Belgian architect Indra Janda has used translucent polycarbonate shingles to create a garden room at her parent’s home.

The young architect, co-founder of Atelier Janda Vanderghote, designed the small building to replace another on the brink of collapse.

比利時建築師Indra Janda使用半透明的聚碳酸酯木瓦在其父母的家中創建了一個花園房。

這位年輕的建築師,工作室Janda Vanderghote的聯合創始人,設計了這座小建築,以替換瀕臨倒塌的另一棟建築。

Simply named Garden Room, it creates a space for dining or relaxation in the garden of the farmhouse property in northern Belgium.

White polycarbonate shingles cover the walls and pitched roof of the small timber-framed structure. These square panels overlap, making them reminiscent of a reptile’s scaly skin.


白色的聚碳酸酯木瓦覆蓋著小型木構結構的牆壁和傾斜的屋頂。 這些方形面板重疊,使人聯想到爬行動物的鱗片狀皮膚。

The material is one commonly used for cladding small garden structures, said Janda, but she wanted to make it feel more special.

“We wanted to give the material a new vibe,” she told. “My father cut the cladding pieces himself, because they don’t exist to buy.”


她告訴記者:“我們希望賦予材料一種新的氛圍。” “我父親親自切割了砌面,因為它們根本不存在來購買。”

The architect said the result was worth the effort: “The material is semi-transparent, which is nice in summer and winter, and gives a totally different feeling from day to night.”

Other architectural detailing is kept to a minimum, to amplify the effect. The windows openings are frameless, and the entrance door is covered in the shingles. The edge of the roof is also flush with the walls below.


其他建築細節要盡量減少,以擴大效果。 窗戶的開口是無框的,而入口門則被木瓦覆蓋。 屋頂的邊緣也與下面的牆壁齊平。

The building is one of four that make up the property, and it completes a small courtyard. The other buildings include a barn, which Janda also renovated as part of the project.

該建築是構成該物業的四棟建築之一,並設有一個小庭院。 其他建築物包括一個穀倉,Janda還將其作為項目的一部分進行了裝修。

The brick building was given a new floor, its walls were painted with chalk and a new supporting structure was added for the clay tiled roof.


An extension on one side provides space for a new swimming pool.

The water extends out through a gap in one of the walls to connect with a plant-filled pool in the garden, which helps to naturally clean the water.



The original part of the building contains a sauna, a changing room, a shower and a toilet, all contained within a block that slots in underneath the wooden roof truss.

“The monumentality of the old barn is totally preserved,” said Janda. “It’s not just restoration, it’s reorientation.”


詹達說:“舊穀倉的紀念性得到了完全保留。” “這不僅僅是恢復,而是重新定位。”

Janda runs Atelier Janda Vanderghote in partnership with Menno Vanderghote. The pair’s other projects include a Ghent house transformed into a bed and breakfast.

Janda與Menno Vanderghote合作經營Atelier Janda Vanderghote工作室。 兩人的其他項目包括將根特的房屋改建成床和早餐。

Project credits:

Architect: Atelier Janda Vanderghote
Engineering consultant: Arthur De Roover


建築師:工作室Janda Vanderghote
工程顧問:Arthur De Roover



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