The Noor E Mobin G2 Primary School by FEA Studio is a school in the desert near Bastaam, Iran, made up of a series of classrooms divided by courtyards and outdoor corridors.

Iranian architecture firm FEA Studio designed the school for Noor E Mobin, a non-governmental organisation (NGO), as part of an educational complex in Semnan Province.

FEA Studio提供的Noor E Mobin G2小學是一所位於伊朗巴斯塔姆附近沙漠中的學校,由一系列教室組成,這些教室被庭院和室外走廊隔開。

伊朗建築公司FEA Studio為非政府組織(NGO)的Noor E Mobin設計了學校,作為Semnan省教育綜合體的一部分。

The Noor E Mobin G2 Primary School was designed by FEA Studio|Noor E Mobin G2小學由FEA Studio設計

FEA Studio arranged the school’s classrooms as an “educational neighbourhood”, with streets and alleyways connecting individual volumes.

“The design and facility layouts have an important role in making a neighbourhood-like school landscape,” FEA Studio told Dezeen.

“They define alleys and open spaces for play and where different grades of students can connect.”

FEA Studio將學校的教室佈置為“教育社區”,街道和小巷連接了各個區域。

FEA Studio告訴Dezeen:“設計和設施佈局在營造類似社區的學校景觀中起著重要作用。”


Rooftop classrooms are open to the air|屋頂教室向空中開放

Children are encouraged to play in these pathways and the playgrounds in between study spaces.

Several of the classrooms are topped by courtyard-style rooftop terraces enclosed by high walls that can be used as classrooms during the day and for astrology lessons at night.

Windows in these open-air rooms have balcony-style railings to give children views over the landscape while maintaining their safety.




A sunken courtyard can be a place to play|下沉的庭院可以成為娛樂場所

The architects hope that giving the boys and girls who study at Noor E Mobin G2 Primary School the freedom to roam and play will add to their educational experience and help the students mix.

“This complex acts like a cultural hub since the students travel diverse paths and distances to learn,” said FEA Studio.

“Borders are defined by the children themselves. Alleys are for building up friendships and playing games. It’s a complex in which the children can grow and taste life.”

建築師希望,讓在Noor E Mobin G2小學學習的男孩和女孩能夠自由漫遊和玩耍,將增加他們的教育經驗並幫助學生融合。

FEA Studio說:“這個複雜的建築就像一個文化中心,因為學生們走著不同的道路和距離進行學習。”


Sports pitches are arranged around the classrooms|教室周圍設有運動場

Paved courtyards can be used as sports pitches and for outdoor learning. A sunken courtyard with stepped seating can be used as a play area, for ball games, or as an amphitheatre.

The unique layout and its pedagogical goals relate to the wider program of the Noor E Mobin NGO, which is to provide a free education that nurtures talent over rote learning and produces “decent citizens”.

鋪好的庭院可用作運動場和戶外學習場所。 帶有階梯式座位的下沉式庭院可以用作遊戲區,球類游戲或圓形劇場。

獨特的佈局及其教學目標與Noor E Mobin NGO的更廣泛計劃相關,該計劃旨在提供免費教育,以培養死記硬背的人才,並培養“體面的公民”。

Children can play together in the alleyways between classrooms|孩子們可以在教室之間的小巷裡一起玩耍

The school’s buildings have exteriors clad in a uniform sandy-coloured brick.

“Brick is historically the most commonly used material in the area and also has good compatibility and price in context,” explained FEA Studio.


FEA Studio解釋說:“從歷史上看,磚是該地區最常用的材料,並且具有良好的兼容性和價格。”

The school offers free education to boys and girls in Semnan Province|學校為塞姆南省的男孩和女孩提供免費教育

The Noor E Mobin G2 Primary School has been longlisted for a Dezeed Award 2020.

FEA Studio, which stands for Fundamental Experience of Architecture, was founded in 2006 by Enseh Khamseh and Arash Nasiri and is based in Tehran.

The practice also designed a sports hall for the NGO, which has a white metal profile designed to resemble a cloud.

Photography is by Ali Daghigh, Behruz Khamseh, Soroosh Riazi and Farid Almasi.

Noor E Mobin G2小學已入圍2020年Dezeed獎。

FEA Studio代表建築的基本經驗,由Enseh Khamseh和Arash Nasiri於2006年成立,總部位於德黑蘭。


攝影是阿里·達格海(Ali Daghigh),貝魯茲·卡姆瑟(Behruz Khamseh),索洛什·里亞齊(Soroosh Riazi)和法里德·阿爾馬西(Farid Almasi)。



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