Studio Symbiosis has designed Aũra air-purifying towers for Delhi, India, to help tackle the increasingly dangerous levels of pollution in the city.

Described by Studio Symbiosis as “breathing lungs of the city”, the Aũra towers have tapered, twisting forms designed to draw in polluted air and expel it in a purified form.

The proposal responds to increasing levels of thick smog in Delhi that the studio says feels like “a gas chamber”, which can be attributed to industrial waste, diesel vehicles, crop burning and power plants.

“Residents of Delhi are breathing about 25 times more toxic air than the permissible limit according to the World Health Organization guidelines, as on November 2019 according to India Today,” explained Studio Symbiosis.

“Everyone who can afford to is buying home air purifiers but why is clean air becoming a luxury and only accessible to limited people?”

Studio Symbiosis Studio為印度德里設計了Aũra空氣淨化塔,以幫助應對城市中日益危險的污染水平。

被Studio Symbiosis工作室描述為“城市的肺部呼吸”的Aũra塔具有錐形的扭曲形狀,旨在吸入受污染的空氣並將其以純淨的形式排出。


“新德里的居民呼吸的有毒空氣比根據世界衛生組織的指導方針所允許的極限高出約25倍,根據《今日印度》報導,到2019年11月,” Symbiosis工作室解釋說。


Studio Symbiosis has developed two different sizes of Aũra towers. The smallest measures 18 metres in height, while the larger tower is 60-metres-high.

The 60-metre-tall air tower relies on strong winds and is intended to be combined with several other towers to form a ring around the city’s border that acts as a barrier to external pollution.

Meanwhile, the smaller towers act as a secondary system placed within the city’s perimeter to maximise clean air during days when wind speeds are low and pollution is high.

Studio Symbiosis Studio開發了兩種不同尺寸的Aũra塔。 最小的塔高18米,而更大的塔高60米。



Internally, both towers are divided into two vertically stacked chambers divided by a filtration system.

The top chamber is designed to draw in the polluted air through intake vents. Here, the air velocity is increased through compression so that it can be pushed downwards to pass through the central filtration system.


頂部腔室設計為通過進氣孔吸入污染的空氣。 在此,空氣速度通過壓縮而增加,因此可以向下推動以通過中央過濾系統。

As it passes through the filtration system, it is cleaned before being expelled at the base of the tower through exhaust vents.

According to Studio Symbiosis, the 18-metre-high tower would be capable of cleaning 30 million cubic metres of air every day.

Both towers are complete with green planters that cover 60 to 70 per cent of their surface to produce oxygen.

The Aũra towers form part of a wider scheme by Studio Symbiosis to alleviate air pollution, called Aũra Hive.

This includes the proposal of Aũra Falcon Drones – a network of drones that slot into the walls of the towers that detach and move around the city to provide live updates of pollution levels.


根據Studio Symbiosis工作室的說法,這座18米高的塔每天能夠淨化3000萬立方米的空氣。


A Symra塔是Studio Symbiosis Studio旨在減輕空氣污染的一項更廣泛計劃的一部分,被稱為AũraHive。

這包括AũraFalcon Drones的提議-一種無人駕駛飛機網絡,可插入塔架的牆壁,並在城市中移動並移動,以實時更新污染水平。

Aũra Hive also includes the design of use of Aũra velocity – an air-purifying-attachment designed to be placed on top of cars that relies on vehicle aerodynamics.

“This ensures that part of the problem becomes a part of the solution,” explained the studio. “The more these cars move in the city, the more they clean the city. It is a design of inclusion, rather exclusion.”

Noida-based Studio Symbiosis is now planning the construction of the first 11 of the towers as part of Eco Park – an 890-acre park under development in Delhi that is set to become India’s “biggest manmade biodiversity park”.


工作室說:“這確保了問題的一部分成為解決方案的一部分。” “這些汽車在城市中移動的次數越多,它們清潔城市的次數就越多。這是一種融合的設計,而不是排斥的設計。”

總部位於諾伊達的Studio Symbiosis Studio現在正計劃建設生態塔的前11座,這是德里正在開發的佔地890英畝的公園,該公園將成為印度“最大的人造生物多樣性公園”。



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