可到達的空地上,它像傳統的帳篷一樣,通過臂力組裝而成,無需提升馬達。 每個部件都很方便,它們都組裝在地面上以創建結構,然後通過像折疊露營凳一樣簡單地將雙腳放在一起就可以將其抬起。

Designed to accommodate five guests in the open-air hotel La Belle Folie, the SuperPausée offers two levels of suspended floors for a total area of 50 m². Downstairs, the living room adjoins the covered terrace, which a removable textile allows to evolve into a winter garden according to the seasons, and to a technical unit grouping bathroom and WC.

SuperPausée設計用於在露天酒店La Belle Folie中容納五位客人,設有兩層懸浮地板,總面積為50平方米。 樓下,起居室與帶頂棚的露台相連,可移動的紡織品可以根據季節發展成冬季花園,而浴室和衛生間則由技術單元組合而成。

Upstairs, a bedroom perched 4 meters above the ground opens generously onto the treetops, while opposite, a large outdoor trampoline allows you to enjoy the nights under the stars. The high and low spaces communicate by a suspended stairway leading to a stair landing under a flexible canopy, ideal to read and rest. Offering as many gables as there are cardinal points, the SuperPausée opens onto the surrounding forest landscape by four large triangular framings.

樓上的一間臥室位於離地面4米的高處,可通向樹梢,而對面的大型室外蹦床則可讓您在星空下享受夜晚。 高空和低空之間是通過懸浮的樓梯連通的,通向樓梯,並在柔軟的頂篷下著陸,非常適合閱讀和休息。 SuperPausée提供盡可能多的山牆和基點,並通過四個大型三角形框架向周圍的森林景觀開放。

Placed on four specific supports, the project is built entirely in suspension, remaining the natural terrain intact. Beyond its relationship to the ground, the lightness of the project is also expressed in its cunning design: Its double textile envelope ensuring insulation and waterproofing, its handy-movable exo-structure, and its tensioning fittings. Finally, SuperPausée is resolutely a breton project, at the crossroads of camping and boating.

該項目放置在四個特定的支撐物上,完全懸浮在其中,並保留了自然地形。 除了與地面的關係外,該項目的輕巧性還體現在其狡猾的設計中:其雙層織物護罩可確保隔熱和防水性能;其便於移動的外部結構以及張緊配件。 最後,在露營和划船的十字路口,SuperPausée絕對是不列顛項目。


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