A reflective pond, a lap pool, and a jacuzzi intersperse and organise the spaces of this residence that Garret Cord Werner designed for an island in the middle of Seattle’s Lake Washington.

一個反光池塘,一個游泳池和一個按摩浴缸穿插並組織Garret Cord Werner為西雅圖華盛頓湖中部島嶼設計的住宅空間。

Located on Mercer Island, the 4,200-square-foot (390-square-metre) home was completed for a client who is a keen swimmer and interested in living close to water.

位於美世島(Mercer Island)的這座佔地4,200平方英尺(390平方米)的房屋已經完工,是一位熱心游泳的客戶,有興趣靠近水邊生活。

“An avid swimmer, the client desired a sanctuary within the city, one with privacy but that also took advantage of the site’s panoramic views of Lake Washington and the Olympics Mountains beyond,” said Garret Cord Werner Architects in a project description.

“一個狂熱的游泳運動員,客戶希望在城市內有一個避難所,一個有隱私,但也利用了該網站的華盛頓湖和奧林匹克山脈的全景,”Garret Cord Werner Architects在一個項目描述中說。

Called Mercer Island Modern, the three-bedroom home is laid out on two levels. It is traversed by a “spine” of water that divides the interior spaces and provides access to water to multiple different rooms. Two bridges, one covered and the other open to the elements, span this divide.

這棟三居室住宅被稱為Mercer Island Modern,分為兩層。 它由水的“脊柱”穿過,將內部空間分隔開來,並為多個不同的房間提供水。 兩個橋樑,一個覆蓋,另一個向元素開放,跨越這個鴻溝。

From the driveway, visitors pass by a reflective water feature that signals the entrance to the home.

“The experience of walking up to and…over water, both inside and outside of the home, creates a dramatic and tranquil feeling that one rarely experiences inside a residential building,” said Garret Cord Werner in a project description.


Garret Cord Werner在一個項目描述中說:“在家裡面和外面走水和走水的經歷創造了一種戲劇性和寧靜的感覺,很少有人在住宅樓內體驗。”

“This project is a perfect expression of Garret Cord Werner’s continual blurring of the line between indoor and outdoor spaces,” the architects said.

“這個項目完美體現了Garret Cord Werner不斷模糊室內和室外空間之間的界限,”建築師說。

A lap pool is located at the centre of the home, and roughly divides the public areas from the master bedroom. The owners can access the living room via an exterior walkway that connects their suite to the deck outside the sitting room.

小型游泳池位於住宅的中心,大致將公共區域與主臥室分開。 業主可以通過外部走道進入客廳,該走道將客房與客廳外的甲板相連。

They also enjoy a private terrace directly off their room that overlooks lake Washington below. The third pool in the sequence is a jacuzzi with an infinity edge, a configuration that creates the illusion that the water in the spa spills out into the horizon.

On the lower level, there are two additional bedrooms that can accommodate guests. Directly below the main living area, the architects included a media room and family room.

他們還可以在客房旁邊的私人露台上俯瞰華盛頓湖。 序列中的第三個游泳池是一個帶無限邊緣的按摩浴缸,這種配置會產生水療中的水溢出到地平線的錯覺。

在較低的樓層,有兩個額外的臥室,可以容納客人。 建築師位於主要生活區的正下方,包括一間媒體室和家庭活動室。

Polished concrete floors feature throughout the interiors, along with wooden accents and concrete walls that frame specific elements such as the pools and a fireplace in the living room.”There is a minimalistic power to these elements that help provide serenity to the space,” said the firm.

整個室內裝飾有拋光混凝土地板,木質裝飾和混凝土牆構成了游泳池和客廳壁爐等特定元素。“這些元素具有簡約的力量,有助於為空間提供寧靜,” 該公司。

The wooden accents inside the home match the exterior cladding, which the architects chose the blend with the home’s natural surroundings. “This harmonious setting gives you the sense that you are at a destination resort, but actually only moments away from busy urban life,” it added.

家居內部的木質裝飾與外牆相匹配,建築師選擇與外部自然環境融為一體。 “這種和諧的環境讓你感覺到你在目的地度假勝地,但實際上距離繁忙的都市生活只有幾分鐘,”它補充道。

Recent projects in Seattle include a garage that was converted to a residence for the client’s ageing mother by Best Practice Architecture and a courtyard home that Grasshopper Studio says provides a model for maximising space on a tight property.

西雅圖最近的項目包括一個車庫,該車庫被Best Practice Architecture轉換為客戶老化母親的住所,而Grasshopper Studio稱其為一個庭院住宅,提供了一個最大限度地利用緊湊空間的空間模型。

Project credits:
Architecture & Interior Design: Garret Cord Werner
Construction: Mercer Builders
Landscape design: David Ohashi & Garret Cord Werner

建築與室內設計:Garret Cord Werner
建築:Mercer Builders
景觀設計:David Ohashi和Garret Cord Werner



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