The developers of topped-out New York skyscraper 200 Amsterdam, designed by Elkus Manfredi Architects, are taking legal action after a court ruling to reduce the tower’s height.
New York State Supreme Court judge W Franc Perry ordered the city to revoke the building permit for the 200 Amsterdam tower located on Upper West Side earlier this week.
It is reported that the ruling may require the developers to remove roughly 20 storeys from the residential skyscraper, which topped out at 668 foot (203 metres) in August, although the exact amount remains unconfirmed.
Developers SJP Properties and Mitsui Fudosan America are appealing the decision in court. Boston firm Elkus Manfredi Architects, which designed the project, is not involved in the legal action.
“Ruling is a shocking loss for New York City”
“We will appeal this decision vigorously in court and are confident that we, and the city, will prevail on the merits,” the developers told.
“The ruling is a shocking loss for New York City and its residents. It defies more than 40 years of precedent in the city’s zoning laws.”
由Elkus Manfredi Architects設計的頂層200阿姆斯特丹的紐約摩天大樓的開發商,在法院裁定降低塔的高度後,正在採取法律行動。
紐約州最高法院法官W·弗蘭克·佩里(W Franc Perry)下令本週早撤銷位於上西區的200阿姆斯特丹塔樓的建築許可證。
開發商SJP Properties和Mitsui Fudosan America在法庭上對該決定提出上訴。設計該項目的波士頓公司Elkus Manfredi Architects不參與法律訴訟。
Since it was first unveiled in June 2016, 200 Amsterdam has faced opposition from community groups that have argued it was able to rise 52 storeys through a loophole in the law.
Formerly the site of a synagogue built in 1971, the property for the tower was enlarged after the developers purchased rights from neighbouring parking lots. This allowed them to create a much taller building than the initial site granted.
In May 2017, the building’s construction was opposed and a challenge was filed with the city’s Department of Buildings (DOB), which requested the developers respond to and solve issues.
The New York Supreme Court then ordered the Board of Standards and Appeals (BSA) to review the project again in 2019. Work continued while the zoning challenge was reviewed.
該塔以前是一個建於1971年的猶太教堂的所在地,在開發商從鄰近的停車場購買了土地使用權後,擴大了塔的財產。 這樣一來,他們可以建造比最初批准的場地高得多的建築。
The developers claim the new ruling ignores “the thoughtful decision of the DOB to grant the permit which was upheld by the BSA following exhaustive document review and testimony over a two-year period”.
Construction continues on the skyscraper at the intersection of Amsterdam Avenue and 69th Street despite these challenges.
New York City is host to many other supertall buildings, with recent additions including SHoP’s skinny project under construction at 111 West 57th and Central Park Tower by Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill, which is the world’s tallest residential tower.
Elkus Manfredi Architects has also designed the interiors of a shopping mall at Hudson Yards and a proposal to a turn part of Boston into a smart city with Sasaki Associates.
開發商聲稱,新裁定無視“ DOB頒發了經過深思熟慮的決定,授予了BSA在為期兩年的詳盡文件審查和證詞後維持的許可”。
紐約市還有許多其他超高層建築,最近又增加了一些新項目,包括SHoP在西57街111號正在建設的瘦項目和由Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill建造的中央公園塔,這是世界上最高的住宅塔。
埃爾庫斯·曼弗雷迪建築師事務所(Elkus Manfredi Architects)還設計了哈德遜廣場(Hudson Yards)購物中心的室內設計,並提出了與Sasaki Associates將波士頓的一部分轉變為智慧城市的建議。