The Hotel Des Artistes was designed in 1916 as an artist’s coop apartment building. Many of the rooms overlook Central Park and residents are just across the street from Manhattan’s most famous of attractions

德斯藝術家酒店於1916年設計為藝術家的合作公寓。 許多房間俯瞰中央公園,居民就在曼哈頓最著名的景點對面

The building houses 126 apartments across 18 floors on the Upper West Side. While the building was never a hotel, many of the amenities are equal to that of the finest luxury accommodations. The building includes a communal restaurant, squash courts, swimming pool, theater, ball room, and even a vintage telephone switchboard to add to the ambiance

該建築在上西城的18層中容納126套公寓。 雖然這座建築從來都不是酒店,但許多便利設施與一流的豪華住宿相當。 該建築包括一間公共餐廳,壁球場,游泳池,劇院,宴會廳,甚至還有老式電話總機,以增添氛圍

Designed as an artist’s cooperative apartment building and the largest “studio” building in the city, the Hotel Des Artistes at 1 West 67th Street on the Upper West Side is one of NYC’s most famous and illustrious buildings. As one of a constellation of style stars in Ari Seth Cohen’s “Advanced Style” universe, former model, artist and muse to fashionistas of all ages Beatrix Ost is beloved for her perfect balance of creativity, confidence and cool. In a rare confluence of New York City fabulousness, the apartment Ost has shared with her husband, Ludwig Kuttner, since 2006 is on the market for $4 million–and the offbeat but ridiculously stylish space is every bit what we’d expect.

位於上西城西67街1號的Des Artistes酒店被設計為藝術家的合作公寓樓和市內最大的“工作室”建築,是紐約市最著名,最負盛名的建築之一。 作為阿里·塞斯·科恩(Ari Seth Cohen)“高級風格”宇宙中眾多時尚明星中的一員,比阿特麗克斯·奧斯特(Beatrix Ost)曾是模特,藝術家和繆斯女神,深受各個年齡段時尚達人的青睞,以其在創造力,自信和炫酷方面的完美平衡而倍受青睞。 自從2006年以來,奧斯特(Ost)與丈夫路德維希·庫特納(Ludwig Kuttner)共同使用的公寓就在紐約市中風靡一時,以400萬美元的價格出售,而另類卻荒唐可笑的時尚空間正是我們所期望的。

Among the building’s many famous residents have been dancer Isadora Duncan, playwright Noel Coward, writer Fannie Hurst, New York City Mayor John V. Lindsay, writer Alexander Woollcott, and artist Norman Rockwell. Artist Howard Chandler Christy, an early resident, painted murals for the building’s legendary restaurant, Café des Artistes.

這座建築的許多著名居民中有舞蹈家伊莎多拉·鄧肯(Isadora Duncan),劇作家諾埃爾·科沃德(Noel Coward),作家房尼·赫斯特(Fannie Hurst),紐約市市長約翰·V·林賽(John V. Lindsay),作家亞歷山大·伍爾科特(Alexander Woollcott)和藝術家諾曼·羅克韋爾(Norman Rockwell)。 早期居民藝術家霍華德·錢德勒·克里斯蒂(Howard Chandler Christy)為該建築的傳奇餐廳Cafédes Artistes繪製了壁畫。

The six-room duplex is filled with unique finds and brilliant finishes. The apartment has three exposures, 18-foot ceilings, tall windows, open city and Central Park views, three bedrooms plus an office area, two full baths, central air conditioning, a wraparound mezzanine, and tons of pre-war details.

六居室複式公寓充滿了獨特的發現和出色的裝飾。 該公寓有三層暴露空間,18英尺高的天花板,高高的窗戶,可欣賞城市和中央公園的風景,三間臥室和一個辦公區,兩個完整的浴室,中央空調,環繞式閣樓以及許多戰前細節。

When the couple first moved in, the duplex needed a complete overhaul, and they proceeded to undertake a year-long, $1 million renovation. The home has been covered in the Wall Street Journal among others for its eclectic style.

當這對夫婦首次入住時,該雙層公寓需要徹底檢修,他們著手進行了為期一年,耗資100萬美元的翻新工程。 該房屋因其折衷主義風格而被《華爾街日報》報導。

Unlike many older co-ops, the building offers a full menu of amenities including 24 hour concierge services, a live-in super, a swimming pool, a squash court, a fitness center, a roof garden and an elevator operator. Another perk: discounts at the Leopard restaurant on the ground floor. It might also be mentioned that Uma Thurman’s brother Mipam Thurman is among the agents representing this iconic Upper West Side property, making for a fine intersection of neighborhood royalty.

與許多老舊的合作公寓不同,該建築提供全套設施,包括24小時禮賓服務,超級住所,游泳池,壁球場,健身中心,屋頂花園和電梯操作員。 另一個好處:在一樓的Leopard餐廳有折扣。 也許還應該提到,烏瑪·瑟曼(Uma Thurman)的兄弟米帕姆·瑟曼(Mipam Thurman)是代表這處上西區標誌性房產的經紀人之一,這使鄰里特許權使用費相交。


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