Rama Estudio has fronted this apartment block in Ambato, Ecuador with wooden louvres to encourage interactions between residents and passersby.

Rama Estudio在厄瓜多爾安巴託的這個公寓樓前面設有木製百葉窗,以鼓勵居民和路人之間的互動。

Edificio Criba is located in the residential neighbourhood of San Antonio. Rama Estudio, an architecture firm with offices in Quito, designed the property to improve the area’s street life, which it says has been in decline in recent years.

Edificio Criba位於聖安東尼奧的住宅區。 Rama Estudio是一家在基多設有辦事處的建築公司,設計了該物業以改善該地區的街道生活,據稱近年來這一地區已經出現下滑。

“The homeowners who once lived in this area have changed, and the united neighbourhood that once existed has become a walled neighbourhood, lacking in community and public space,” said Rama Estudio in a project description.

“曾經居住在這個地區的房主已經發生了變化,曾經存在的聯合社區已成為一個有圍牆的街區,缺乏社區和公共空間,”Rama Estudio在項目描述中說。

Instead of putting up a compound wall around the 400-square-metre building, Rama Estudio designed a permeable facade that provides residents views to the street. It also allows pedestrians to catch glimpses of the inner life of the building.

Rama Estudio不是在400平方米的建築物周圍設置複合牆,而是設計了一個可滲透的立面,為居民提供街景。 它還允許行人瞥見建築物的內部生活。

“Seeing and being seen is part of a response to the lack of communication and insecurity that has been experienced in recent years, where the streets delimit their journey with high walls totally impermeable to a daily reality,” said the studio.

The three-storey building’s front facade is covered with vertical wooden louvres, which provide shade to the three residence’s exterior terraces. An open staircase made of weathered steel suspended metal cables is also visible beyond this screen.


這棟三層建築的正面立面覆蓋著垂直的木製百葉窗,為三個住宅的外部露台提供了遮陽。 在這個屏幕之外還可以看到由風化鋼懸掛金屬電纜製成的開放式樓梯。

The ground level unit has three bedrooms, and is organised to make the most of the site’s irregular plot. “The complex angles of the land gave the pattern to generate light courtyards and spatial organisation on each floor,” said Rama Estudio.

The two upper units each have two bedrooms laid out around the kitchen, which the architects describe as the “fundamental point of the home”. One of these is the master bedroom, located towards the back of the building for more privacy.

地面層設有三間臥室,可以充分利用場地的不規則地塊。 “這片土地的複雜角度賦予了每個樓層生成輕型庭院和空間組織的模式,”Rama Estudio說。

兩個上部單元每個都有兩個臥室佈置在廚房周圍,建築師稱之為“家庭的基本點”。 其中一個是主臥室,位於建築物的後面,以增加隱私。

The other room can be divided with a movable wall, allowing the space to be used in different ways. Possible configurations include two smaller bedrooms, an additional sitting area, or a combination of the both.

Rama Estudio sought to emphasise the building’s concrete structure, leaving the slab exposed at the ceilings. “Wood and metal are the two materials that complement the structure in closures, facade, vertical circulation, details among others,” it said.

另一個房間可以用可移動的牆分開,允許以不同的方式使用空間。 可能的配置包括兩個較小的臥室,一個額外的休息區,或兩者的組合。

Rama Estudio試圖強調建築的混凝土結構,使板塊暴露在天花板上。 “木材和金屬是兩種材料,在封閉,立面,垂直循環,細節等方面與結構相輔相成,”它說。

Rama Estudio recently completed a rammed-earth dwelling with an angular roof and clerestory windows in the south of Ecuador. A number of projects are also underway in Quito, the country’s capital, including a a rounded apartment building designed by BIG with earth-toned tiles covering the exterior.

Rama Estudio最近在厄瓜多爾南部完成了一個帶有角形屋頂和天窗的夯土住宅。 該國首都基多還開展了許多項目,其中包括一座由BIG設計的圓形公寓樓,外部採用土色瓷磚。



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