Modern Marriage 現代婚姻

A giant white disembodied foot can be found in the gardens next to the US Embassy in Nine Elms. It’s art, by Simon Fujiwara, a Berlin based British-Japanese artist who made his mark in 2012 exhibiting at Tate St. Ives.

美國駐九榆大使館旁的花園裡可以找到巨大的白色無形腳。 這是藝術,由柏林的英日藝術家西蒙·藤原(Simon Fujiwara)在2012年在泰特聖艾夫斯(Tate St. Ives)展出他的作品。

It’s described as “a reflective piece”, and comprises a large foot with a ring embedded in the sole.

We’re told that the art is in keeping with the emotive and often autobiographical nature of his work, which leaves you wondering what woe befell him to produce it.

Did he step on a wedding ring and end up in hospital?




The art was shortlisted for the Spectator’s annual Worst Public Art awards, which does seem a bit off as while it’s curiously meaningless, it is undeniably a work of art, and that alone sets it apart from much modern art which seems to be art only in that there’s a label next to it saying so.

這項藝術入圍了觀眾的年度最差公共藝術獎,雖然看起來有點奇怪,但它無疑是毫無意義的,它無疑是一件藝術品,僅此一點就將它與現代藝術區別開來,而現代藝術似乎僅僅是藝術品。 旁邊有一個標籤就是這樣說的。


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