Architects: Aldana + Sánchez – Ingenieros Arquitectos
Area: 92 m²
Year: 2019
Photographs: Marcos Betanzos
Manufacturers: Graphisoft, Interceramic, Moctezuma
Lead Architects:Miguel Aldana, Patricia Sánchez, Thania Palma
Design Team:Diana Díaz, Andrea Molina, Alberto Landero
Engineering:Juan Aras, Claudi Jean Baptiste, Alberto Hernández.
Collaborators:Sandra León, Jessica León, Edgar Álvarez.
建築師:Aldana +Sánchez-Ingenieros Arquitectos
攝影:Marcos Betanzos
首席建築師:Miguel Aldana,PatriciaSánchez和Thania Palma
設計團隊:DianaDíaz,Andrea Molina,Alberto Landero
工程:Juan Aras,Claudi Jean Baptiste,AlbertoHernández。
The Hñähñu Multimedia Center project consists of creating a multipurpose room to provide technological services using the upper floor of a rural house. The architecture seeks to create a public place to gather people of different ages around its media activities: cyber café, gaming, and cell phone services; the program also includes an apartment with independent access, the ground floor housing was wrapped with a lattice as a base for the building.
Hñähñu多媒體中心項目包括創建一間多功能室,以利用一棟農村房屋的上層樓提供技術服務。 該體系結構旨在創建一個公共場所,以聚集各種年齡的人們圍繞其媒體活動:網吧,遊戲和手機服務; 該計劃還包括一個具有獨立通道的公寓,底層的房屋用格子包裹,作為建築物的基礎。
This work is located in the Ex Hacienda Ocotzá neighborhood in the community called Julian Villagran, Ixmiquilpan municipality, Hidalgo State. This rural settlement in the Mezquital Valley has an indigenous Hñähñu population (Otomí) and has less than a thousand inhabitants, most of them migrants in the United States. The concept is a terraced gazebo with curtain walls to take advantage of the views and the climate of the valley, the architecture is domed with semi-circular arches in memory of the colonial remains.
該作品位於伊達爾戈州伊克斯米基爾潘市朱利安·比利亞格蘭(Julian Villagran)社區的Ex HaciendaOcotzá附近。 梅斯基塔爾山谷的這個農村定居點有原住民的Hñähñu人口(奧托米),居民不到一千,其中大多數是美國移民。 這個概念是一個帶幕牆的露台涼亭,可充分利用山谷的景色和氣候,該建築以半圓形拱門為圓頂,以紀念殖民地遺跡。
Experimental construction systems were developed for Catalan vaults, brick walls, and lattices armed with concrete nodes; hybrid construction mixes artisan masonry with a metal structure to integrate cultural themes into the productive life of the inhabitants, this modest destination seeks to put the laggard community on the map to rescue the old hacienda that has not yet been registered.
為加泰羅尼亞的金庫,磚牆和裝有混凝土節點的格子開發了實驗建築系統。 混合建築將工匠砌體與金屬結構混合在一起,將文化主題融入居民的生產生活中,這個不起眼的目的地旨在將落後的社區置於地圖上,以拯救尚未登記的舊莊園。
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