OMA New York, led by Shohei Shigematsu, has unveiled its design for a glass addition to top the historic Tiffany & Co store on Fifth Avenue in New York City.

The project involves the preservation of the jewellery brand’s 80-year old flagship location, a renovation of its ground floor and the construction of a rectangular glass volume that will span three storeys, adding space for hosting exhibitions and events.

Built in 1940 by Cross & Cross, the existing limestone facade of the Tiffany & Co building is marked by its grid of windows and scalloped edges. In 1980 an upper volume was added to the building to house offices, which will be demolished and replaced by the new glass structure as part of this latest renovation by OMA.

由鬆平重松(Shohei Shigematsu)領導的OMA New York揭開了其玻璃加飾設計的序幕,超越了位於紐約市第五大道的歷史悠久的蒂芙尼(Tiffany&Co)商店。


Tiffany&Co大樓由Cross&Cross於1940年建造,其現有的石灰石外牆以窗戶和扇形邊緣的網格為標誌。 1980年,OMA在建築物中增添了更大的體積來容納辦公室,將其拆除並替換為新的玻璃結構。

“Tiffany’s Fifth Avenue Flagship is more than a retail space, it is a destination with a public dimension,” said OMA Partner Shohei Shigematsu. “The new addition is informed by programmatic needs of the evolving brand – a gathering place that acts as a contemporary counterpart to the iconic ground level space and its activities.”

“The floating volume over an existing terrace provides a clear visual cue to a vertical journey of diverse experiences throughout the building,” he added.

OMA’s design plans to form the new volume using two stacked glass structures. The lower one will comprise a recessed box covered with glass windows, while the upper portion will be wrapped with slumped glass walls modelled after the building’s decorative parapet.

OMA合夥人重松昌平說:“蒂芙尼的第五大道旗艦店不僅是零售店,而且是一個公共場所。” “新加入的產品是根據不斷發展的品牌的程序需求而設計的-一個聚集地,與標誌性的地面空間及其活動在當代上相對應。”


OMA的設計計劃是使用兩個堆疊的玻璃結構來形成新的體積。 下部將包括一個凹陷的盒子,上面覆蓋著玻璃窗,而上部將被包裹著仿照建築物裝飾欄杆的塌陷的玻璃牆包裹。

The ridged glass requires minimal vertical support and has a reflective surface designed for viewing the city from the interiors while offering privacy looking in from the exterior.

An outdoor patio for hosting events surrounds the lower, two-storey volume. The existing space is furnished with tables and plants that overlook Fifth Avenue and on to Central Park. Its double height walls are wrapped with smooth glass panes and vertical silver frames to tie the two volumes together.

“The two spaces of the upper volume that make up the new addition is a moment of clear but complementary contrast to the original flagship,” the studio added. “It is a symbolic ending to the building that reflects an evolved luxury experience that is more a journey than a destination.”


較低的兩層高樓環繞著一個舉辦活動的室外露台。 現有空間中擺放著可以俯瞰第五大道和中央公園的桌子和植物。 它的雙高牆包裹著光滑的玻璃板和垂直的銀色框架,將兩個體積綁在一起。

該工作室補充說:“構成新產品的上部空間的兩個空間是與原始旗艦產品形成鮮明但互補的時刻。” “這是該建築的象徵性結局,反映出不斷發展的豪華體驗,而不是目的地。”

The project is currently under construction and is expected to complete in Spring 2022.

Shigematsu leads OMA New York with fellow partner Jason Long. The outpost is intended to function independently from the studio’s international offices, including Rotterdam, Beijing, Hong Kong, Doha and Australia, as part of an initiative of founder Rem Koolhaas.

Last year the studio installed a multicoloured escalator inside the renovated Saks Fifth Avenue department store.

Other recent projects by the New York office include a plan for the 11th Street Bridge Park in Washington DC and a series of galleries inside Gio Ponti’s Denver Art Museum.


重鬆與合夥人傑森·朗(Jason Long)領導紐約OMA。 作為創始人雷姆·庫哈斯(Rem Koolhaas)倡議的一部分,該前哨基地旨在獨立於鹿特丹,北京,香港,多哈和澳大利亞等工作室的國際辦事處運作。


紐約辦事處最近的其他項目包括華盛頓特區第11街大橋公園的計劃以及Gio Ponti的丹佛美術館內的一系列畫廊。



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