A grand gateway and a hillside belvedere are among a series of structures that Reiulf Ramstad Arkitekter has built in eastern France, to direct tourists towards a historic quarry.

The Oslo-based studio, led by architect Reiulf Ramstad, created the landscape interventions along the Chemin des Carrières, an 11-kilometre trail through the rural villages and landscape of Rosheim, on the outskirts of Strasbourg.

Reiulf Ramstad Arkitekter在法國東部建造了一系列建築物,其中包括宏偉的門戶和山坡上的眺望台,以將游客引向歷史悠久的採石場。

位於奧斯陸的工作室由建築師雷伊夫·拉姆斯塔德(Reiulf Ramstad)領導,沿著化學家園(Chemin desCarrières)創建了景觀干預措施,一條11公里的小徑穿過斯特拉斯堡郊區的鄉村和羅斯海姆(Rosheim)景觀。

The path follows the route of the Rosheim-St Nabor railway, which was opened in 1902 to serve the quarries of Saint-Nabor, but which ultimately closed in 2002.

Reiulf Ramstad Arkitekter worked with landscape studio Parenthèse Paysage to create designs for all five of the old station stops, each responding to the peculiarities of its location. Some offer shelters, while others offer visitors new or interesting viewpoints.

這條路線遵循Rosheim-St Nabor鐵路的路線,該鐵路於1902年開放,為Saint-Nabor的採石場提供服務,但最終於2002年關閉。

Reiulf Ramstad Arkitekter與景觀工作室ParenthèsePaysage合作,為所有五個舊車站創建了設計,每個車站都針對其所在地的特點。 有些提供庇護所,而另一些則為遊客提供新的或有趣的觀點。

“Along the 11-kilometre path goes a story, which the stops split into five chapters of different sequences of landscapes, offering varied universes and highlighting remarkable sites,” explained the studio.

“Unusual elements punctuate the way, aiming at awakening the visitor’s senses, and water is encountered repeatedly.”



At St Nabor, the stop closest to the former quarries, a belvedere – a structure positioned to take advantage of a scenic view – is installed into the hillside.

Formed of Corten steel, its undulating surfaces create a platform divided up into circular segments.

在聖納博爾(St Nabor),最靠近舊採石場的車站,山坡上安裝了眺望樓-一種可以欣賞風景的結構。


The platform is raised up on stilts, to negotiate the slope of the landscape. It is accessed via a long staircase that extends up from the base of the hill.

“From this viewpoint inspired by a four-leaf clover, the visitor will feel lucky to enjoy the view of such a beautiful territory,” said Reiulf Ramstad Arkitekter.

平台在高蹺上抬起,以協商景觀的坡度。 可通過從山腳向上延伸的長樓梯進入。

Reiulf Ramstad Arkitekter說:“從四葉三葉草的啟發出發,遊客將很幸運能夠欣賞到如此美麗的領土。”

Ottrott is the next stop along the route. There are various new additions here, including a bridge, concrete landscaping and a sheltered seating booth, along with some heritage elements.

奧特羅特(Ottrott)是沿途的下一站。 這里新增了各種功能,包括橋樑,混凝土美化環境和帶棚座椅座位以及一些傳統元素。

At Leonardsau, two angular plates of Corten create a sculptural gateway between the forest and the open landscape, while Boersch features a seating area at the edge of the river.


The furthest stop from the quarries, where most people begin the walk, is Rosheim.

This space features curving walls of Corten steel that frame seating areas, imagined as spaces for quiet reflection.



“The pavilion has a labyrinthine character and play with an irregular concave and convex interior,” said the design team.

“Openings are created to open or close the sculpture to chosen views of the surrounding landscape.”



Reiulf Ramstad Arkitekter won a competition to design the Chemin des Carrières installations. The firm has previously worked on several impressive landscape projects, include the Trollstigen and Havøysund tourist routes in Norway.

The project was completed for €4 million.

Reiulf Ramstad Arkitekter贏得了設計Chemin desCarrières裝置的競賽。 該公司以前曾在幾個令人印象深刻的景觀項目上工作,包括挪威的Trollstigen和Havøysund旅遊路線。




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