TTC Elite Saigon Kindergarten in Ho Chi Minh City by Kientruc O has a playful facade decorated with colourful patterns and irregularly shaped windows.

Kientruc O designed the kindergarten to be a full sized playhouse for children with a brightly coloured facade and characterful openings.

位於胡志明市的TTC Elite Saigon幼兒園由Kientruc O設計,擁有俏皮的外觀,裝飾有彩色圖案和不規則形狀的窗戶。

Kientruc O設計的幼兒園是一個全尺寸的兒童遊戲屋,擁有色彩鮮豔的外觀和特色開口。

“It is simply conceived in a pure geometric shape to provoke a sense of curiosity for the kids, as they interact with it on a daily basis,” said the architecture studio.

“The windows are apertures that peer the view from inside to outside, stimulating emotion, imagination and curiosity, establishing a direct relationship between the kids playing inside and the living, ever-changing external environment.”



The glazed entrance of the kindergarten and windows directly above it are framed in a swooping arch that defines the front of the facade.

Kientruc O carefully calculated the window placements so that it would appear random or whimsical, but still ensured each room gets enough daylight. Deep sills turn the window bays into places to read, play or perform while preventing the rooms from overheating.


Kientruc O仔細計算了窗口的位置,使其看起來隨機或異想天開,但仍然確保每個房間都有足夠的日光。 深檻將窗戶托架轉移到可以防止房間過熱的地方進行閱讀,播放或演出。

TTC Elite Saigon Kindergarten is five storeys in total. The first three floors are given over to classrooms and indoor playgrounds, and the top two floors house the staff administration.

TTC Elite西貢幼兒園共有五層樓。 前三層是教室和室內游樂場,前兩層是員工管理。

A staircase curves through the centre of the kindergarten connecting the wide, multi-level indoor play areas that run along the front of the building.


Porthole windows on the staircase let the children peep into the classrooms on the other side.

Kientruc O recently designed another kindergarten in the city by stacking brick-clad volumes with gabled window recesses.


Kientruc O最近在城市中設計了另一所幼兒園,將磚砌的體積與山牆窗戶隔開。

Architects designing for children often take full advantage of the chance to embrace their inner child.

Crossboundaries built a kindergarten in China laid out like a miniature village, and in Japan Hibinosekkei and Youji no Shiro designed one with an obstacle course complete with climbing nets running around the outside.


Crossboundaries在中國建造了一個像微型村莊一樣的幼兒園,在日本,Hibinosekkei和Youji no Shiro設計了一個帶有障礙路線的障礙路線,並且在外面運行著爬網。

Project credits:

Architects: Kientruc O
Principal architect: Đàm Vũ
Project team: Anni Lê, Phương Đoàn, Việt Nguyễn, Duy Tăng, Giang Lê
Client: TTC EDU


建築師:Kientruc O.
首席建築師:Dam Vu
項目組:Anni Le,Phuong Doan,Viet Nguyen,Duy Tang,Giang Le



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