Architecture studio MAD has designed a theatre for the city of Yiwu, China, which will be surrounded by water and topped with “glass sails” to give it the appearance of a boat sailing on a river.

Set to be built on an island near the south bank of the Dongyang River, which flows through the city in China’s Zhejiang province, the theatre complex will consist of two theatres and a conference centre alongside a large plaza.



The complex, designed by Being-based architecture studio MAD, has been created so that it will look like a ship sailing on the river.

“Positioned with the mountains in the distance as its backdrop, and the water as its stage, the design responds to its locale, and appears as a boat, floating on the river,” said the studio.



The three auditoriums – 1,600 seat and 1,200 seat theatres and a conference centre – will be covered with roofs and walls made from semi-transparent planes of glass.

三個禮堂 – 1,600個座位和1,200個座位的劇院和一個會議中心 – 將覆蓋由半透明玻璃平面製成的屋頂和牆壁。

MAD have arranged the roofs so that they look like the sails of a Chinese junk – a type of Chinese ship that was first developed in the 2nd century and are still in use today.

“It is defined by a layering of glass sails that are reminiscent of the Chinese junks that once transported goods across the waters, while their subtle curves echo the Jiangnan-style eaves of the ancient vernacular architecture that is typical of the region,” explained the studio.

MAD已經安排了屋頂,使它們看起來像中國垃圾的帆 – 這種中國船是在2世紀首次開發並且至今仍在使用的中國船。

“它是由玻璃帆層組成的,它讓人想起曾經在水域運輸貨物的中國帆船,而它們微妙的曲線與該地區典型的古代鄉土建築的江南式屋簷相呼應,” 工作室。

The island complex is intended to be a new cultural centre and public space in the city. It will be accessed from both banks of the river – a vehicle bridge will connect the complex to the south bank, while a curved pedestrian bridge will join it to the north bank.

“The Yiwu Grand Theater has been designed as a monument for the city, that will serve to connect inhabitants to the waterfront from a new perspective,” added MAD.

Construction on the theatre will begin in 2020.

該島嶼綜合體旨在成為該市的新文化中心和公共空間。 它將從河的兩岸進入 – 一座車橋將該綜合體連接到南岸,而一座彎曲的人行天橋將連接到北岸。



MAD, which was established in Beijing by Ma Yansong in 2004, now has offices in Los Angeles, New York and Rome.

The studio is currently designing a conference centre in northeast China and recently completed a kindergarten with red rooftop playground in Beijing.





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