The House of Hungarian Music, part of the Liget Budapest Project, has won the World’s Best Use of Music in Property Development at the Music Cities Awards. Also selected as one of the top three Best European Development category, the intervention, designed by Sou Fujimoto is under construction on the former site of the demolished Hungexpo office buildings in Budapest, Hungary. Scheduled to open in 2021, the structure of the building is complete, and the iconic roof is taking shape, as well as the monumental glass walls, the largest of their kind in Europe.

匈牙利音樂之家,是Liget Budapest Project的一部分,在“音樂城市”獎中贏得了世界房地產開發中的最佳音樂使用獎。 Sou Fujimoto設計的干預措施也被選為歐洲最佳三大發展類別之一,該項目正在匈牙利布達佩斯被拆除的Hungexpo辦公大樓的舊址上施工。 這座建築計劃於2021年開放,建築結構已經完成,標誌性的屋頂以及歐洲最大的玻璃幕牆正在成型。

Located next to the Városliget Lake, on the 10,000 m2 former site of the demolished Hungexpo buildings, the new building will take up approximately 3,000 m2 of space, generating more green space for the park. Designed by Japanese architect Sou Fujimoto in collaboration with Hungarian partner M-Teampannon, the project “seeks to create visual continuity between internal and external spaces, with a harmonic transition produced between the natural and man-made environment that also perfectly serves the requirements of the house’s unique functions”.

新建築位於瓦羅斯利格湖(VárosligetLake)旁邊,在已拆除的Hungexpo建築的10,000平方米原址上,將佔用約3,000平方米的空間,為公園提供更多的綠色空間。 該項目由日本建築師藤本壯介(Sou Fujimoto)與匈牙利合作夥伴M-Teampannon合作設計,“旨在創造內部和外部空間之間的視覺連續性,並在自然和人造環境之間產生和諧的過渡,這也完美地滿足了室內環境的要求。 房子的獨特功能”。

The Liget Budapest Project is an exceptional development. It can serve as an example for future urban developments, as it has achieved incredible harmony between the green and built environment. […] We are not only creating a building but also activating the park experience within the house itself. — Sou Fujimoto

Liget Budapest Project是一項非凡的發展。 它已成為綠色和建築環境之間不可思議的和諧之地,可以作為未來城市發展的典範。 […]我們不僅在建造建築物,而且還在房屋本身內部激發公園體驗。 -藤本壯

Taking on the natural and musical world, “the building’s distinctive floating roof is a visual representation of the vibrations of sound, shaped from the waves, with the glass side walls made for openness and accessibility, while the structures with holes conceived for the roof – akin to the branches of the trees – allow shards of light into the interior spaces”. Aiming to become the new iconic symbol of Budapest, the project will play a key role in transforming Városliget into a center for family programs and cultural life and a vibrant meeting place in the city.

在自然和音樂世界中,“建築物的獨特浮動屋頂是對聲音振動的直觀表示,波浪形的聲音通過玻璃側壁實現了開放性和可及性,而帶有孔的結構則設想為屋頂– 類似於樹木的樹枝–允許光線進入室內空間”。 該項目旨在成為布達佩斯的新標誌性標誌,將在將瓦羅斯利格(Városliget)轉變為家庭計劃和文化生活中心以及該市充滿活力的聚會場所方面發揮關鍵作用。

FROM:Liget Budapest Project – Introducing the House of Hungarian Music

The House of Hungarian Music was selected for the World’s Best Use of Music in Property Development at the Music Cities Awards by an international jury. Not the first international accolade received in connection with the renewal of Városliget, Europe’s largest cultural project, the project has already won in 2019 the Best International Public Building award and the Best European Public Building award, while in 2017, the Liget Budapest Project won the Best Future Mega Project award and the Best European Urban Development Mega Project.

匈牙利音樂之家被國際評審團評選為“音樂城市獎”中的“房地產開發中的世界最佳音樂使用獎”。 該項目不是歐洲最大的文化項目瓦羅斯利格(Városliget)改建而獲得的首個國際讚譽,該項目已在2019年贏得了最佳國際公共建築獎和最佳歐洲公共建築獎,而在2017年,利蓋特布達佩斯項目則獲得了 最佳未來大型項目獎和最佳歐洲城市發展大型項目。



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