An artist has created a captivating installation in the Coachella desert in the form of a completely mirrored house that catches the light and reflects the beauty of the surrounding landscape.


Created by Doug Aitken, the piece is called “Mirage” and is a site-specific sculpture composed of reflective surfaces that clad a California ranch-style suburban house. Acting as a life-sized kaleidoscope, the building reflects and disappears into the skyline and terrain of the valley around it. The piece was inspired by the ideas of the famous architect Frank Lloyd Wright, whose belief was that architecture should be both in and of the landscape. Situated at the juncture where the San Jacinto mountain range gives way to the valley, Mirage is perched over a distant modern development that fades into the desert.

由道格·艾特肯(Doug Aitken)創作的作品被稱為“幻影(Mirage)”,是一個特定於現場的雕塑,由反射面組成,覆蓋著加利福尼亞牧場風格的郊區房屋。 這座建築物就像真人大小的萬花筒一樣,反射並消失在天際線和周圍山谷的地形中。 該作品的靈感來自著名建築師弗蘭克·勞埃德·賴特(Frank Lloyd Wright)的想法,他的信念是建築既要體現景觀又應體現景觀。 Mirage坐落在San Jacinto山脈通往山谷的交匯處,坐落在一個遙遠的現代發展中,逐漸淡入沙漠。



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