Architect: NL Architects, Pieter Bannenberg, Walter van Dijk, Kamiel Klaasse
Location: Limassol, Agios Tychonas, Cyprus
Client: Clelia Haji-Ioannou – The Land Investment / Masharii
Structural engineering: ABT (Erwin ten Brincke)
Project year: 2018
Area: 4060 m²
Team: Gen Yamamoto, Nazar Gresko, Mathieu Landelle, José Ramón Vives, Conor Denisson, Jane Lee, XiaoYi Qin Invited competition, finalist

建築師:NL建築師,Pieter Bannenberg,Walter van Dijk,Kamiel Klaasse
客戶:Clelia Haji-Ioannou-土地投資/ Masharii

The Amsterdam based architectural office NL Architects has designed “Clelia Tower Limassol” a proposal for a hyper luxurious residential tower in Limassol, Agios Tychonas, Cyprus commissioned by Clelia Haji-loannou.

位於阿姆斯特丹的建築事務所NL Architects設計了“ Clelia Tower Limassol”,這是一項由Clelia Haji-loannou委託在塞浦路斯Agios Tychonas的利馬索爾建造的超豪華住宅塔樓的建議。

The word UNIQUE is one of the more frequently used terms in real estate. You could say that the word has lost some of its meaning. The Clelia Tower project however has the potential to recalibrate this expression: this endeavor will become truly illustrious. What’s in a name… Superlatives will be taken to a whole new level.

UNIQUE一詞是房地產中最常用的術語之一。 您可以說這個詞已經失去了部分含義。 但是,克萊里塔大廈項目有可能重新調整這種表達方式:這項努力將真正地引人注目。 名字的意思是……最高級將被帶到一個全新的高度。

Inspired by the astounding neighbor that will soon break ground the Clelia Tower seeks to offer new forms of inhabiting the sky, exploring vertical multiplication of ground-oriented living. The Clelia Tower aspires to combine the qualities of a Villa with the blessings of a Tower: it presents lush elevated gardens featuring grand views. This novel, intensified suburbia sets out to contribute to a bustling seaside neighborhood by means of a magnificent stacked landscape.

受即將破土動工的驚人鄰居的啟發,克萊莉亞塔(Clelia Tower)尋求提供新的居住方式,探索地面居住的垂直繁衍。 克萊利亞塔(Clelia Tower)渴望將別墅的特質與塔的祝福結合在一起:它呈現出鬱鬱蔥蔥的高架花園,並享有壯麗的景色。 這個新穎,集約化的郊區計劃通過壯麗的堆疊景觀為繁華的海濱社區做出貢獻。

The tower itself has a rectangular base shape; an plot of 17,5 x 14,5m is multiplied 16 times. The floor slab in principle accommodates one single villa but can be divided in two small units at will. In addition also maisonette style homes can be easily compiled if desired. A two story penthouse with extensive outdoor spaces and a unique rooftop pool will top the tower.

塔本身俱有矩形的基本形狀。 17.5 x 14.5m的地塊乘以16倍。 樓板原則上可容納一棟別墅,但可隨意分成兩個小單元。 此外,如果需要,還可以輕鬆地建造複式豪宅。 帶有頂層室外空間的兩層頂層公寓和獨特的屋頂游泳池將位於塔頂。

From these platforms-in-the-skies characteristic ‘plug-ins’ are suspended. Together they create a mesmerizing sculptural silhouette, that lovingly embraces the seascape from sunrise to sunset.

在這些天空平台中,特有的“插件”已被暫停。 他們在一起創造出迷人的雕塑輪廓,從日出到日落都深情地擁抱著海景。

The plug-ins are inhabitable bubbles of about 50 m²; a new type of ‘bay windows’ that can be used in various ways. An ideal setting for a blissful master bedroom including wellness facilities, a cute work place, or an intimate dinning room.

插件是大約50平方米的可居住氣泡; 一種新型的“凸窗”,可以通過多種方式使用。 一個幸福的主臥室的理想環境,包括健康設施,可愛的工作場所或私密的就餐室。

The plug-ins, or Pods, derive their distinct shapes from kidney shaped pools, golf courses and putting greens. This pleasant ‘body language’ of luxury leisure is projected into a whole new constellation to create an idiom that is familiar yet outlandish; a surreal 3D arcadia comes into being. Dali meets Corbu (after all).

插件(或Pod)從腎形泳池,高爾夫球場和果嶺中獲得獨特的形狀。 這種豪華休閒的令人愉悅的“肢體語言”被投影到一個全新的星座中,以創建一個既熟悉又古怪的習語。 超現實的3D Arcadia應運而生。 大理遇到了科布(畢竟)。

In the Cypriot building regulations, balconies with over 6m of free space above them are not considered part of the Built Up Area (BUA = sum of the built surface). In order to provide maximum sellable space without exceeding the maximum surface allowed the number of balconies is optimized. Besides providing wonderful inside spaces, the carefully positioned plug-ins support this surplus of exterior surface. Both the outdoor experience and the value of the project are maximized by introducing ‘flying gardens” that include pools, jacuzzis, lounge pits or ponds.

在塞浦路斯建築法規中,在其上方有6m以上自由空間的陽台不被視為建築面積的一部分(BUA =建築面積的總和)。 為了在不超過允許的最大表面積的情況下提供最大的可銷售空間,對陽台的數量進行了優化。 除了提供出色的內部空間外,精心放置的插件還可以支撐過多的外表面。 通過引入包括游泳池,按摩浴缸,休息室或池塘在內的“空中花園”,可以最大限度地提高戶外體驗和項目的價值。

The generous floor height of almost 4 meters permits local deformations of the floors. Substantial dips are possible while still offering enough space under them. A kind of ‘bellies’ emerge; intriguing derivatives of the ‘world’ above that create three-dimensional, graceful ceilings. Planters and Pools become an integrated and integral ingredient of the architecture.

接近4米的寬大地板高度允許地板局部變形。 可能會有大幅度下降,同時仍在其下方提供足夠的空間。 一種“肚子”出現了; 引人入勝的“世界”衍生品,創造出三維優美的天花板。 花盆和水池成為建築的不可或缺的組成部分。

The facades are setback to create a continuous outdoor space of at least 1,5 meter that creates a vibrating, airy silhouette The ‘endless veranda’ allows for the occasional stroll around the house –one of the main attractions of the freestanding villa.


The ‘perimeter garden’ in combination with the protruding Pods provides shade in a natural way to the apartments below. A filigree layer of planting additionally decreases the temperature levels inside the apartment. Together with the potential of cross ventilation this dramatically lowers need of air conditioning.

“周邊花園”與凸出的豆莢相結合,以自然的方式為下方的公寓提供陰影。 花絲的種植層還降低了公寓內部的溫度水平。 再加上交叉通風的潛力,這大大降低了對空調的需求。

On each floor two Plug-ins will be offered. As such effectively providing two additional interior spaces and two outdoor plateaus.At least one Pod supports a garden that also serves as rainwater catcher. This collector will be quite effective since it is exposed to the skies.

在每個樓層將提供兩個插件。 因此,有效地提供了兩個額外的內部空間和兩個室外平台。至少一個Pod支撐著一個花園,該花園也可以用作雨水收集器。 由於該收集器暴露在天空中,因此非常有效。

Additional planting fixtures are embedded in the floor both inside and outside conceptually dissolving the boundary between interior and exterior. The so-called Polderdak-system as developed by De Dakdokters (Roof Doctors) will help to both store the water and serve as a source of life for the greenery above. Rainwater will be stored in hidden containers that are connected with all flowerpots on that floor allowing the water to be spread according to the needs of the planting. This smart form of irrigation-from-below minimizes evaporation.

在內部和外部的地面上都嵌入了其他種植固定裝置,從概念上消除了內部和外部之間的界限。 由De Dakdokters(屋頂醫生)開發的所謂的Polderdak系統將不僅有助於儲存水,而且還可以作為上述綠色植物的生命之源。 雨水將被存儲在與該樓層所有花盆相連的隱藏容器中,從而根據種植需要分配水。 這種從下到下灌溉的巧妙形式將蒸發量降至最低。

It is attractive to deploy local plant species to create gardens naturally adapted to the specific environment of Cyprus but thanks to the Polderdak system also luxuriant greenery can be planted.


The slender tower is placed on a large plot of land that creates a generous natural setting; thanks to the modest foot print the landscape gets center stage. The ground floor features a spacious lobby including a gallery / showroom and bar / restaurant that interact with the surrounding scenery. A pleasant biotope for mixing and mingling.

細長的塔樓被放置在一塊寬闊的土地上,營造出寬敞自然的環境。 多虧了適度的佔地面積,景觀才成為中心舞台。 一樓設有寬敞的大堂,包括與周圍風景互動的畫廊/陳列室和酒吧/餐廳。 令人愉悅的混合和混合生物群落。


This ‘civic foyer’ is topped by an airy canopy, a wrap-around pergola, This minimalist xl-awning can be considered a feature of the landscape design and does not exceed the allowable footprint while providing valuable shade even beyond the perimeter of the building.


這款“市政門廳”的頂部是通風的頂篷,環繞式涼棚,這種極簡的xl遮陽篷可以視為景觀設計的特色,並且不會超出允許的佔地面積,同時即使在建築物外圍也可以提供有價值的陰影 。

A wellness domain is located on the first floor including medical, fitness and meditation spaces combining rooms for active physical training and relaxing as such enabling a healthy lifestyle. Facades can be fully opened to sustain an outdoor experience even in the interior.

保健區域位於一樓,包括醫療,健身和冥想空間,結合了進行積極體育鍛煉和放鬆的房間,從而實現了健康的生活方式。 外牆可以完全打開,即使在室內也可以保持戶外體驗。

Spatial arrangements

Architecture seldom has the opportunity to become art. But the preconditions and ambitions surrounding this project converge to such a degree that magic can actually happen: a one-of-a-kind masterpiece can come into being.


建築很少有機會成為藝術。 但是圍繞該項目的前提條件和雄心勃勃地融合在一起,以至於魔術實際上可以發生:一種獨一無二的傑作可以形成。


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