BIG and landscape architecture firm James Corner Field Operations have revealed plans for a mixed-use development on the waterfront in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, with a beach that could bolster the resiliency of the shoreline.

Revealed today, the River Street Waterfront Master Plan was created by the duo for a plot on Williamsburg’s waterfront that is owned by developer Two Trees.

BIG和景觀建築公司James Corner Field Operations透露了在布魯克林威廉斯堡濱水區開發多功能建築的計劃,該海灘可以增強海岸線的彈性。


The proposal includes building two mixed-use towers and redeveloping a parcel of land next to the six-acre Domino Park, which James Corner Field Operations also designed for Two Trees, to form nearly a mile of accessible waterfront.

While Domino Park is an elevated promenade, architecture firm BIG and Field Operations’ scheme aims to provide a seamless connection with the East River that would enable public activities on the water, and also improve the resiliency of the waterfront.


多米諾公園是一條高架長廊,而建築公司BIG和Field Operations的計劃旨在提供與東河的無縫連接,這將使水上公共活動成為可能,並提高濱水區的彈性。

To achieve this, the proposal for the park involves building a series of structures in the river. These include a circular esplanade that would form a route around an area of protected water assigned to boating activities. The walkway would be raised on stilts so it can be protected in the event of flooding, and lead onto a slender, manmade isle built as a breakwater.

“Our proposal closes one of the last remaining gaps in the continuous transformation of the Williamsburg waterfront into a post-industrial natural habitat,” said BIG founder Bjarke Ingels.

為此,公園的提議包括在河中建造一系列結構。 其中包括一個圓形的廣場,將在划船活動的受保護水域周圍形成一條路線。 人行道將在高蹺上抬起,以便在洪水時可以得到保護,並通往修長的人造小島,作為防波堤。

BIG創始人Bjarke Ingels說:“我們的建議彌合了Williamsburg濱海向後工業化自然棲息地的持續轉變中最後遺留的空白之一。”

The island would be topped with a tree-covered picnic spot and viewing point, nature trail and a bird lookout point at the furthest end. The proposal also outlines a second breakwater that would be built to lead from the existing Grand Ferry Park next to Domino Park into the water.

It would similarly feature a nature trail on top, along with other amenities that include a lawn and an outdoor tidal classroom.

“Rather than stopping at the hard edge of the old dock, Metropolitan avenue is split into a pedestrian loop extending all the way into the river, connecting the dots of the concrete caissons to form an urban archipelago of recreative islands, while protecting a beach and body of water for water sports and wetlands,” Ingels added.

島上將有一個樹木覆蓋的野餐點和觀景台,自然步道和最遠處的賞鳥點。 該提案還概述了第二條防波堤,將修建該防波堤,將其從現有的多米諾公園旁邊的大渡輪公園引入水中。


“大都會大道並沒有停在舊碼頭的堅硬邊緣,而是分成了一條步行環路,一直延伸到河中,將混凝土沉箱的各個點連接起來,形成了由休閒島組成的城市群島,同時保護了海灘和 用於水上運動和濕地的水域,”英格斯補充說。

The sea bed underneath the waterfront park would be stepped to prevent flooding in a serious weather event. It would also allow for different types of ecosystems, called a habitat mosaic, which James Corner Field Operations senior principal Lisa Switkin said provides a better environment for the wildlife.

Switkin, who is lead designer of the park, added that the scheme could provide a model for coastal cities to develop waterfront sites in the wake of climate change and the resulting threat of rising sea levels and extreme weather events. It is particularly relevant, she said, following on from the passing of the Living Shorelines Act, which offers grants to climate-resilient shoreline projects.

海濱公園下面的海床將被踩成階梯,以防止在嚴重天氣情況下發生洪水。 它還將允許稱為棲息地馬賽克的不同類型的生態系統,James Corner Field Operations的高級負責人Lisa Switkin表示,該生態系統為野生生物提供了更好的環境。

公園首席設計師斯威金(Switkin)補充說,該計劃可以為沿海城市在氣候變化以及海平面上升和極端天氣事件帶來的威脅之後開發海濱站點提供模型。 她說,在通過《生活海岸線法》之後,這尤其有意義,該法案為氣候適應性海岸線項目提供了贈款。

“Resilient design needs to become the rule, not the exception for coastal development, and our proposal sets a strong example for how climate-conscious design can fuel thriving mixed-use communities, provide extraordinary and safe experiences for engagement with the river, and create opportunities for nature and estuary education,” Switkin added.

“With our project, we have an extraordinary opportunity to provide a catalytic model for natural, urban shorelines that increase resilience, dramatically enhance the Williamsburg shoreline and change the mindset from living against water to living with water.”

“彈性設計必須成為規則,而不是沿海開發的例外,我們的提案為有氣候意識的設計如何為蓬勃發展的多功能社區提供動力,提供與河流互動的非凡和安全體驗並創造創造力的典範 大自然和河口教育的機會。”


Additional public amenities, such as an amphitheatre, a salt marsh, porch swings and boat launch, would be located on land near to the two sandy beaches. Small kiosks would be built on the southern end of the site to accommodate shops run by local businesses. These are expected to be kayak rentals, and cafes and restaurants that complement the park’s activities.

其他的公共設施,例如圓形劇場,鹽沼,門廊鞦韆和船隻下水道,將位於兩個沙灘附近的土地上。 在該站點的南端將建造小型報亭,以容納當地企業經營的商店。 預計這些將是皮划艇的租賃,以及補充公園活動的咖啡館和餐館。

BIG’s New York office has designed the two mixed-used towers for the site to be built with the park, and a gap between them to allow for views to the water from the road leading to the site, Metropolitan Avenue. The towers will have a triangular footprint and sloped bases, designed to align with the curve of the beach in front.

They would host 1,000 residential units – 250 will be affordable housing and the remaining will be market-rate – as well as office space and shops. There will also be a 47,000-square-foot (4,366-square-metre) YMCA community gym with an Olympic-sized swimming pool.

BIG紐約辦事處為將與公園一起建造的場地設計了兩座混合使用的塔樓,並在兩者之間留有空隙,以便從通往場地的道路Metropolitan Avenue欣賞水景。 這些塔將有一個三角形的足跡和傾斜的底部,旨在與前面海灘的曲線對齊。

他們將容納1,000個住宅單位-250個將提供經濟適用房,其餘將按市場匯率-以及辦公空間和商店。 還將設有一個47,000平方英尺(4,366平方米)的基督教青年會社區體育館,並設有一個奧林匹克規格的游泳池。

The towers are intended to include energy-efficient design elements like passive solar shading.

Two Trees, which purchased the 3.5-acre (1.4-hectare) site from Con Edison for $350 million (£266 million), now must receive permission to move ahead with the development. Because of the nature of the project, it will need approval from the City Hall and the Department of City Planning, as well as those that protect water habitats, like the US Army Corps of Engineers.

This is expected to take two years and, if approved, the development is expected to take five years to build.


兩棵樹以3.5億美元(2.66億英鎊)的價格從Con Edison購買了3.5英畝(1.4公頃)的土地,現在必須獲得許可才能繼續進行開發。 由於該項目的性質,它將需要獲得市政廳和城市規劃部門以及美國陸軍工程兵團等保護水生境的部門的批准。


River Street Waterfront Master Plan is BIG’s latest project to address the threat of extreme weather events rising sea levels. Earlier this year, it released a proposal for a floating city concept that could provide homes to 10,000 people in at-risk areas.

A number of US cities are exploring other ways to bolster their vulnerable shorelines. Boston and Miami are taking steps to address flooding, while San Francisco and the Bay Area unveiled a design competition asking for ways to protect coastal areas from rising sea levels, as well as earthquakes.

Renderings are by James Corner Field Operations and BIG, courtesy of Two Trees Management.

River Street濱水區總體規劃是BIG的最新項目,旨在應對極端天氣事件對海平面上升的威脅。 今年早些時候,它發布了一項關於浮動城市概念的提案,該概念可以為處於危險地區的10,000人提供住房。

美國許多城市正在探索其他方法來增強其脆弱的海岸線。 波士頓和邁阿密正在採取措施解決洪災,而舊金山和灣區則發起了一項設計競賽,尋求保護沿海地區免受海平面上升和地震襲擊的方法。

渲染由James Corner Field Operations和BIG負責,由“兩棵樹”提供。



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