Architecture firm: JUTI architects
Location: Koh Samui, Suratthani, Thailand
Completion year: 2018
Gross built area: 722.5 m²
Construction cost: 365,000 p (15,000,000 thb)
Lead Architects: Juti Klipbua จุติ กลีบบัว
Structural Engineer: Sqn.Ldr. Ronayutt Vongmanee น.ต.รณยุทธ วงศ์มณี
Contractor: Home base construction บริษัทโฮมเบส คอนสตรัคชั่น จำกัด
Owner: Suratthani Catholic Foundation มูลนิธิคาทอลิกสุราษฎร์ธานี
Photography: Peerapat Wimolrungkarat พีรพัฒน์ วิมลรังครัตน์, Juti Klipbua จุติ กลีบบัว

建築公司:JUTI Architects
建設成本:365,000 p(15,000,000 thb)
首席建築師:Juti Klipbua
結構工程師:Sqn.Ldr。 Ronayutt Vongmaneeน。ต。รยุทธวงศ์มณี
攝影:Peerapat Wimolrungkarat Juรพัฒน์วิมลรังครัตน์,Juti Klipbuaกลีบบัว

Mary Help of Christian Church designed by Bangkok-based architect JUTI architects has recently won German Design Award 2020’s Excellent Architecture in Religious Space category from German Design Council.

由曼谷建築師JUTI建築師設計的基督教教堂的瑪麗·菲爾(Mary Help)最近獲得了德國設計委員會(German Design Council)頒發的2020年德國設計獎宗教空間最佳建築獎。

Project description by the architects:

Given the extension of Catholic community and the increasing in tourist in Samui island, Suratthani, who wishes to participate the mass in the then chapel, Bishop Joseph Prathan Sridarunsil, SDB, came up with the idea to build a new church and name it as Mary Help of Christian church. The selected architect, whom inspired by the church name, took part of the Holy Bible relating to holy Annunciation of Mary into his design as follow:

LUKE 1:35

In answer the angel said to her: “Holy spirit will come upon you, and power of the Most High will overshadow you. And for that reason the one who is born will be called holy, God’s Son.

LUKE 1:38

Then Mary said: “Look, Jehovah’s slave girl. May it happen to me according to your declaration.” At that the angel departed from her.


考慮到天主教社區的擴展和蘇梅島遊客的增加,素叻他想參加當時的教堂的素叻府主教Joseph Prathan Sridarunsil主教提出了建造一座新教堂並將其命名為瑪麗的想法。 基督教會的幫助。 選定的建築師受到教堂名稱的啟發,並在其設計中加入了有關瑪麗的聖天使報喜的《聖經》,具體內容如下:


天使回答說:“聖靈降臨在你身上,至高者的能力將使你蒙上陰影。 因此,那個出生的人將被稱為聖子,神的兒子。


瑪利亞說:“看,耶和華的奴隸女孩。 根據您的聲明,我可能會發生這種情況。” 那時,天使離開了她。

From the Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ, according to Luke, 1:35 and 1:38, we can see that the appearance of Angle to convey the Holy message to Mary the virgin was in a humble and simple way yet powerful. It was to accept the Holy Spirit to possess her in order to bear the Redeemer in her womb. She sacrificed herself as a natural mean for human being survival.

“Safe as in mother’s womb”

In designing the building, the architect intends to convey this message in a simple way with its internal space with light form that creates a feeling of security as in the mother womb.

從路加福音1:35和1:38所描述的耶穌基督聖福音中,我們可以看出,向聖潔的聖母瑪利亞傳達聖潔信息的角度的出現是謙虛而簡單而強大的。 接受聖靈來擁有她,以便在她的子宮中承受救贖主。 她犧牲自己作為人類生存的自然手段。



Building exterior was designed in a combined form of praying hands, Angle wings and the Rays of the Holy Spirit. The use of natural light through the skylight for interior lighting and shadow of cloud falling on the walls, represent the God mighty that is above all things created by human being. To realize this phenomena in a hot and humid environment of Samui island, the long and narrow light voids in combining with light weight insulation concrete wall running through then were design in order to create a shadow that keep changing with time yet retains the interior comfort.

建築外觀以祈禱之手,角形翅膀和聖靈之光的組合形式設計。 透過天窗使用自然光作室內照明,以及落在牆壁上的雲層陰影代表著上帝的威力,高於人類創造的一切。 為了在蘇梅島炎熱潮濕的環境中實現這一現象,設計了狹長而狹窄的空隙以及輕質隔熱的混凝土牆,以創造出隨時間變化而又保持室內舒適感的陰影。

Roof Plan

“Integrated 2 classic layout plans”

The Layout plan is basically focus on classic cross planning of traditional church. Integrated with surrounding corridor planning of traditional Thai’s “Wat”(Temple). This corridor act as heat buffer and create shade to main activity area which is more match to tropical climate of Samui island, South of Thailand.



佈局計劃基本上側重於傳統教堂的經典交叉計劃。 與傳統的泰國“寺廟”(寺廟)的周圍走廊規劃相結合。 該走廊充當熱緩衝器,並為主要活動區域增添了陰影,這更適合泰國南部蘇梅島的熱帶氣候。


“No decoration…… Best decoration”

Since the purpose of the church is for praying, the architect intends to minimize the symbolic decoration. Hence, the prayers would focus only on sacrament and its natural environment. Natural material with minimum process are selected, eg. white concrete wall, terrazzo floor, glass, natural white oak furniture and gray marble, were used for interior decoration. Prayers can humbly enjoy their peace of mind while embracing the Glories of the great Creator.



由於教堂的目的是祈禱,所以建築師打算盡量減少象徵性的裝飾。 因此,祈禱只會集中在聖禮及其自然環境上。 選擇具有最少工藝的天然材料,例如。 室內裝飾使用白色混凝土牆,水磨石地板,玻璃,天然白橡木家具和灰色大理石。 祈禱者在擁抱偉大創造者的榮耀的同時,可以謙卑地享受內心的平靜。


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