Giant Flashlight 巨型手電筒

University of Nevada, Las Vegas plays host to a giant flashlight! Erected March 11th, 1981, the flashlight is black in color, thirty eight feet tall, tee feet in diameter, and weighs in at 74,000 pounds! It is made of twenty four black steel fins painted with polyurethane enamel. Each fin is welded at fifteen degree intervals. Shockingly for Vegas, there is no giant beam of light emitting from the steel flashlight, as it’s pointing down into the ground. At night, however, a circle of light can be seen around the lens of the flashlight, imitating a real flashlight turned upside down. The circle of light is made by 24 fluorescent tubes buried in a well and covered with frosted plastic.

拉斯維加斯內華達大學主持一個巨大的手電筒! 1981年3月11日豎立的手電筒是黑色的,高38英尺,直徑3英尺,重74,000磅!它由二十四個塗有聚氨酯琺瑯的黑色鋼翅片製成。每個翅片以15度的間隔焊接。令人震驚的是,對於拉斯維加斯來說,沒有巨大的光束從鋼製手電筒發出,因為它指向地面。然而,到了晚上,在手電筒的鏡頭周圍可以看到一圈光線,模仿真實的手電筒倒置。光圈由埋在井中的24根熒光燈管製成,並用磨砂塑料覆蓋。


The Flashlight on the college campus is a product of Claes Oldenburg and Coosje van Bruggen, two artists who are well known for making giant sized sculptures of common everyday objects. Examples of other such sculptures include giant shuttle cocks in Kansas City and a giant safety pin in San Francisco.

大學校園裡的手電筒是Claes Oldenburg和Coosje van Bruggen的產物,兩位藝術家以製作日常物品的巨型雕塑而聞名。其他此類雕塑的例子包括堪薩斯城的巨型穿梭公雞和舊金山的巨型安全別針。

Oldenburg decided on the flashlight because of the sculpture’s location near a theater and concert hall. The flashlight is a tool used by ushers to help the audience to their seats. Oldenburg also felt that Las Vegas was a “beacon of light in the desert” and thus a flashlight “seemed to be the proper symbol”. His wife, Van Bruggen, however, thought having the flashlight turned up and thus having light shining up into the sky was “cliched and reminiscent of authoritarian spectacle” and thus the flashlight was instead turned around with its lens facing into the ground. Urban legend around campus, of course, states that nearby McCarran Airport objected to the flashlight beaming up into the sky and that this is the reason why it was turned upside down, but this is incorrect.

奧爾登堡決定使用手電筒,因為雕塑位於劇院和音樂廳附近。手電筒是引導員用來幫助觀眾坐下來的工具。奧爾登堡還認為拉斯維加斯是“沙漠中的光明燈塔”,因此手電筒“似乎是正確的象徵”。然而,他的妻子範·布魯根(Van Bruggen)認為手電筒已經亮起,因此光線照射到天空中是“陳詞濫調,讓人聯想到專制的眼鏡”,因此手電筒反而轉向,鏡頭朝向地面。當然,校園周圍的城市傳說說明附近的麥卡倫機場反對手電筒向天空照射,這就是它倒置的原因,但這是不正確的。

Oldenburg was commissioned for the piece at UNLV by art professor Tom Holder. A North Haven, Connecticut foundry named Lippincott Inc built the giant black flashlight before having it driven to Las Vegas on a flat bed truck. According to the truck driver, he suffered from multiple CB calls on his radio while transporting the giant black object.

奧登堡受到藝術教授湯姆霍爾德在UNLV的委託。一家名為Lippincott Inc的康涅狄格州North Haven建造了一個巨大的黑色手電筒,然後乘坐平闆卡車前往拉斯維加斯。根據卡車司機的說法,他在運送巨型黑色物體時,在收音機上遭受了多次CB呼叫。

It can be found between the Artemus W. Ham Concert Hall and the Judy Bayley Theatre. Enter the campus on Cottage Grove Avenue and make the first left. You will see the Giant Flashlight ahead of you atop some stairs.

它可以在Artemus W. Ham音樂廳和Judy Bayley劇院之間找到。進入Cottage Grove Avenue的校園,然後在第一個路口左轉。你會在樓梯前面看到巨型手電筒。



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