Christo and Jeanne-Claude

The London Mastaba is a temporary, floating sculpture consisting of 7,506 barrels, stacked horizontally on a floating platform. Situated on The Serpentine Lake in London’s Hyde Park, the work is the largest public work by Christo ever presented in the UK, and can be experienced in virtual reality and 360° video through the Acute Art app, or with a VR headset through Steam and HTC Viveport.

倫敦Mastaba是一個臨時浮動雕塑,由7,506桶組成,水平堆放在浮動平台上。該作品位於倫敦海德公園的蛇形湖上,是英國有史以來最大的Christo公共作品,可以通過Acute Art應用程序體驗虛擬現實和360°視頻,也可以通過Steam和VR耳機體驗HTC Viveport。

The London Mastaba stands at 20 metres in height, with blue, mauve and red barrels forming slanted walls that rise from a platform measuring 30 x 40 metres. Acute Art allows viewers to soar above it in virtual space at a height of 30 metres, revealing the work at different times of the day, from sunrise to sunset. Viewers can also explore the surrounding park, walk across The Serpentine Lake, and even climb to the top of Christo’s work.

倫敦Mastaba高20米,藍色,紫紅色和紅色桶形成傾斜的牆壁,從30 x 40米的平台上升起。 “急性藝術”允許觀眾在30米高的虛擬空間中翱翔,從日出到日落,在一天的不同時間展示作品。觀眾還可以探索周圍的公園,穿過蛇形湖,甚至爬到克里斯託的工作頂部。

Visitors to The Serpentine Galleries can experience Acute Art’s production through The Serpentine Mobile Tours, which offer visitors the opportunity to discover more about the accompanying exhibition, and encounter Christo’s work in a new way.


Designed to ensure no ecological damage is caused to the lake or its surroundings, The London Mastaba is a temporary installation, and will be removed and recycled after 23 September 2018.



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