Since Notre-Dame Cathedral was devastated by fire last month, design proposals for rebuilding the roof and spire have got more and more ridiculous. Here are seven of the most farfetched, including a car park, a swimming pool and a McDonald’s.

由於巴黎圣母院大教堂上個月被大火摧毀,重建屋頂和尖頂的設計建議越來越荒謬。 這裡有七個最牽強的地方,包括一個停車場,一個游泳池和一個麥當勞。

The Pool by Ulf Mejergren Architects | Ulf Mejergren建築事務所的游泳池

Rather than topping Notre-Dame with a park, as several designers have suggested, Stockholm studio Ulf Mejergren Architects wants to create a wetter type of public space on top of the cathedral – a swimming pool.

The open-air pool, which would have “unmatched views over Paris”, would be surrounded by the 12 statues of the apostles that were removed from the roof before the fire.

“Our addition is a complementary spatial experience to the building that will match the awe of the great interior; a space for thinking and self-reflection,” said the studio.

斯德哥爾摩工作室Ulf Mejergren建築師事務所希望在大教堂頂部 – 游泳池上創造一個更濕潤的公共空間,而不是像公園那樣為公園建造聖母院。



Louis Vuitton vs Notre Dame by Pedro Ribs 路易威登與佩德羅·里斯的巴黎圣母院

Pedro Ribs, art director at Brazilian studio Entrequadra Novas Mídias, has envisioned a Notre-Dame rebuilt by Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton (LVMH), as a response to the corporation’s donation of €200 million to the cathedral’s renovation fund.

The project sees the cathedral rebuilt as it was before the fire, but with the Louis Vuitton print used across the roof and square in front of the west entrance. The Louis Vuitton Notre-Dame would be complete with the fashion brand’s logo placed over the rose windows, and on flags flying from its towers and rebuilt spire.

巴西工作室EntrequadraNovasMídias的藝術總監Pedro Ribs設想由MoëtHennessyLouis Vuitton(LVMH)重建Notre-Dame,作為對該公司向大教堂翻新基金捐贈2億歐元的回應。

該項目看到大教堂在火災前重建,但在西入口前面的屋頂和廣場上使用路易威登印花。 Louis Vuitton Notre-Dame將完整的時尚品牌標誌放置在玫瑰窗上,以及懸掛在塔樓和重建尖頂上的旗幟上。

The Car Park by Yung Yonge and Rob Cross|Yung Yonge和Rob Cross的停車場

Yung Yonge envisioned the roof of Notre-Dame being turned into a car park as a dig at North America’s car culture. He tweeted the image with the caption: “If North Americans are put in charge of the Notre-Dame reconstruction”.

Irish architect Rob Cross took the proposal further by editing the car park to turn it into a multi-storey structure.

“I created the image to highlight the effect of multi-storey car parking, and the car in general, is having on the built environment, and to highlight society’s car dependency in the age of climate change,” Cross told .

Yung Yonge設想將Notre-Dame的屋頂變成一個停車場,以挖掘北美的汽車文化。 他在圖片上寫道:“如果北美人負責聖母院的重建工作”。

愛爾蘭建築師Rob Cross通過編輯停車場將其變成多層結構,進一步提出了建議。


Quasimodo’s Penthouse by Who Cares Design|Quasimodo的Penthouse by Who Cares Design

Who Cares Design has proposed building a rooftop villa for Quasimodo – the fictional protagonist of Victor Hugo’s book The Hunchback of Notre-Dame – on top of the cathedral. The penthouse, which would stretch across the cathedral’s crossing, is designed to replace Quasimodo’s previous home in Notre-Dame’s attic.

“The Hollywood star Quasimodo, by now rich and famous thanks to the royalties from countless movies about him and his story, has already dreamed about changes to his housing conditions for several years,” said the studio.

“Finally, he can follow his dream of more comfort, light and a green rooftop garden.”

Who Cares Design已經提議為Quasimodo建造一個屋頂別墅 – 這是維克多·雨果的書“聖母院的駝背”的虛構主角 – 位於大教堂的頂部。 頂層公寓橫跨大教堂的十字路口,旨在取代Quasimodo之前在Notre-Dame閣樓的住宅。



Mc Notre-Dame by Unknown

Could Notre-Dame be turned into the world’s largest fast food restaurant? A visual created by unknown designer, which was posted on Reddit, would see the cathedral turned into a McDonald’s.

The cathedral’s roof would be rebuilt in red, to match the roofs of the fast-food chain’s typical restaurants, while the spire would be replaced with the Golden Arches – a large yellow M, which is the company’s logo.

Not Not-Dame可以變成世界上最大的快餐店嗎? 由未知設計師創建的視覺效果發佈在Reddit上,將大教堂變成麥當勞。

大教堂的屋頂將重建為紅色,以配合快餐連鎖店典型餐廳的屋頂,而尖頂將被金色拱門所取代 – 一個巨大的黃色M,這是該公司的標誌。

The Dome by Juan Françisco Ronda |圓頂由JuanFrançisco隆達

Designer Juan Françisco Ronda envisions Notre-Dame being turned into a monument to peace. The building would be enclosed in a translucent dome supported by a column that sprouts from the cathedral’s crossing.

“Erect a place of peace where everyone is to believe (or not) what is best for you!,” said Ronda. “Here is only momentary reunification when an attempt is made or sacrilege, seek peace and thus translate this movement.”

設計師JuanFrançiscoRonda設想Notre-Dame被變成和平的紀念碑。 該建築將被封閉在一個半透明的圓頂中,圓頂由一個從大教堂的十字路口發芽的柱子支撐。

“建立一個和平的地方,每個人都相信(或不相信)最適合你的東西!”龍達說。 “只有在企圖製造或褻瀆,尋求和平並因此轉化這一運動時才會出現短暫的統一。”

The Circus by Unknown 未知的馬戲團

Another design published on Trust Me, I’m an Architect’s Facebook page perhaps references the circus that now surrounds rebuilding.

The design would see the whole buildin

在Trust Me上發表的另一個設計,我是一個建築師的Facebook頁面或許可以參考現在圍繞重建的馬戲團。




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