Address:52 Victoria Street
Town or city:Victoria, London


The Albert is a Grade II listed pub located at 52 Victoria Street in Victoria, London.
Built in 1862 by the Artillery Brewery, the pub retains its striking façade and Victorian features that were undamaged during The Blitz in World War II. The Albert was named in tribute to Queen Victoria’s husband, Albert, Prince Consort.

該酒館由砲兵啤酒廠於1862年建造,保留了其引人注目的外觀和維多利亞時代的特色,而這些特色在第二次世界大戰的閃電戰中並未受到破壞。 阿爾伯特(Albert)是為了向維多利亞女王的丈夫阿爾伯特(Prince Consort)致敬。

The Albert was built in 1862 on Victoria Street on the site of an earlier pub called The Blue Coat Boy, which was first recorded in 1831. This earlier pub—named after the famous charity school nearby—was purchased for £978 (equivalent to £91,934 in 2019) by the Artillery Brewery in the mid-nineteenth century. The structure was rebuilt between 1862 and 1867 by Joseph Carter Wood, owner of the Artillery Brewery, and the pub was renamed The Albert, in tribute to Queen Victoria’s husband, Albert. On 6 August 1867, the licence was transferred from George Fisher to James Robertson, who later transferred the licence to Joseph Walker on 2 February 1869. In the 1871 census, Walker was listed as the licensed victualler, William Brotherhood as the barman, and Emma Francis as the cook. In the 1881 census, Walter E Wilbourn was listed as the licensed victualler, William Bates as the barman, and Jane Thurlow as the barmaid. By 1891, Thomas Butler was listed as the licensed victualler, his wife Fride W Butler was listed as the manager, John Frankling as the barman, and Louisa J Welland, Miriam Jenkins, and Ellen Howard as barmaids.

The post office directory listing of The Albert included the name John Rumsey in 1899, Thomas Hy Cook in 1915, and Mrs E P Darnell in 1934. During World War II, The Albert survived The Blitz, and the striking façade and Victorian features have remained virtually untouched. The ornate ceilings, hand-etched frosted glass windows, and wrought iron balconies are all original features. The pub displays special memorabilia from its long history, including the House of Commons Division Bell and one of Queen Victoria’s napkins. The pub also features the Prime Ministers Gallery, which acknowledges many political figures of the past, some of whom have visited The Albert.The Albert is the only remaining building from the original phase of the development of Victoria Street.

阿爾伯特酒店(Albert)建於1862年,位於維多利亞大街上,當時是較早的酒吧The Blue Coat Boy的所在地,該酒吧於1831年首次被錄製。該較早的酒吧以附近的著名慈善學校的名字命名,價格為978英鎊(相當於£於19世紀中葉由砲兵啤酒廠(Articley Brewery)於2019年發行了91,934件)。這座建築是由砲兵啤酒廠的老闆約瑟夫·卡特·伍德(Joseph Carter Wood)在1862年至1867年間重建的,酒館改名為“阿爾伯特”,以紀念維多利亞女王的丈夫阿爾伯特。 1867年8月6日,許可證從喬治·費舍爾(George Fisher)移交給了詹姆斯·羅伯遜(James Robertson),詹姆斯·羅伯遜(James Robertson)於1869年2月2日將許可證移交給了約瑟夫·沃克(Joseph Walker)。在1871年的人口普查中,沃克被列為有執照的養蜂人,威廉·兄弟(William Brotherhood)被列為酒保,艾瑪(Emma)弗朗西斯做飯。在1881年的人口普查中,沃爾特·E·威爾伯恩(Walter E Wilbourn)被列為有執照的養蜂人,威廉·貝茨(William Bates)被列為酒保,而簡·瑟洛(Jane Thurlow)被列為侍女。到1891年,托馬斯·巴特勒(Thomas Butler)被列為有執照的養蜂人,他的妻子弗萊德·W·巴特勒(Fride W Butler)被列為經理,約翰·弗蘭克林(John Frankling)被列為酒保,路易斯·J·韋蘭德(Louisa J Welland),米里亞姆·詹金斯(Miriam Jenkins)和艾倫·霍華德(Ellen Howard)被列為女僕。

The Albert的郵局目錄列表包括1899年的John Rumsey,1915年的Thomas Hy Cook和1934年的EP Darnell夫人。第二次世界大戰期間,Albert倖免於閃電戰,其醒目的外觀和維多利亞時代的特色幾乎保持不變無動於衷。華麗的天花板,手工蝕刻的磨砂玻璃窗和鍛鐵陽台都是原始特色。該酒館展示了其悠久歷史中的特殊紀念品,包括下議院分庭鐘聲和維多利亞女王的餐巾紙之一。該酒館還設有總理畫廊,該畫廊承認了過去的許多政治人物,其中一些人曾參觀過艾伯特美術館。艾伯特美術館是維多利亞街發展初期的唯一剩余建築。

The Albert is a four-story building constructed of yellow brick with red brick dressings and stucco trim. It is three windows wide facing Victoria Street, and five window deep with a two-storey, three-window extension. The original canted ground floor frontage is central paneled with glazed doors and flanking windows framed by granite pilasters carrying fascia, cornice, and baluster with ball finials. The return features coupled pilasters with small pediments over the cornice than runs across the full extent of the ground floor.

The bar windows and glazed doors have cut, engraved, and frosted glass. The upper floors have recessed sash windows linked by ornate iron balconies on the second and third floors. The slate roof is framed by a stucco molded parapet with a prominent stucco main entablature with deep cornices and lions’ head modillions. Centred on both sides are upstands with “The Albert” incised on them. The interior retains some bar fittings that date back to c. 1900.

阿爾伯特(Albert)是一棟四層樓的建築,由黃磚砌成,紅磚敷料和灰泥裝飾。 它面向維多利亞街是三扇寬的窗戶,五層是兩層三窗的延伸部分。 最初的傾斜地面鋪面是中央鑲板,玻璃門和側窗均由花崗岩壁柱構成,這些壁柱上帶有飾板,簷口和欄杆,並帶有球頂。 返回特徵是壁架上的壁柵與小飾物相結合,而不是貫穿整個地面。

酒吧的窗戶和玻璃門已切割,雕刻和磨砂玻璃。 較高的樓層在第二層和第三層設有凹入式窗扇窗,這些窗扇由華麗的鐵陽台相連。 石板屋頂由灰泥模壓的護牆圍起來,灰泥模製的護牆板具有顯著的灰泥主飾面,帶有深深的簷口和獅子的頭部。 兩側居中,豎立刻有“ The Albert”的立柱。 內部保留了一些可追溯至c的酒吧配件。 1900年。


FROM:Mo Salah Egyptian King Anfield Albert Pub Liverpool FC Huddersfield 26.04.19

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