Pavilion Le Corbusier has reopened to the public in Zurich after architects Silvio Schmed and Arthur Rüegg restored the art museum to its original state.

The colourful museum is the final project built by the pioneer of modernist architecture, and its glass and steel structure was an unusual departure from Le Corbusier’s predilection for concrete.

在建築師Silvio Schmed和ArthurRüegg將藝術博物館恢復到原始狀態後,Pavilion Le Corbusier再次向蘇黎世公眾開放。


Started in 1964 and completed in 1967, two years after the Swiss architect’s death, the four-storey glass and steel structure was designed for Swiss gallery owner and interior designer Heidi Weber. Weber commissioned the building to be dedicated to the artistic works of her friend, Le Corbusier.

After a 50-year lease from Zurich council on the land it sits on ran out in 2014, the pavilion – a heritage listed building – reverted to being property of the city.

瑞士建築師去世兩年後,這座四層高的玻璃和鋼結構建於1964年,於1967年完工,為瑞士畫廊老闆兼室內設計師Heidi Weber設計。 韋伯委託該建築致力於她的朋友勒柯布西耶的藝術作品。

在距離蘇黎世市議會50年租約的土地上,它在2014年用完了,展館 – 一座列入遺產名錄的建築 – 恢復為該市的財產。

Pavilion Le Corbusier has a facade formed of large enamel panels painted in white and primary colours, and is topped by a roof terrace accessed by a concrete ramp and sheltered by a distinctive free-floating canopy.

Weighing 40 tons, the roof is formed of two parts made out of welded metal sheets that were prefabricated off site then craned into place.

Pavilion Le Corbusier的外立面由塗有白色和原色的大型琺瑯面板組成,頂部是一個屋頂露台,可通過混凝土坡道進入,並由獨特的自由浮動遮篷遮擋。


The roof was put in first to shelter the rest of the construction process, including the pouring of the concrete base. Steel frames with a modular design were assembled underneath, then the walls, floors, windows and doors were fixed into place with 20,000 steel bolts.

首先放置屋頂以保護建築過程的其餘部分,包括澆築混凝土基座。 模塊化設計的鋼框架在下面組裝,然後牆壁,地板,窗戶和門用20,000個鋼螺栓固定到位。

The arrangement of the 1.13 metre by 2.26 metre coloured panels are arranged around the floor-to-ceiling glass windows in a pattern based on the architect’s modular scale of proportions.


Each panel is a metal sheet clad with an enamelled panel on the facade side and a wood veneer on the interior. Engineer Jean Prouvé helped Le Corbusier with the panel design, integrating neoprene seals for the glazed parts in a style usually used by the car industry.

A chrome cockpit-style micro kitchen occupies a 2.26-metre-long corner of the pavilion, with built-in shelves for glasses hidden in the bright red cooker hood.

每個面板都是金屬板,外立面上有琺瑯面板,內部有木飾面。 工程師JeanProuvé幫助Le Corbusier進行面板設計,將氯丁橡膠密封件整合到汽車行業通常使用的玻璃部件中。


Apart from the base and ramp, a singular use of concrete comes in the form of a sculptural free-standing staircase that zigzags through the centre of the building.

Up on the flat roof, curving metal benches line the edge of the terrace, with it’s mid-century nautical-style guardrails.



Le Corbusier designed every detail of the pavilion down to the door handles, including a bronze recessed door handle in an hourglass shape, and cloud-shaped oak-wood handles on glass doors.

When the city took over the lease a survey revealed that the building’s modular steel structure had suffered significant degradation over the years, requiring careful restoration by Silvio Schmed and Arthur Rüegg on behalf of Museum für Gestaltung Zürich.

Le Corbusier設計了涼亭的每個細節,直至門把手,包括沙漏形狀的青銅嵌入式門把手和玻璃門上的雲形橡木把手。

當城市接管租約時,一項調查顯示,該建築的模塊化鋼結構多年來遭受了嚴重退化,需要Silvio Schmed和ArthurRüegg代表蘇黎世博物館進行精心修復。

Rust had corroded holes into the metal structure, which had been painted over seven times, and the neoprene seals on the glazed panels were no longer watertight, along with the concrete in the basement.


Coating for the steel canopy had levels of toxicity that were 250 times higher than modern health and safety standards. Its underfloor heating had stopped working due to corrosion in 1982, and the air conditioning in the basement no longer functioned.

鋼冠層的塗層毒性水平比現代健康和安全標準高250倍。 由於1982年的腐蝕,其地板下的供暖已停止工作,地下室的空調不再起作用。

Schmed and Rüegg restored the pavilion, which reopened in the spring of 2019, bringing it up to current architectural regulation standards. The architects also produced copies of Le Corbusier’s original tree-trunk furniture designs and his giant light sculptures to populate the museum.

Le Corbusier Pavilion was originally called the Heidi Weber Museum, and intended to be an exhibition space for the Swiss architect’s work. Weber is an enthusiastic supporter of Le Corbusier’s artistic output.

Schmed和Rüegg修復了展館,該展館於2019年春季重新開放,使其符合當前的建築規範標準。 建築師還製作了勒柯布西耶原始樹干家具設計的副本和他的巨型燈光雕塑,以填充博物館。

Le Corbusier Pavilion最初被稱為Heidi Weber博物館,旨在成為瑞士建築師工作的展覽空間。 韋伯是勒·柯布西耶藝術作品的熱情支持者。

“I had only one wish: to help Le Corbusier get the recognition for his paintings and sculptures which he deserved,” Weber wrote about the vast vast personal collection she amassed.

“His paintings and sculptures should become world renowned, but they should never fall into the hands of speculators.”

Unhappy at Zurich’s decision to rename the museum, Weber removed Le Corbusier’s works from the pavilion. Her son told Limmattaler newspaper in 2016 that Weber was negotiating with the authorities in Shanghai and Santiago to open a house dedicated to Le Corbusier there.



對於蘇黎世重新命名博物館的決定感到不滿,韋伯從展館中刪除了勒·柯布西耶的作品。 她的兒子在2016年告訴Limmattaler報紙,韋伯正在與上海和聖地亞哥的當局談判,在那裡開設一座專門為Le Corbusier設計的房子。

Pavilion Le Corbusier is an attraction in its own right, but as a public museum it also hosts relevant exhibitions.

The opening exhibition is called Mon univers and explores the architect’s love of collecting, featuring photographs, paintings and bronzes, with items on loan from Fondation Le Corbusier in Paris and the Antikenmuseum Basel.

Pavilion Le Corbusier本身就是一個景點,但作為一個公共博物館,它還舉辦相關的展覽。

開幕展覽名為Mon univers,探索建築師對收藏的熱愛,包括照片,繪畫和青銅器,以及巴黎Le Corbusier基金會和Antikenmuseum Basel租借的物品。

Pavilion Le Corbusier is open from 12 midday until 6 o’clock in the afternoon from Tuesday to Sunday, and from 12 midday until 8 o’clock in the evening on Thursdays. It is only open for the summer season, which runs until 17 November for 2019.

Le Corbusier was one of the most influential architects of the 20th century. His best known world include the Villa Savoye on the outskirts of Paris, the Ronchamp chapel, and the La Tourette monastery.

Last year the house within Le Corbusier’s Immeuble Molitor in Paris, where the architect himself lived for thirty years, reopened to the public after restoration.

Pavilion Le Corbusier開放時間為周二中午12點至週日下午6點,週四中午12點至晚上8點。 它僅在夏季開放,直到2019年11月17日。

勒·柯布西耶是20世紀最具影響力的建築師之一。 他最著名的世界包括巴黎郊區的Villa Savoye,Ronchamp教堂和La Tourette修道院。

去年,勒柯布西耶在巴黎的Immeuble Molitor內的房子,建築師自己居住了三十年,在修復後重新向公眾開放。

Project credits:

Client: Heidi Weber
Architect: Le Corbusier
Construction management 1961–66: Willy Boesiger
Execution 1966–67: Alain Tavès and Robert Rebutato
Steel structure engineer: Louis Fruitet
Façade studies engineer: Jean Prouvé
Renovation 2017–19: Silvio Schmed and Arthur Rüegg on behalf of the city of Zurich


客戶:Heidi Weber
施工管理1961-66:Willy Boesiger
執行1966-67:AlainTavès和Robert Rebutato
鋼結構工程師:Louis Fruitet
2017-19改造:Silvio Schmed和ArthurRüegg代表蘇黎世市



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