Musée des Archives nationales 國家檔案館

The Musée des Archives Nationales, formerly known as the Musée de l’Histoire de France (French About this sound (help·info)), is a state museum of French history operated by the Archives Nationales. The museum features exhibitions drawn from the collections of the government archives and aims to provide document-based perspective on France’s history and the evolution of French society. It is housed in the Hôtel de Soubise in the Marais neighborhood in the 3rd arrondissement of Paris, France. It was first established under Napoleon III in 1867 with the direction of Léon de Laborde.

國家文物博物館(MuséedesArchives Nationales),前身為法國文化博物館(Muséedel’Histoire de France)(法語關於此聲音(幫助·信息)),是由國家檔案館(Archives Nationales)經營的法國歷史博物館。 該博物館展出了政府檔案館藏的展覽,旨在提供有關法國歷史和法國社會發展的基於文件的觀點。 酒店位於法國巴黎第三區Marais街區的HôteldeSoubise酒店內。 它最初是在拿破崙三世於1867年根據LéondeLaborde的指導建立的。

The Hôtel de Soubise was first built in 1371 as the Hôtel de Clisson and later acquired by the Ducs de Guise. In 1705, it was rebuilt by architect Pierre-Alexis Delamair (1676–1745) for François de Rohan-Soubise and Anne-de Rohan Chabot, with little remaining of the original structure but its turreted medieval gateway which is now the only surviving remnant of Parisian private architecture from the 14th century (see image). The adjoining Hôtel de Rohan was built at the same time. In 1808 both buildings were acquired by the state, after which Napoleon designated the Hôtel de Soubise for the Empire Archives and the Hôtel de Rohan as the National Printing House (which so remained until 1927).

Léon de Laborde, an archeologist and prolific author documenting artists, museum collections, and French history, served as the General Director of the Empire Archives from March 1857 to April 1868. He was chiefly responsible for setting up the museum relating to the archive collections. The museum officially opened on July 19, 1867 after de Laborde spent years collecting and selecting documents, then developing a classification and numbering system.

HôteldeSoubise酒店最初建於1371年,當時是HôteldeClisson酒店,後來被Ducs de Guise收購。 1705年,由建築師Pierre-Alexis Delamair(1676-1745)為FrançoisdeRohan-Soubise和Anne-de Rohan Chabot重建,原始結構幾乎沒有剩餘,但它的塔樓中世紀門戶現在是唯一倖存的遺跡巴黎私人建築,起源於14世紀(見圖)。毗鄰的HôteldeRohan酒店同時建造。 1808年,這兩座建築物被國家收購,之後拿破崙將帝國檔案館的HôteldeSoubise和國家印刷館命名為HôteldeRohan(直至1927年)。

LéondeLaborde是一位考古學家和多產作家,記錄了藝術家,博物館藏品和法國歷史,於1857年3月至1868年4月擔任帝國檔案館總監。他主要負責建立與檔案館藏有關的博物館。該博物館於1867年7月19日正式開放,此前de Laborde花了數年時間收集和選擇文件,然後開發分類和編號系統。

Architecture and decor
The Hôtels de Soubise and de Rohan have exterior architecture in the Baroque style, with rooms throughout in the Rococo style, including the Chambre du prince, Salon ovale du prince, Chambre d’apparat de la princesse, an amusing Cabinet des singes (Monkey Cabinet), and the fine Salon ovale de la princesse with featuring gilt and crystal decor and ceiling frescoes by François Boucher, Charles-Joseph Natoire, and Carle Van Loo (see image). Many of the rooms were carefully restored in the early 1900s.

HôtelsdeSoubise和de Rohan酒店擁有巴洛克風格的外觀建築,設有洛可可風格的客房,包括Chambre du prince,Salon ovale du prince,Chambre d’apparat de la princesse,一個有趣的Cabinet des singes(Monkey Cabinet) )以及由FrançoisBoucher,Charles-Joseph Natoire和Carle Van Loo設計的鍍金和水晶裝飾以及天花板壁畫的精美Salon ovale de la princesse沙龍(見圖)。 許多客房在20世紀初經過精心修復。


FROM:Musée des Archives Nationales

FROM:Le secret de l’Etat aux Archives nationales

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