Architects: UPA
Area: 822 m²
Year: 2020
Photographs: Lian He
Architect In Charge:Chao Zhou
Design Team:Kechao Deng, Zixin Cen, Hang Zhang, Haijuan Deng, Yixin Xu
Client:China Foundation For Poverty Alleviation
Consultant:Peng Yang
Collaborator:Advanced Architecture Lab(AaL): Wei Mu, Wen He, Junxian Luo
Resident Architect:Jinsong Wu


The Ancient Town of Fenghuang, located in Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Hunan Province, is a famous historical and cultural city in China. It was once called the most beautiful town in China by New Zealand writer Rewi Alley. And it enjoys the same reputation in the south as the Ancient City of Pingyao in the north. Outside the Ancient Town of Fenghuang, there is little-known natural scenery, beautiful Miao villages, and mysterious folk culture with a long history in Miao Township. The whole village is built along the mountains, where stone houses scatter and the roads made of slab-stone wind and stretch. Surrounding trees flourish and the smoke from the kitchen curls upwards, presenting a tranquil and leisure scene like a paradise.

鳳凰古鎮位於湖南省湘西土家族苗族自治州,是中國著名的歷史文化名城。 新西蘭作家魯威·艾利(Rewi Alley)曾將其稱為中國最美麗的城鎮。 南部享有與北部平遙古城相同的聲譽。 鳳凰古鎮外,苗族鄉自然美景不多,美麗的苗族村落,神秘的民間文化源遠流長。 整個村莊都建在山上,石屋四處散落,石板砌成的道路蜿蜒曲折。 周圍的樹木茂盛,廚房的煙霧s縮,呈現出天堂般的寧靜休閒氛圍。

Poverty Alleviation and Public Welfare|扶貧與社會公益

Bona Villa, an innovative public welfare project for poverty alleviation launched by China Foundation For Poverty Alleviation in 2013, is aimed at exploring a new “Rural Tourism Poverty Alleviation +” model, and is committed to building a platform for the connection between the countryside and the outside, and reassessing poverty villages’ value and creating village-oriented development opportunities. Currently, it has been carried out in more than 20 villages nationwide. Lahao Village in Fenghuang is one of Bona Villa projects and is constructed with funds donated by Sinopec.

Bona Villa是中國扶貧基金會於2013年發起的一項創新性的扶貧公益項目,旨在探索一種新的“鄉村旅遊扶貧+”模式,並致力於為農村和農村之間的聯繫建立一個平台。 外部,重新評估貧困村莊的價值並創造以村莊為導向的發展機會。 目前,它已在全國20多個村莊進行。 鳳凰城拉好村是博納山莊項目之一,由中國石化捐贈資金建設。

At the invitation of China Foundation For Poverty Alleviation, we were involved in the whole process of the project, including the selection of village site, overall planning, architectural renovation, interior and landscape design, which lasted more than two years. In this process, we not only felt the difficulties and challenges of rural construction, but also experienced the improvement of the rural environment brought by our own practice, and deeply realized the social responsibility of architects.

應中國扶貧基金會的邀請,我們參與了該項目的全過程,包括選址,總體規劃,建築裝修,室內和景觀設計,歷時兩年多。 在這一過程中,我們不僅感受到了農村建設的困難與挑戰,而且體驗了自己實踐帶來的農村環境的改善,深刻地意識到了建築師的社會責任。

Rebirth of Traditional Settlements|傳統住區的複興

Lahao Stone Houses are located on a hillside, which is high in the north and low in the south, with a relative altitude of about 30 meters. There are towering old trees and mountains around the village. The settlement pattern of the village is not complete. Some houses are well preserved, but some have collapsed. There are also several brick-and-concrete houses built by villagers in the gaps, which has caused great damage to the texture of the village. When we did the survey, Lahao Village was already in the state of a “hollow village”, with only a small number of elderly and left-behind children living here.

拉豪石屋位於山坡上,山高北高,南低,相對海拔約30米。 村莊周圍有參天大樹和山脈。 村莊的安置方式不完整。 有些房屋保存完好,但有些倒塌了。 間隙中還有幾位村民建造的磚混房屋,對村莊的質地造成了極大的破壞。 當我們進行調查時,拉好村已經處於“空心村”的狀態,只有少數老人和留守兒童住在這裡。

Through detailed investigation and analysis, we selected an area on the north side of the village where the old houses were relatively complete as the main building of the homestay project. On the one hand, we sorted out the space of the village, reorganized the public spaces, roads, parking lots and other infrastructure, so that the structure of the homestay was clearly presented; on the other hand, we selected twelve houses for renovation, which included public areas, homestay and other functions. It is worth mentioning that the homestay project has no walls or borders, so that it coexists with the reserved houses. The village grows like nature, and the new and the old merge together naturally.

通過詳細的調查和分析,我們選擇了該村北側舊房屋比較完整的區域作為寄宿家庭項目的主體建築。 一方面,我們整理了村莊的空間,對公共空間,道路,停車場和其他基礎設施進行了重組,從而清楚地展示了寄宿家庭的結構。 另一方面,我們選擇了十二棟房屋進行翻修,其中包括公共區域,寄宿家庭和其他功能。 值得一提的是,寄宿家庭項目沒有牆壁或邊界,因此與保留的房屋共存。 村莊像大自然一樣生長,新舊自然地融合在一起。

Methods and Strategies|方法與策略
The transformation strategies of the project are to protect the original ecological landscape, respect the original site, restore the architectural texture, and minimize the damage to the natural environment. First of all, within the boundary of the existing houses, the main house is transformed, and only the attached toilets and chicken coops are demolished. Each house forms a courtyard, and the original trees in the courtyard are retained to ensure privacy while forming a maximized view of the landscape. The houses are connected by stone paths, and visitors will climb up the stairs, which provides an experience of varying scenery with changing viewpoints.

該項目的轉化策略是保護原始生態景觀,尊重原始遺址,恢復建築紋理並最大程度減少對自然環境的破壞。 首先,在現有房屋的範圍內,對主要房屋進行改造,僅拆除附屬的廁所和雞舍。 每棟房屋都形成一個庭院,並保留庭院中的原始樹木,以確保隱私,同時形成最大的景觀。 房屋之間由石徑相連,遊客將爬上樓梯,從而通過不同的視角體驗變化多端的風景。

According to the requirements of the homestay itself, the window positions of public spaces and guest rooms are carefully considered to obtain a unique view of the landscape. These window scenes may be towering old trees or verdant mountains, providing different scenery at different heights. There are currently six homestays that have been implemented, concentrated on the east side of the village, and the rest of the house renovation will be implemented in the future.

根據寄宿家庭本身的要求,會仔細考慮公共空間和客房的窗戶位置,以獲得獨特的景觀。 這些窗景可能是參天大樹或翠綠的山脈,在不同的高度提供不同的風景。 目前已經實施了六個寄宿家庭,主要集中在村莊的東側,其餘的房屋翻新將在未來進行。

Material And Construction|材料與構造
The stone wall in Lahao Village is unique in Xiangxi region. It does not use any mortar for masonry and has a thickness of 55 cm. We only modify the stone walls on the south side, allowing the stonemasons to rebuild it in accordance with the traditional dry-laying method, while retaining the stone walls on other sides. After the stone wall on the south sides are rebuilt, the lighting windows are enlarged, which greatly improves the original lighting conditions.

拉好村的石牆在湘西地區是獨一無二的。 它不使用砂漿砌石,厚度為55厘米。 我們僅修改南側的石牆,允許石匠按照傳統的干法鋪設方法對其進行重建,同時將石牆保留在另一側。 重建南側的石牆後,擴大了採光窗,極大地改善了原有的採光條件。

Inside the stone wall, the steel structure system is inserted and the roof is raised 80cm to float above the stone wall. At the same time, a side skylight is set on the upper part of the stone wall to allow more light and landscape to enter the interior. The steel structure system is used inside the stone wall, which is a means of industrialization. On the one hand, it can cope with the site limitation of transportation and the accuracy of rural construction; on the other hand, the steel structure system and the stone wall system are organically integrated to meet the diversified functional needs of the homestay project. At the same time, there is a strong contrast between the new and the old, the light and the heavy, forming a dramatic effect in the village.

在石牆內部,插入鋼結構系統,並將屋頂抬高80cm以漂浮在石牆上方。 同時,在石牆的上部設置了側窗,以使更多的光線和景觀進入室內。 鋼結構系統用於石牆內部,這是一種工業化手段。 一方面可以解決交通運輸場地的局限性和農村建設的準確性。 另一方面,鋼結構系統和石牆系統有機地結合在一起,可以滿足寄宿家庭項目多樣化的功能需求。 同時,新與舊,輕與重之間形成強烈反差,在鄉村形成了戲劇性的效果。

In addition to the transformation paradigm of the main building, we adopt differentiated transformation strategies in some parts. For example, the house on the south side of No. 2 courtyard retains the original rammed-earth brick walls, with steel structures implanted inside. A tea room is expanded on the south side of No. 4 Courtyard, which is protruded out of the mountain with concrete slabs. The facade is made of glass totally, bringing the forest and valley inside.

除了主體建築的轉換範例外,我們在某些部分還採用了差異化的轉換策略。 例如,位於二號院南側的房屋保留了原始的夯土磚牆,並在其內部植入了鋼結構。 茶室在四號院的南側擴展,並用混凝土板從山上伸出。 外牆完全由玻璃製成,將森林和山谷帶入內部。

Memory and Experience|記憶與經驗

In the reconstruction of Lahao Village, although there is a juxtaposition of the new and the old, the memory of rural life is still present as a whole. The stone walls of the building are preserved, and the stone gate of the courtyard is also carefully preserved. Flowers and plants grow in the gaps of the stone retaining walls. The wood from the old houses and other collected old objects are used to make the landscape. These old objects are recycled. , Integrates the relevance of villagers’ lives into the local context.

在拉好村的改建中,雖然新舊並存,但農村生活的整體記憶仍然存在。 保留了建築物的石牆,並仔細地保留了院子的石門。 花卉和植物生長在石材擋土牆的縫隙中。 舊房屋的木材和其他收集的舊物件被用於製作景觀。 這些舊物品被回收。 ,將村民生活的相關性融入當地環境。

Lahao Stone Houses are the starting point of Lahao Village’s “Rural Tourism Poverty Alleviation +“project, and a series of public spaces and public landscapes will continue to appear in the future. We hope that the transformation strategies of Lahao Village will serve as a good example. They not only respect the old houses and the lifestyles of the villagers, but also awake the memories and emotions of the village and allow the continuation of the rural culture.

拉好石屋是拉好村“鄉村旅遊扶貧+”項目的起點,今後還將繼續出現一系列公共空間和公共景觀。 我們希望拉好村的轉型戰略能夠成為一個很好的例子。 他們不僅尊重村民的老房子和生活方式,而且喚醒了村民的記憶和情感,並使鄉村文化得以延續。


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