Pritzker Prize-winning architect Tadao Ando has completed a circular toilet in a Tokyo park as his contribution to the Tokyo Toilet project.

Built in Jingu-Dori Park, the toilet was created as part of a scheme run by non-profit Nippon Foundation to upgrade public facilities in the city’s downtown Shibuya district.

The initiative has already seen by toilets built by Ando’s fellow Japanese Pritzker Prize-winners Fumihiko Maki and Shigeru Ban.

普利茲克獎得主建築師安藤忠雄(Tadao Ando)為東京廁所項目所做的貢獻,在東京公園內完成了一個圓形廁所。

馬桶是在非政府組織日本基金會(Nippon Foundation)實施的一項計劃的一部分之內建造的,該計劃由金谷通公園(Jingu-Dori Park)建造,旨在提升澀谷市區的公共設施。

安藤的同胞日本普利茲克獎獲獎者富木彥(Humihiko Maki)和坂茂(Shigeru Ban)建造的廁所已經看到了這一倡議。

Surrounded by cherry trees in a small park around a five-minute walk from Shibuya Station, Ando derived the toilet’s shape from his desire to create a structure that enhanced the park.

“I sought for this small architecture to exceed the boundaries of a public toilet to become a ‘place’ in the urban landscape that provides immense public value,” said Ando.

“Using this clear and simple reasoning for the concept of this structure, I chose to utilise a circle floor plan with a spanning roof and engawa [Japanese porch].”



“使用這種結構概念的簡單明了的推理,我選擇使用帶有跨度屋頂和engawa [日本門廊]的圓形平面圖。”


The circular toilet block, which contains a male, female and accessible cubicle along with external sinks, is wrapped in a wall made from vertical metal louvres. This wall creates privacy while letting air circulate.

The whole structure is covered with an angled roof that overhangs the toilet to provide shelter.

圓形的馬桶座圈包含一個公,母和可訪問的隔間以及外部水槽,被包裹在垂直金屬百葉窗製成的牆壁上。 這堵牆在讓空氣流通的同時創造了隱私。


“It was vital for me to make a space that was comfortable and safe,” said Ando. “Visitors can move inside a cylindrical wall of vertical louvres to feel the comfort of the wind and light from the surrounding environment,” he continued.

“A feeling of safety will be emphasised by the free and centripetal circulation which passes through to the other side. This toilet tucked away in the greenery that is Jingu-Dori Park will be known as ‘Amayadori’.”

安藤說:“對我來說,創造一個舒適安全的空間至關重要。” 他繼續說:“遊客可以在垂直百葉窗的圓柱壁內移動,以感受周圍環境的風和光帶來的舒適感。”


Ando’s toilet is the sixth to be completed as part of the Nippon Foundation’s Tokyo Toilet project. Shigeru Ban’s toilet design comprised a pair of transparent blocks, while Fumihiko Maki topped his toilet block with a “cheerful roof”.

Nao Tamura based her bright red triangular toilet block on the Japanese craft of Origata and Wonderwall referenced primitive Japanese huts for its design. In total 16 toilets are planned as part of the project.

Photography is by Satoshi Nagare, courtesy of The Nippon Foundation.

作為日本基金會東京廁所項目的一部分,安藤的廁所是第六座完成的廁所。 坂茂的廁所設計包括一對透明的磚塊,而文木文彥(Fumihiko Maki)在他的廁所磚塊上蓋上了“開朗的屋頂”。

田村直男(Nao Tamura)的鮮紅色三角形馬桶座墊是基於日本的摺紙工藝製成的,Wonderwall為其設計引用了原始的日本小屋。 該項目計劃總共有16個廁所。

攝影是由日本基金會贊助的中藤聰(Satoshi Nagare)。



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