Architecture studio Partisans has unveiled plans to transform a Canadian town into a smart community, combining fibre optics, autonomous vehicles and drone ports within a rural setting.

The Toronto firm has developed the proposal for Innisfil, Canada, a primarily agrarian and residential town 60 kilometres north of Toronto.

Called The Orbit, the proposal aims to develop it into “the city of the future” with a host of new technologies, while also maintaining the existing agriculture and lush setting.




“The Orbit is our vision for a complete, cutting-edge community where small town and rural lifestyles are enhanced by the benefits and attributes of urban living,” said Partisans.

Advancements will include the introduction of a network of fibre optics – cables that transfer information quickly using optical technology – which will be used to provide connectivity across the development such as sidewalks, streets and buildings.



Drone ports and infrastructure for driverless cars among possibilities 無人駕駛汽車的無人機港口和基礎設施

The data collected from the system will then be governed by the appropriate privacy protection policies, according to the firm.

The project, which will span over 450 acres (182 hectares), marks the latest development for Innisfil. Partisans said the area is “renowned for thinking big,” noting that it currently accepts cryptocurrency payments for municipal taxes and fees, and was among the first places to pilot the Uber ride-sharing app.


該項目將佔地450英畝(182公頃),標誌著Innisfil的最新發展。 黨派人士說,該地區“以遠見卓識而聞名”,指出該地區目前接受加密貨幣支付的市政稅和費用,並且是率先試用Uber乘車共享應用程序的地方之一。

“The type of fibre and what it will be used for is still to be determined but given Innisfil’s record, everyone should expect great pilot programmes for technology to be used and integrated responsibly,” Partisans co-founder Alex Josephson told .

“We have also discussed the possibilities of the following: state of the art health and wellness campus connected to larger hospitals in the region by technology, drone ports on top of the station for last-mile delivery, autonomous driving infrastructure and more,” he added.

Partisans聯合創始人亞歷克斯·約瑟夫森(Alex Josephson)表示:“光纖的類型及其用途尚待確定,但鑑於Innisfil的記錄,每個人都應該期望以負責任的方式使用和整合出色的技術試驗計劃。”

他說:“我們還討論了以下可能性:最先進的健康與保健園區,通過技術與該地區的大型醫院相連;位於車站頂部的最後一英里無人機通道,自動駕駛基礎設施等等” 他添加。

Development follows Sidewalk Lab’s Toronto smart city 開發遵循Sidewalk Lab的多倫多智慧城市

Partisans’ masterplan is backed by local developer by Cortel Group and was recently passed by Innisfil Town Council last night. It forms one of a number of proposals for smart cities in North America that will be based on high-tech systems, and collect data to use for developments.

Among these is Sidewalk Toronto – a proposal for a smart neighbourhood on the waterfront of the Candian city led by Alphabet subsidiary Sidewalk Labs.

“Sidewalk Toronto involved a serious negotiation and policy plan on data rights as well as privacy in future smart cities,” said Josephson.

Partisans的總體規劃由Cortel Group的當地開發商提供支持,並於昨晚由Innisfil Town Council通過。 它構成了針對北美智慧城市的眾多建議之一,這些建議將基於高科技系統,並收集數據以用於開發。

其中包括多倫多人行道(Sidewalk Toronto)–由Alphabet子公司Sidewalk Labs牽頭的在Candian市海濱建立智能社區的建議。


“Thus, our region is going to be one of the best positioned in the free world to manage the risks and opportunities of building smart communities,” he added.

The Orbit was prompted by the introduction of a new Metrolinx rail station, known as GO Transit, in Innisfil. It will join the existing regional public transit that services the Greater Toronto and Hamilton areas, and also provide a quicker connection between the city centre and more distant hamlets.

The new transit hub will form the centre of The Orbit layout, and will feature two mixed-use towers that will also house offices, retail spaces and residences.


通過在Innisfil中引入新的Metrolinx火車站(稱為GO Transit)而推動了Orbit。 它將與為大多倫多地區和漢密爾頓地區提供服務的現有區域公交系統相結合,並在市中心和更遠的小村莊之間提供更快的聯繫。


Roadways will wrap around this centre point and gradually expand in size. Partisans describes the shape of the streets as “squircles” – a mix between circles and squares.

“The city, inspired by the idea of an orbit will ripple outwards from this hub in a circular pattern, containing development, while embracing Innisfil’s agricultural roots,” the firm said. “Essentially, residents will be able to balance the benefits of living in an urban and rural community.”

巷道將圍繞此中心點並逐漸擴大尺寸。 游擊隊將街道的形狀描述為“松鼠”-圓形和正方形之間的混合體。

該公司表示:“受軌道概念啟發,這座城市將以圓形的形式從這個樞紐向外蔓延,包含發展,同時擁抱Innisfil的農業根源。” “基本上,居民將能夠平衡在城市和農村社區生活的利益。”

Circular streets will merge with the existing street grid of the town, and be segmented into parcels, which renderings show with ample grass and trees. Buildings are also depicted as grass-covered and curvilinear, following the aesthetic of the masterplan.

圓形街道將與城鎮的現有街道網格合併,並被分割成小塊,其中渲染圖顯示了充足的草木。 遵循總體規劃的美學,建築物也被描繪為草木和曲線。

Masterplan influenced by Garden City movement 總體規劃受花園城市運動影響

According to Partisans, the scheme is influenced by the Garden City movement of the early 20th century, which advocates for the fusion of urban and agrarian life.

“Imagine that our squircle is a modern version of an old European city layout, combining a predictable pattern of streets with an added degree of irregularity and cut-through paths for pedestrians.”

On the outskirts, there will be spaces for agrarian activities, as the masterplan advocates for open areas.




The transit system will also incorporate driverless vehicles and ride-sharing, to accompany pedestrian walkways and cycling paths. Access to trails and Lake Simcoe’s waterfront will also be created.

In total, The Orbit stretches over 40 million square feet (four million square meters) and is designed to accommodate a population that will grow from 30,000 to 150,000 people in Innisfil.

The studio believes the project provides a model alternative to the suburban sprawl, which is symptomatic of North American towns.

運輸系統還將結合無人駕駛車輛和乘車共享,以配合人行道和自行車道。 也將創建通往步道和Simcoe湖海濱的通道。

The Orbit的總面積超過4000萬平方英尺(400萬平方米),旨在容納因尼斯菲爾(Innisfil)人口從30,000增長至150,000的人口。


Masterplan is “more efficient” model for suburban developments 總體規劃是郊區開發的“更高效”模型

According to the firm, it will condense the area occupied by the same population from 50 square kilometres to “a more efficient and sustainable” model of two square kilometres.

“Through intelligent and superior architectural design, the Orbit seamlessly consolidates and reduces sprawl, while providing communities with a closer relationship to nature while reducing pressure on infrastructure,” it said.



A school with a daycare, a farmer’s market and a library will also be included, as well as sports and recreational centres, and arts and cultural buildings.

Other proposals for smart cities in North America are a smart forest in Mexico and a Nevada community that would be powered by blockchain.





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