New York firm SHoP Architects has designed an irregularly stacked office building for the US Embassy in Bangkok, Thailand.

SHoP is designing the New Office Annex (NOX) for the United States Embassy in Thailand for the US Department of State’s Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations.

NOX is designed for the Embassy’s 11-acre (4.4-hectare) property in the Bangkok’s Pathum Wan district, replacing a smaller office building that functioned until the mid-1990s.

紐約公司SHoP Architects為泰國曼谷的美國大使館設計了一座不規則堆疊的辦公樓。


NOX是為曼谷Pathum Wan區的Embassy佔地11英畝(4.4公頃)的物業而設計的,取代了一座直到20世紀90年代中期的小型寫字樓。

SHoP has elevated the NOX building above the flood plain site|SHOP將NOX大樓升起在洪氾平原上方

The lush site is filled with rain trees and storm-water ponds known as ‘klongs’. In response, SHoP proposes elevating the office building three feet (0.9 metres), with sloped pathways, stairs and ramps connecting it to street level.

The building will comprise tiered glass volumes that are covered in slats as a way to mitigate Bangkok’s hot and humid climate, while also maintaining views to the landscape.

Portions of the lower level jut out in different directions to provide shading to entrances on the lower level. These would also be topped with rooftop gardens.

鬱鬱蔥蔥的景點充滿了雨林和被稱為“klongs”的雨水池。 作為回應,SHoP建議將辦公樓升高三英尺(0.9米),並將傾斜的通道,樓梯和坡道連接到街道。


較低層的部分突出於不同的方向,以便為較低層的入口提供陰影。 這些也將是屋頂花園。

A slatted exterior will cover the different volumes to provide shading|板條外部將覆蓋不同的體積以提供陰影

“The volumes of the lower floors shift away from the core building, extending outward towards the three main Compound Access Control buildings, creating a terracing of the lower half of the building to greet staff and visitors at a human scale,” said SHoP.


Inside NOX, the common areas will be distributed through the volumes on the lower level. Offices will be placed on the upper floors.

“The building’s interior programme is guided by its connection to the outside; the common spaces afford views of the lush green landscape and tree canopies, while the upper floors offer unparalleled views of the Bangkok skyline,” said SHoP.

SHoP’S NOX is slated to break ground in early 2020, and to welcome its first occupants in 2024.

在NOX內部,公共區域將通過較低級別的捲分佈。 辦公室將位於較高樓層。


SHOP’S NOX計劃在2020年初破土動工,並在2024年迎來其首批乘客。

Inside, views will be oriented towards the lush surroundings|在裡面,景觀將朝向鬱鬱蔥蔥的環境

The project is among several that SHoP has designed for the US Department of State’s Office of Overseas Building Operations, including a coppery embassy in Tegucigalpa, Honduras and another in Seoul.

SHoP was founded in 1996 in New York by Gregg Pasquarelli, his wife Kimberly Holden, twin brothers Christopher and William Sharples, and William’s wife Coren Sharples.

The firm’s recently completed works include a sprawling complex in Brooklyn’s Williamsburg and bent, copper towers in Manhattan. Its other projects underway are the world’s skinniest skyscraper in New York and Detroit’s tallest tower.

Rendering is by SHoP.


SHoP由Gregg Pasquarelli,他的妻子Kimberly Holden,雙胞胎兄弟Christopher和William Sharples以及William的妻子Coren Sharples於1996年在紐約創立。

該公司最近完成的工程包括布魯克林威廉斯堡的龐大建築群和曼哈頓彎曲的銅塔。 其他正在進行的項目是紐約世界上最滑的摩天大樓和底特律最高的塔樓。




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